Drake POV

Once I see her breathing slow down showing that she was asleep, I put on my cloak and took out my list.
Harley Jones
Bailey Cartesian
Jack Rosten
Daniel Bremen
De’ Shawn Newton
    I see the first five names and go out and get ready for my souls. When I am finished I go back to my apartment and see Alilhia still asleep. I still can't believe that it's possible for me to have a mate let alone that mate being an angel, I don't even think she knows what she is or otherwise she wouldn't be hanging around me so freely. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's 3:30. That reminds me of yesterday when she felt me in her room, well saw me in her room after I got closer to her and she ran out and looked like she was about to pass out. I go to my room and get undressed to my boxers and crawled in bed. I am in bed for about two minutes when I hear a scream that pains me to no end and I fall out of bed and I hear Alilhia moving around my living room. I get up ignoring the pain in my head. When I get in the living room I see her in a corner crying.
” Alilhia, what's wrong why are you crying” I ask in a soft voice and walk over to her. When I am within reach she lunges for me and holds on for dear life. I am stunned at first but i put my arms around her.
     “ I have nightmares of a man in  a cloak, well I guess you could say that I see death in my nightmares, it's like I'm in the room or area as he takes their souls after causing their death. I know that's crazy but I can do a lot of other crazy things but I sh-should go home now” she says still crying in my arms. I pull her tighter to me now knowing that she for a fact is my mate cause she see what I do to people on my list.
     “ No stay here it's after three in the morning and I'll keep you safe” I say picking her up and carrying her to my room. The bad part about her being my soulmate is the only way for the nightmares to go away is to me in my presents. I lay her down and then lay beside her.
     I hear her grunting and moving her legs” what's wrong” I ask her. She looks down at her feet and I see she is trying to take her shoes off. I get off the bed and take her shoes off and put them on the floor by my shoes. I get back in bed and pull Alilhia closer than under the blankets. She snuggles up to my chest, I smile knowing that she is going to flip out when she wakes up in a little while for school.
      A few hours later I feel something moving on my chest an look down to see Alilhia rubbing her head against my chest. I smile and put my hand on her back to wake her up faster. She rises up quickly and looks at her surroundings and then stops when she see me without a shirt on.
       “ Oh my god, Drake d-did i-i-i have a n-nightmare last night” she asked looking so embarrassed.
        I sit up and look at her ” yes and no you're not crazy some people are gifted as others are not, and I understand you see you gift as a curse” I say in a calming voice.
       She looks up at me “ how did you get me back to sleep, I usually never can go back to sleep after I have one of m-my dreams” she asks me.
       “ I just held you, then carried you back in here to my bed lied you down and you snuggled up to me and feel back to sleep, that all that happened” I turning my head and feeling the pain in my head from her scream. I go to get up when I feel her hand grab my arm and pull me closer to her. She puts her hand up under my ear on my ear drum that got busted, that would take a day or two to stop hurting while healing, I hear her say” heal what I have done” and the pain in my ear goes away and I feel my eardrum healing. When she finishes my right ear she climbs on my lap and turns my head and does the same to the other ear. When she is done she looks at how we are and that's when I noticed that she was directly on top of my buddy that is sensitive when I first wake up. She gently moves and I feel the movement and try to control myself. She quickly gets off once she noticed what she was doing to me.
       ” I am sorry I was only trying to help your pain that I caused” she says with rosy cheeks. I smile and brush her cheek with my hand.
    ” I know thank you, we should get out of bed and head to school” I say to her fighting the temptation to kiss her forehead. She looks at me as if fighting with herself on something. “ What are you thinking about” I ask and then she look like she made her mind up and leans toward me and kisses behind both my ears and the kiss sends sparks and tingles all the way down my body” let there never be pain cause by me here or here ever again” I hear her as she kisses them again “ Alilhia if you don't stop I don't think I'll be able to control myself any longer” I say groaning as I speak. She stops and looks at me and kisses my forehead while saying” I know, I only want to protect you” she says in a small voice. I pull her on my lap into a hug that she returns” Alilhia it's my job to protect you from your nightmares not you protect me from your screams” I say in her ear. We sit like that until her phone goes off. She gets up and goes to her phone. I get up and check mine seeing that it's only 6:39.  She  goes to my bathroom. Ten minutes later she comes out and her hair is wet and down, and her eyes looked like blue crystals that draw me in and capture my soul.“ Hey Drake I'm heading towards school see you at gym, can we okay basketball today” she asks shyly. I nod my head and watch her leave my room. She is definitely my soulmate.
       By the end of the day I can't get her off my mind, usually a girl will be on my mind for like two minutes but I just can't get her off. I am brought out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I look down seeing that it is Steven aka Satan.
“ Hello”
“ So you did do your list last night and had it done by 3:33,you know you take all my fun away”
“ Yeah and I have a class what do you want”
“ I want you to claim what is yours and make her queen, I am so close to giving up on you”
“ Look I found her and have to ease into it not be like hey I am death prince of hell, you are an angel that will be the balance to my chaos and also my soulmate, she doesn't even know what she is, so hold your shit and good bye my class is here and she is in it” I end the conversation with that and go into the gym and see her looking around as if she's looking  me. I decided to be mean and read her thoughts
I hope he doesn't think that in weird for what I did. Then this morning I wanted to so much to him that would be so dirty that it put the dirt in dirty, oh my god I need to stop these thoughts, where is he I really want to see him and see if he really has us play basketball.
      Well to say that I was horny is an understatement. I walk in the gym the rest of the way so my class can see me, I scan the students seeing that everyone is here and I see Alilhia blush from her dirty thoughts that are now invading my mind of all clean and normal thoughts. I tell them to run four laps and then we are going to do some basketball. By the end of class between my and Alilhias thoughts , have cleaned up but she still has them to the point  I am tempted to call off practice and do all she wants to do plus my extras. When practice is over I see Shaw and Jay run over to her and pick her up. She lets out a giggle that makes me smile and slightly jealous.
       ” Boys put your sister down and hit the showers” I yell at them. They put her down and laugh at something that she says.
         She walks over to me “ Hey coach can I make you dinner tonight at your house, you know to make up for what you did for me last night”  she says looking at me. I nod and we walk to the parking lot. I see her walk up to an older mustang. She waves as she pulled out of the lot.
     When I get to the apartment I see her by my door “ took you long enough Drake” she says in a voice that just makes me want to fuck her in the hall not caring who sees.
      I walk up to the door” well maybe next time keep clean thoughts of me in your head in class” I say smirking when I see her cheeks go pink from embarrassment.
       “ How did you know I had dirty thoughts of you during class today” she asks.
         “ all the girls have them but you have a look in your eyes when you do plus every time you looked at me you were blushing” I say with a chuckle. We walk into my apartment and go in the living room. She looks at her phone and then heads to the kitchen.
       “ Choa- I mean Drake um, we need to go shopping, you don't have any food in your fridge” I hear her say from the kitchen. She comes back in the living room and walks towards the front door.
        “ Alilhia where are you going” I ask her.
       She turns to me “ the store to get some groceries so I can make you dinner” she says with smile. I grab my keys and follow her down to the parking lot.
    “ Um you take your car and I'll take mine” I say to her. She nods and goes to her car. Once we arrive at the store she walks in and grabs a basket and I follow her.
        Thirty minutes later we are in the seasoning area “ are you allergic to any seasoning” she asks me. I shake my head and she picks some seasoning that I've never even heard of before. Once she is done we head to the checkout line. When we get to the register I see that the total is $125.48 I pull out my wallet only to see that she already payed for it. She walks to my car and waits for me.
        “ Here you go I will see you back at your apartment” she says walking back to her car. Once I am back to my apartment and all the stuff is put away she makes me sit in the living room and watch television. About an hour later she is putting food in the dining room.
        ” Drake dinners done” I hear her call to me. I get up and turned the televisions off and walk to the dining room. When I look at the table I see baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn then for a drink I had a beer and she had a glass of Dr. pepper .
        “ This looks good Alilhia” I say to her and take my seat right across from her. She nods her head and waits to eat. Once I realize she wants me to take the first bite. When I do she starts eating. The food was good, the chicken was juicy, the mashed potatoes melted in my mouth and the corn was seasoned just right and the beer was like the icing on the cake.
        “ Thank you Alilhia that was definitely the best meal I've ever had” I say with a smile on my face, as I think about all the times in the future that she'll be cooking for me.
         ” No problem Drake, I'm glad you like it” she says taking my plate and going to the kitchen and cleaning them. When she is done she walks over to me and gives me a hug. At first it shocks me them I hug her back.
       “ Sorry i know that I shouldn't have done that but you've done so much for me and I just don't know how to thank you” she says to me pulling out of the hug.
         I look at her and kiss her forehead
” you've done more than enough for me” I say to her. After a few hours of us just talking and watching television there is a knock on the door. I see Alilhia I get up and run to hide as I get up and see who it is through the peephole. It is her brother Shaw, I pull away from the door and take my shirt off and throw it to the side and open the door.
       “ hey Shaw what can I do for you” I ask being friendly.
         “ Drake stay away from Alilhia do you hear me, she doesn't need to know that she is an angel let alone the angel of life, i mean it” he says to me in angelic. I walk towards him and get in his face” you don't tell me what to do and I will do what I want when I want do I make myself clear, plus you interrupted me in the middle of something I would like to get back to” I say in english. “ Drake are you coming back to bed, who's at the door anyway and why did you answer it”  I hear Alilhia say in a voice that was sexy and didn't sound like her. “ Yeah babe I'll be right back, and one of my players, and I thought it was a friend of mine that's supposed to be coming here shortly” I yell back to her. I turn to see Shaw with an embarrassed look on his face.” I'm sorry, but I meant what I said stay away from Alilhia” he says before walking away. I walk back in and try to find my shirt but I can't find it. “ Alilhia have you seen my shirt that I thrown” I ask as I walk towards the living room. When I get to the living room I see Alilhia in my shirt laying down on my couch, when I don't see her move, I walked closer to her and saw that she was asleep. I pick her up and take her back to my bed and lay her down in it. I look and see that it is time for me to get my souls. I get my new list out and look at the first five names once again.
Tony Dell
Holten Elderson
Jessie Rollers
The first three are all boys which mean all boys tonight. When I get to Holten Elderson I end up at an antique shop. When I enter I see a older women behind the counter and I get the feeling that she is Holtens wife. I walk around till I see an older man in coveralls and combat boots. “ HOLTEN ELDERSON YOUR SOUL IS NOW MINE”  I say in my demonic voice. He turns to me and fear is all over his face “ no please I'll do anything” he says as he starts to shake. I shake my head at him and walk towards him. “ No, you have sinned for the last time in your life” I say as I bring my scythe down on him hitting him in the heart causing him to have to go into cardiac arrest. Twenty minutes later I have his soul and move on to the next soul. Once I am done I leave one for Steven so he doesn't complain about it again. When I get into my apartment I hear struggling from my room. I take off running to my room, when I get in there I see one of my enemy demons attacking Alilhia. I rush to the demon and pull him off of her and fling him into the wall. I turn to Alilhia and make her get up “ Alilhia I need you to go outside and hide, don't go home okay just stay outside” I say in a calm voice. She nods and walks out. I turn to the demon” what the fuck are you doing here” I ask him getting in my fighting stance. He lets out a chuckle “ I'm here for her if she stays alive and becomes queen of death then heaven and hell will fall “ he says lunging for me. I dodge him and hit him in the head in a pressure point that only demons have. Once he gets to move again he can't, I walk to him and snap his neck.” She is mine and you will not have her brother so keep your hounds in place” I say walking out of my room to go find Alilhia.

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