Finally Back

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Domino City, finally! I get to see my brothers again after a whole year. Sure, Egypt was fun, but I missed Seto, my twin brother and Mokuba, my little brother. The plane finally reached Domino Airport and I got off the plane. I grabbed my bags then looked around for Seto and Mokuba. Did they get caught in traffic or something? Seto is never late!
"Sera!" I heard. I turned and saw...Seto! I grinned and ran over before jumping into his arms. He caught me and hugged me tightly to him.
"Seto, I've miss you so much," I said as tears came to my eyes.
"I know, I've missed you too," he told me. He pulled apart and he set me down. I wiped my tears away
"Dammit, you're still taller than me. Shrink already!" I told him. He chuckled at me. He was six feet tall and I was five feet three inches. He grabbed two of my suit cases while I grabbed the other and my purse. "So, where's Mokuba?" I asked him. We packed my stuff in the car.
"He was hanging out with a friend. Knowing you, you would like to surprise him," he smirked. We got into the car and I giggled.
"You know so well, brother," I said to him.
"You're my twin. I have no choice," he still smirked. I rolled my eyes, still wearing a smile.
"Shut up, Twiny," I said to him.
"So, how was the expedition?" He asked me.
"It was amazing. Oh, and Kendra and I got to pick one piece out that we wanted to keep," I said. I then showed him my golden necklace that held an icy blue crystal. "From what I've read, it's called the Millennium crystal and the Queen of Egypt wore it five thousand years ago," I informed him. He gently picked up the necklace piece
"It doesn't look like much," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes.
"It would be worth trillions considering it belonged to the Queen. It doesn't have to look like much, but I like it. I think simple is better," I told him. He chuckled and nodded. We finally reached our place. Seto helped get my stuff to my room. After I was done unpacking, we went to his office knowing Mokuba always stops here first. I was leaning against Seto's desk looking at my dueling deck when I heard the door open. I quickly hid behind Seto who rolled his eyes but kept his amused smirk.
"Big brother, I'm home," I heard Mokuba say.
"Welcome home, little brother...I have a surprise for you," Seto told him.
"What is it, Seto?" Mokuba asked curious. Seto looked over his shoulder and nodded at me. I stepped out and smiled at my little brother. He stood there shocked. I chuckled.
"Well, don't I get a hug?" I asked. Mokuba grinned and ran over to me, jumping into my arms. I caught him and hugged him.
"I missed you, big sister," he whimpered.
"I missed you too, Mokie," I said to him. I pulled back and kissed his head. I wiped his tears away then. I looked him over. "What happened to little Mokie? Before you know it, I'm going to the tiny one," I whined. Mokuba laughed as Seto chuckled. I pouted. "It's not funny."
"Actually, it is, shrimp," Seto smirked. I gasped mockingly.
"I'm not a shrimp! Mokie's the shrimp!" I pointed to my little brother.
"I'll be taller than you soon. So, ha!" Mokuba stuck his tongue out at me.
"You might lose that tongue if you keep it out too long," I teased. His tongue went back in his mouth then. After a little bit, I went to my room to freshen up. I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I called. Mokuba ran in.
"Sera, hurry, you have to stop him!" He started freaking out. I bent down to his level.
"Mokie, calm down. What is going on?" I asked him worried.
"It's Seto, he's leaving!" He told me. My eyes widened and I ran out of my room. I found Seto walking out. I ran over and grabbed his hand.
"Seto, don't go!" I pleaded. "I finally get to see you have a whole year and leave. How is that fair?" I asked him.
"Nothing's ever fair, Sera. I just...I just need to find out who I really am," he said to me. I frowned.
"I know who you are. You're Seto Kaiba, you run Kaiba Corp., you're a genius, and you're the big brother of Sera and Mokuba Kaiba. What else is there to know?" I asked him feeling tears. He looked at me with a small smile. It's only me and Mokuba he ever smiles at.
"The last duel I had...I felt like something was ripped out of me. I have to find a piece to fill that hole. And I feel like I won't be able to find that piece here," he said to me.
"Seto, please. What about me and Mokuba?" I asked him as a tear slid down. He caught it and wiped it away before pulling me into his arms.
"I will be back, I promise. I know you and Mokuba can take care of yourselves as well as each other," he said to me. He pulled back and kissed my forehead. "I love you, sis," he said before walking away.
"I love you too, bro," I whispered. I fell to my knees and Mokuba ran out.
"Is he...?" He tried to ask. I nodded saying he was gone. Mokuba then hugged me and I hugged him closer as we both cried. I just come back and we lose our big brother. Mokuba and I went back inside and sat in my room. Mokuba eventually fell asleep. I heard a knock at my door. I gently unwrap Mokuba from me and go to answer the door. There I saw Roland.
"Miss, there was a package left for you," he told me handing me the package. I gave a small smile.
"Thank you, Roland. Good night," I said to him. He returned it and left. I closed the door and opened the box. There was packed a glove and two star chips...odd? I found the sender tag...Industrial Illusions? Why would Pegasus send me this? I read the letter, apparently I've been invited to a dueling tournament.
"Big sister...what is it?" I heard a sleepy Mokuba asked. I walked up to him and sat beside him. I started petting his head.
"Nothing, Mokie. Just go back to sleep, buddy," I said softly to him. I kissed his head.
"Night, Seri, love you," he said to me sleepily. I smiled a little at my old nickname.
"I love you too." With that, he fell asleep completely. I sighed. I just get back and now I might have to leave for a tournament. I'll leave it up to Mokuba. If he wants me to stay then I will, if he wants me to enter then I will. I then fell asleep beside Mokuba who curled into my side. The next morning I woke up and didn't find Mokuba beside me. I looked around and saw him holding the red glove I received last night.
"You got asked to be in a tournament?" He asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah...I'm not sure I'm gonna go," I told him.
"What? Why not?!" He asked shocked.
"Well, we already lost Seto...we're all each other has right now. If I go to this tournament then you'll be alone," I told him.
"So? You'll come back after the tournament. You're a great dueler, Seri! You're just as good as Seto. Please, go for it. I'll be here cheering you on!" Mokuba smiled at me. I stood there shocked. I then smiled and drew my little brother closer.
"Okay, I'll go for you. I'll make you and Seto proud," I said to him. He grinned and nodded at me. I looked at the invite, I don't have to leave until tomorrow.
"Big sister, can I see your cards?" He asked me. I nodded. He always loved looking at my cards. He thought they were cool since they were Dark Magician monsters. He then picked up my ultimately rare card, the Rainbow Dragon. "I always loved this card," he said to me. I smiled at him.
" about, if I ever stop dueling...I'll give you my deck," I said to him. He was shocked.
"Y-you would do that?" He asked me. I chuckled.
"I can't have them collect dust! Besides, I know you would take great care of my cards. These cards are a part of me. And just as I protect you, these cards will too," I told him. He hugged me.
"I love you, big sister," he said to me. I hugged him back.
"Just as I love you, little brother," I told him. Mokuba then helped me pack some things for the trip. Just two extra sets of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, and perfume. I looked at the locket I wore around my neck. The pictures were of me and my brothers. The next day rolled up and I had to leave. I kissed Mokuba on the forehead. "I'll be back soon. Stay safe, Mokie," I said to him. He nodded at me.
"Love you, big sister. Be careful," he told me. I smirked.
"When am I not? Love you too, little brother," I ruffled his hair before I walked off. I will make my brothers proud. I decided to walk since it wasn't that far. When I thought I was close...I got lost. "Ugh, just what I needed!" I said frustrated.
"Hey!" I heard. I turned and saw a boy a couple inches shorter than me and the same age as me. He had spikey black, purple, and yellow hair. Usually hair like that is odd...but it suited him. He also had big purple eyes, thought they looked nice and....he was wearing the Millennium Puzzle! He walked up with a kind smile. "Are you looking for the pier?" He asked me. I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck while chuckling sheepishly.
"Yeah...I got lost," I told him.
"Follow me, I know where it is," he said kindly. I smiled at him.
"Thanks. I'm Sera by the way," I said to him. We shook hands.
"I'm Yugi. Yugi Moto," he said to me. Oh, this is the Yugi that beat my brother! Well, from what Mokuba told me, he used Exodia to take down the Blue Eyes White Dragon.
"It's nice to meet you," I told him. He nodded.
"You too," he said as we walked. We then made it to the boat area.
"Hallelujah! My legs couldn't take it anymore," I sighed relieved. Yugi laughed a little bit. He then saw my necklace.
"Hey, that's a cool necklace. I've never seen anything like it," he told me. I looked at it.
"Oh yeah. I got it when I was Egypt this past year. From what I learned, it's called the Millennium Crystal and it belonged to the Queen of Egypt," I informed him. He seemed fascinated by it. "I also see you have the Millennium Puzzle, pretty cool," I said to him.
"Oh yeah. My grandfather got it for me when he was in Egypt. I put it together and well...hehe, here it is," he told me. "What's it like in Egypt?" He asked me.
"It's warm during the day, but very cold at night. You wouldn't believe how many times my friend and I had to sleep in the same bed just to share body warmth. I thought I was turning into an ice cube!" I exaggerated.
"Why were in Egypt anyways?" He asked curious.
"Well...I plan to be an Egyptian archaeologist. The past year I was there was pretty much like an internship to help me gain experience," I explained. He smiled.
"How many things did you find?" He asked.
"A lot! Most of it belonged to the Pharaoh and his Queen. Some were just things that once belonged to the royal family," I answered. He nodded.
"That sounds pretty cool. I wish I could have been there to see some of the things you found," he said to me. I smiled at him.
"Maybe after this tournament, we can go to my house and I can show you pictures. I made sure to take pictures of everything I found," I told him. He grinned.
"Thanks! I'd like that, Sera," he said to me. I nodded and we both then looked around.
"There sure are a lot of duelists here," I stated.
"Nearly everyone is a duelist. Didn't you duel in Egypt?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, with my friend Kendra. Of course, I was mostly teaching her how to play the game. Other than that...I mostly just played with my brothers before I left," I answered.
"So, you've never been to a tournament?" He asked.
"Nope. Honestly, I never really saw the point. Right now...I'm doing this to make my brothers proud...and maybe bring my elder brother home," I said sadly remembering what happened a couple days ago.
"So, Pegasus took your brother?" He frowned. I looked at him confused.
"No. My brother left a couple days ago saying he had to find himself...whatever that means," I sighed. "What did you mean by Pegasus taking my brother?" I asked him. He frowned and looked down.
"Not too long ago, I dueled against Pegasus. I lost and he took my grandfather's soul. I'm going to this tournament to bring him back," he told me. I frowned and placed a hand on Yugi's shoulder.
"I'll help you bring him home, Yugi. I promise," I said to him. He was shocked.
"What? Why do you want to help me?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't that what friends do? Help each other even in the hard and darkest of situations?" I asked him. He looked stunned then he smiled at me. He nodded at me.
"Thanks, Sera. It means a lot. I'll also help you bring your brother home," he told me. I frowned a little.
"That might be harder than you think. You beat him in a duel which caused him to feel like a part of him went missing," I stated. He looked confused. I sighed and took out my locket. I opened it and showed him the picture. "My brother is Seto twin be exact," I sighed. I closed the locket and tucked it away. "Okay, go ahead, say you hate me. I'll deal with it," I crossed my arms calmly waiting for the words to come out as I kept my eyes closed.
"Why would I hate you?" I heard him asked. I opened my eyes shocked.
"Y-you don't hate me. But...a lot of people hate my family because of our step-father," I said to him. He shrugged.
"I never knew your father. Besides, why would I judge you because of who you're related too? From the way we've been talking, I would say you're a good person. I mean, you just offered to help me save my grandpa and you've just met me. That says a lot about who you are, Sera," he told me. I was stunned. I then smiled at him.
"Thank you, Yugi. That really means a lot," I told him. He nodded with a smile. It was then we saw members of the staff.
"Attention all duelists. Welcome to this event sponsored by Industrial Illusions. You received with your invitation, the star chips that will grant you entry into the contest. You are all elite, invited by us after close observation of your past Duel Monsters contests. You each have a fair and equal chance to win. It all comes down to how well you've chosen your cards and how well you play. Now then duelists, cross the ocean and enter the Duelist Kingdom," Lackey one told us.
"Present your star chips as you board the vessel," Lackey two said. Everyone start boarding showing their star chips. At least until...
"Hey you, get out of here. Only official contestants are allowed on board," Lackey three told him.
"How do you know I'm not official?" The guy asked. He had sandy blond hair and was wearing a green jacket. He also had a Brooklynn accent.
"Because the official duelists aren't trying to sneak on board through the lower hatches," the same guy retorted.
"Joey? What the...?" I heard Yugi said. I raised an eyebrow.
"He a friend of yours?" I asked him. He nodded at me. We both ran forward. We saw some guys trying to pull Joey away from the ship.
"Leave him alone!" Yugi demanded.
"Hey, Yugi," Joey greeted.
"What are you doing here, Joey?" Yugi asked.
"Hah, do you really think I'd let you do this on your own. C'mon, help me out," Joey said to his friend. I sighed.
"He's with us," I told the lackeys.
"Only people with star chips can get on board. There are no exceptions. Understand?" The lackey asked me. I rolled my eyes and sneakily took a star chip off my glove.
"But he has one. Right here, see? He just forgot to bring it so I grabbed it for him," I lied. I hand the chip to Joey who was surprised. "According the card, a star chip is proof that one is a duelist," I stated.
"That may be, but all participants are given two star chips. You'll be at a disadvantage," he told me. I shrugged.
"Maybe, but I would rather take that risk then have me and Yugi be without our friend when we get to Duelist Kingdom," I crossed my arms.
"Sera..."I heard Yugi say in shock. The lackeys called Pegasus and Joey was allowed to stay. Joey looked at me.
"Hey...thanks for helping me out back there. Why did you do that? You don't even know me," he said to me. I smiled at him.
"Because you're a friend of Yugi's. Any friend of his is a friend of mine. Besides, I think it's unfair to discriminate others like that," I said to him. He nodded.
"Thanks. I'm Joey Wheeler by the way," he said to me.
"I'm Sera, nice to meet you," I said to him. I gave a look to Yugi that said 'don't tell him I'm a Kaiba'. He nodded at me with a reassuring smile. We all leaned on the railing of the boat.
"I'm glad they let you on board, Joey," Yugi smiled.
"They only let me on board because Sera sacrificed one of her star chips for me," he told his friend. Joey then looked at me. "But if any of the other duelists find out about this, they could try to take advantage of us," he told me. I nodded in agreement.
"Then we just have to be quiet about it," I smirked with a wink. He smiled at me and nodded. We carried on talking until a blond showed up.
"So you're the guy that beat Kaiba," I heard her say. I felt saddened hearing that and Yugi saw it. He sent me an apologetic look and I shook my head with a small smile. Joey looks at her and drools...ugh, boys!
"Hi, I'm Joey Wheeler and I'm best friend to the Master Duelist...." I rolled my eyes at him. Just because my brother was beaten doesn't mean that person is a Master Duelist. Seto will always be the Master Duelist to me.
"Look! You're either a champ or a chump. Cut these two loose by the looks of it, they both deserve to be crushed," the girl said before walking away. I glared at the girl.
"Please crush me," I heard Joey say. I looked at him then back at the girl.
"I'll crush you eventually. The names Mai," the blond told us. She walked away
"'I'll crush you eventually'," I mimicked and stuck my tongue out at her. "I outta crush her into a new lesson," I hissed.
"Come on, Sera. We're supposed to be having fun, remember? Cheer up," Yugi chuckled. I sighed then smiled.
"Alright, alright. I'm sorry," I apologized.
"Nothing to be sorry for. We better head inside," he said to us. I nodded with Joey and we walked in.

~A little note.... Some of you may have read this on Quotev. The original owner has handed the stories over to me, EmeraldFire on Quotev. So Please do not think I am stealing her stories.~

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