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I woke up to my grandfather shaking me awake, "it's time to get ready for school" he whispers while shaking me gently.  "Sorry, I'm getting up" I get up and go into the bathroom attached to my bedroom, and lift up the small black carpet to uncover the small broken floor board, I lift iit up and grab the hidden box,  I open it to find my binder, and a pair or boxers.

I smile and take off my shirt with out looking down at my body, I quickly slip them on and put on my, my chemical romance t shirt, and a black oversized sweater, with black skinny jeans cand red converse. I brush my hair its not to long and Which I'm happy about it was just below my chin In Leith. I was ready for school once again, I go down stairs and grab my backpack and leave my house after shouting bye to my grandfather.

When I arrived at my school I saw a infformiliour face, he had big green eyes, a big smile and, short brown hair. 
To be honest he looked super cute, I wanted to talk to him but I decided not to, he would probably hate me anyways, so I just passed by him and went straight to my locker. Another boring morning to most likely lead to another boring day.

The bell rings, I rush to my class with my books in my hands. I sit down at the desk assigned to me, that boy from earlier sat down beside me and i mentally freaked out, i normally sit alone, I've never sat next to someone, my thoughts were interrupted when I heard him speak.

"Hi I'm Eren, Eren Yeager" he spoke. "H-hi" I stuttered.
"Don't you have a name?" He replied.
"A-Armin" I replied stuttering again.
"That's a nice name" right after he said that our class teacher Mr.Smith walks in and the room goes silent, "thank you class, now we will begin today's lesson" he said.

After class I rush down to my locker to grab my lunch money and my book, I put my school books away and grab out my novel, and my lunch money. I sign out and walk down to the nearest fast food place there is, Harvey's I go in and order a burger with pickles, tomatoes, relish, ketchup, and lettuce. I know it's boring but that's how I like it, I also get and iced water and get it to go.

I get back to the school a while later and eat there in the cafeteria, I hate it In here half the time I get kicked out and have to eat in the bathroom... the girls bathroom. I never use the bath room at school for that reason. Unless I have to and even then I try not to... but it's hard sometimes, i get pushed in there a lot. I came out to my 'friends' or the people I called my friends, and they told the whole school now I get bullied everyday, I'm surprised I didn't today. I sat down at a table, it was empty, thank freckled Jesus, and ate my food.

After a few classes the school day was over, and I had to go home. I grab all my things and get out of the building as quick as I could. Once I got outside I slowed down to a walk, I walked until I reached the school gates. I looked around, "no bullies?" I say to myself.
I stared walking home, it was the first day in a long time where i wasn't harmed by any bullies, I felt good about that.

When I got home I zoomed up to my room, and rushed over to the bath room. I took off all my clothes and put my binder and underwear back into the bock under my broken floor board, and run back over to my dresser and grab a bra, a new pair of underwear, a small pair of shorts, and a dress. I put it all on, and walk downstairs like I had left the house like this, and I fucking hated it. I hadn't came out to my grandfather yet, and I don't think I will. He would probably abuse me or something, "how was you day Armin?" he asked.
"Good" I guess I wasn't lying when I said that, apart from the few transphobic slurs I didn't get bullied today. "Great!" He said. "Well dinners in the oven when you want it it's ready" he said before looking back at the tv.
"I'm gonna go out I'll see you later" I said just before I left the house. I hate leaving the house dressed like this but I was going to see mikasa and I wasn't out to her, she doesn't go to my school, she also has a brother I don't know, but I'm going to come out tonher today!

(Thanks for reading the firs chapter, it's crappy I know but I hope you liked it (: !)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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