Seto vs Pegasus Part One

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"Alright! We made it to Pegasus' castle!" Joey said happily.
"Race ya there, Joey!" Tristen challenged.
"You're on!" Joey smirked. They took off and I looked at Yugi. He had a determined look that resembled Yami. Nothing is going to stop him from saving his grandpa. But that look...I almost thought he was Yami for a moment, but Yami is much handsomer...what the hell is wrong with me?! I'm mad at Yami, mad!
"Oh now. There's no way you brats won ten star chips each," I heard Kemo say.
"Oh boy," Tea mumbled.
"Get lost. This isn't some club house. It's a place reserved for the Dueling Elite," Kemo told us. Yugi, Joey, Mai, and I stepped forwards showing our dueling gloves with all ten star chips.
"I guess that means we'll fit right in," I smirked. With that Kemo shut up. I wish I had a camera right now...his surprised face was priceless!
"Would you mind telling housekeeping that I like my pillows extra fluffy?" Joey rubbed it in.
"You're a doll," Mai agreed.
"Thanks for letting us pass, Kemo," I said keeping my smirked as I walked with Yugi. Kemo looked beyond pissed off.
At last! We're finally at the castle!" Yugi said happily.
"No, no, no! You three don't even have dueling gloves," Kemo said to our friends. Tristen and Bakura tried to come up with excuse, but Tea had it covered.
"But you have to let us in. We're the cheerleaders," she smiled.
"Cheer what? What do you losers think this is? A high school football game?! No star chips, no entry, you got that you bunch of brats?!" Kemo asked. I growled.
"What would I give to punch that bastard? First Mokuba and now my friends....he is asking for it," I lowly growled. Yugi tried to calm down. Mai came up beside me and whispered an idea to me. I smirked and nodded. We walked up to Kemo. "You're saying you couldn't do us this one little favor?" I asked pouting a little as I placed a hand on his arm.
"Not ever for us?" Mai winks. Kemo blushes at us.
"A-a-absolutely not!" Kemo stuttered. Mai and I discretely winked at the others. "Pegasus gave me explicit instructions not to let anyone...." The others start sneaking in. "Huh? Hey!" He shouts. I then press a spot on the back of his neck knocking him out. We then ran in and shut the door.
"Where the heck did you learn that?!" Joey asked me. I shrugged.
"I'm a sixth degree black belt in karate," I said.
"Damn..." Tristen and Joey said surprised.
"There's no time to waste," Yugi told us running down the hall. We followed him.
"You heard the man, let's go!" Joey agreed. I'm coming Mokuba, just hang a little longer, buddy. We ran up the stairs to the balcony.
"Hey, isn't that...?" Yugi started.
"Bandit Keith. I can't stand that guy," Joey said. I nodded in agreement while glaring. Keith then turns to us.
"Well, what do ya know? If it isn't big tough Joey and his whole crew of dueling dummies," Keith smirked.
"You slime bucket. I've been waiting to find you ever since you left us trapped in that cave!" Joey said before he ran to go punch Keith, Keith kept dodging the attacks.
"Can't this little grudge of yours wait?" Keith asks grabbing Joey's fists.
"You wish creep!" Joey growled.
"Okay, suit yourself, but the real action is about to start," Keith then looked over the balcony.
"The real action?" Joey asked as we look. I looked down and saw Seto standing there.
"It's Kaiba," Yugi said standing beside me.
"Gee, why am I not surprised," I mumbled. Yugi grabbed my hand to comfort me.
"I hoped to get a crack at the old man myself, but you know they save the biggest match for last," Keith said. I rolled my eyes.
"Wait a minute, are you saying those two are going to duel?" Yugi asked.
"That is correct," We heard. We looked behind us to see an old man in a suit walking up. "Welcome, finalists. I'm Croquet, Chief Tournament Liaison. Congratulations on making it this far. Pegasus is quiet taken with all your dueling talents, in fact, he's so impressed he wanted to award you with some entertainment. A special exhibition match. I think you'll all be quite in awe of what you're about to see. This match will give you an idea of what's to be in store for all of you," Croquet said to us.
"So basically it's meant to intimidate us, huh?" I asked glaring. "Not surprising that he would try," I said.
"Why would Pegasus do something like that?" Croquet asked me.
"Because he's a grad-A nutcase," Joey said bluntly making Croquet chuckle.
"Enjoy the match," Croquet said before he left.
"This should be interesting," Yugi said. It's then we see Pegasus enter with two of his minions.
"Where's my brother?" Seto glared.
"What? No 'hello', no 'how are you?' I thought we were friends, Kaiba-Bow. Don't tell me my kidnapping Mokuba and seizing control of your company has put a rift between us," Pegasus said. I gripped the railing angrily. "It was nothing personal. Besides, it's not like I hurt your kid brother, he's perfectly safe. In fact, you can have him back if you like. Just beat me in a duel like we agreed and I'll hand him over. I mean, one little victory shouldn't be a problem for the Duel Monsters champ," Pegasus said. I then noticed his Millennium Eye flash.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm not hoping Kaiba loses this duel. I still say he's a first class jerk for everything he put us through, but I can't help but feel for him trying to get his kid brother back," Joey said. I frowned and looked down.
"As far as I'm concerned, anyone who stands up to Pegasus can't be all bad," Tristen said. We all agreed on that. I felt guilty and looked down. Yugi grabbed my hand knowing why I felt guilty.
"Come on, Kaiba. It's so gauche to leave us in suspense," Pegasus said looking at us. "Especially with an audience waiting in the wing," he added. Seto looks at us, he's surprised to see Yugi.
"Hey there, Kaiba," Yugi greeted.
"Yugi? How could you be here after I defeated you?" Seto asked. I waved.
"That would be my doing," I said. Seto looks at me and I see hurt in his eyes making me feel even more guilty. I know he sees it. 'I'm sorry,' I mouthed to him. He nodded at me showing I was forgiven.
"I hope you're ready, Kaiba. I've been looking forward to this for quite some time," Pegasus said.
"Good," Seto said as he opened his briefcase and takes out the Dueling Disk. He throws to Pegasus who catches it. "Then you'll have no problem dueling with this," my brother said. Pegasus looked for with dramatic confusion.
"You want to duel me with your latest contraption? But I don't even know how this silly device even works. Do I spin it like a top or roll is like a ball?" Pegasus rolled mine and Seto's device away. His little minions go after it.
"This is the guy who invented Duel Monsters?" I asked disbelievingly. They other's nodded but had looks that what I meant and agreed.
"Cut the theatrics!" Seto snapped.
"Oh. Kaiba means business. Okay then, how about we settle this like business men would. I'll agree to use your system if you agree to a request that I have," Pegasus said.
"What?" Seto asked cautiously.
"Nothing that will change the game of course. I just want somebody else to operate your little device for me," Pegasus said.
"I smell a rat!" Keith shouts.
"You and me both," I agreed. What are you up to, Pegasus?
"I assure you, I'll still make all the strategic decision the game play won't change at all," Pegasus said.
"So why the request? Why don't you fight your own battle for once in your life?" Seto snapped. Pegasus clapped his hands.
"Show Kaiba the lad who will play as my pawn and he will understand my request," Pegasus ordered. The doors open and I gasped...
"Mokuba!" Seto and I shouted. He didn't hear us was like he was a zombie. There were no sparks in his violet eyes.
"Something's not right," Yugi said.
"It's like he's been hypnotized," Tea said. The goons were treating Mokuba like he was a dog! Seto was shaking with rage, I was shaking in anger, worry, and fear.
"I apologize if he doesn't seem quite like himself, but I happen to find that the captives are far easier to manage after I've made an extraction of sorts," Pegasus explained.
"You monster!" Seto and I growled.
"Now, now, Kaiba-Boy and Girl. Petty insults aren't the way to get your brother's soul back," Pegasus held up a card with Mokuba on it. I felt tears coming and Joey wrapped an arm around my shoulder as Yugi keeps hold of my hand.
"What does Pegasus mean?" Mai asked.
"He must've done to Mokuba what he did to Yugi's grandpa," Tristen said.
"Someone, please tell me this is just a horrible nightmare," I begged. Joey gave me a gentle squeeze.
"I wish I could, Ser. I really do," he said softly.
"I told you your little brother was perfectly safe and he is, but how long he remains that way is up to you. Beat me in a duel and I'll release him as promised, but fail and not only will his soul remain in bondage, but yours will join it," Pegasus said. I gasped.
"No...god, no," I choked. God, please not my brothers.
"To save your brother you'll have to defeat me," Pegasus told him.
"Defeat you?! I'll crush you!" Seto growled.
"This is why Seto was so desperate during the duel with Yugi," I whispered. He was doing this to save Mokuba.
"So it's settled. We'll use your invention, but your brother will operate it for me," Pegasus said as the goons gave Mokuba the Dueling Disk.
"Wait, Pegasus!" Seto shouted.
"What's the matter, Kaiba-Boy? This was your idea. Using your own system is sure to give you quite the advantage. What's the problem?" Pegasus taunted. I looked at Seto.
"Please, Seto. You can't..." I quietly sobbed.
"He's been through enough already," Seto said. Seto was nearly ready to cry seeing this just as I already am. "Okay, Pegasus. You win, we won't use it," Seto gave up.
"But that's his edge," Yugi said.
"Yugi...if it were your grandpa, would you be just like Seto?" I asked him. Yugi frowned and looked down. "That's why, Seto can't duel our brother. He wouldn't, not even if his life depended on it," I said shaking.
"We'll duel on your terms. Just keep my little brother out of this," Seto said. Pegasus grasped Mokuba's shoulders.
"Get your filthy hands off of him, bastard!" I growled.
"Ah, ah, ah. Language, Kaiba-Girl," Pegasus taunted me. He looked back at Seto whose expression read what I had just said. "So, rather duel your empty shell with a device he's perfected, he'll give me home field advantage. Fine with me. Take him away," Pegasus ordered. The minions took Mokuba away.
"You creep," Seto and I glared. I mainly just whispered it so he didn't hear me.
"Watch yourself, Kaiba. You're in my world now," Pegasus warns snapping his fingers. The platforms they are on moved back.
"Wow, check out the automatic bridge," Joey said amazed.
"Forget the bridge, an entire arena's coming down," Tea said. I didn't look, I just watched Seto.
"That is the biggest elevator ever built," I heard Tristen say.
"This should be good. The two biggest legends in Duel Monster going at it? This is what it's all about," Mai said. I frowned more which she saw making her frown. Seto and Pegasus take their places.
"Ready, Kaiba? Your brother's fate hangs in the balance," Pegasus taunted. Seto just glared saying nothing.
"Kaiba! You've got to believe in the heart of the cards, it's the only way to rescue Mokuba!" Yugi shouts to my brother. Seto looked at him.
"Keep out of this! I'm fighting my way!" Seto told him.
"Just don't forget that it take more than strong monster and clever strategies to win this! That Millennium Eye Pegasus has changes everything! You have too..." Joey cut Yugi off.
"Yug, don't forget that Kaiba's the guy that took five of your stars," he told him.
"I know, but I also know what it's like to be dueling for someone you care about...and I couldn't live with myself I held back on anything that'd help Kaiba and Sera get their brother Back!" Yugi said nearly in tears.
"Easy, buddy," Joey said to him.
"Yugi, you're a good duelist, but I don't need your help. It's my battle to fight now and I will win," Seto said. I frowned.
"Seto, please! If you won't accept Yugi's help then please, at least accept mine!" I said gaining my brother's attention. "Yugi is right, you need to trust in your cards this time! Your monster are powerful, yes, but your heart is so much stronger! Never forget what you're fighting for! Mokuba is counting on you! Remember, we've always fought together...don't let that stop now!" I told him. Seto looks at me for a moment then nods. I end up seeing a ghost of a smile that only I could see.
"We've known each other for a long time and now we'll see if the master is the Duel Monsters creator or the champion. You have nowhere to hide Pegasus!" Seto told him.
"Time to duel!" They both said. I know you can do this, big brother. I held my locket.
(Pegasus-2000, Seto-2000)
"Look at you. The first move and already you're nervous," Pegasus said placing a face down in defense mode. "Here, defense mode, feel better? Oh, and I'll place this card too, but I'll leave it face down for now. Just to keep you guessing." I know Pegasus is up to something, but what?
"It's my turn now," Seto draws his card. He places the card face down and summons Rude Kaiser (1800 ATK, 1600 DEF) in attack mode. "Go, Rude Kaiser! Attack Pegasus' defense care with Four-Arm Slash!" My brother ordered. Kaiser attacks and we find out it's a Toon Alligator (800 ATK, 1600 DEF).
"Oh no!" Pegasus cried dramatically.
"I'd expect more from you, Pegasus," Seto told him.
"I had no idea that you had such powerful cards at your disposal, Kaiba. I don't think I have a beast in my entire deck that can compare to that creature," Pegasus lied.
"If he were Pinocchio, his nose would reach around the earth and be poking him in the head by now," I said making everyone snicker. I saw that Seto smiled a little at my joke. Pegasus drew a card.
"Hold on! I may have spoken too soon!" Pegasus said.
"I told you," I mumbled. He then summoned Parrot Dragon (2000 ATK, 1300 DEF) in attack mode.
"Yes, here's the perfect card. Parrot Dragon, attack with Bombarding Beak!" Pegasus ordered. The toon monster attacked then. I smirked for Seto who activates his face down card, Mesmeric Control. A card that reduces Parrot Dragon's attack by 800 points.
"Kaiser, counterattack with Four-Arm Slash!" Seto commanded. "Carve up that bird!" And like that, Parrot Dragon was done.
(Pegasus-1400, Seto-2000)
"Oh no," Pegasus pretended to mourn.
"I don't get it. Pegasus talks a big game, but duels like a kid," Tristen said confused.
"It's almost like he's toying with him," Mai comments.
"Yeah...Wait! Didn't he pull this act with you?" Joey asked Yugi.
"Yep, I guess he doesn't even take the world champion seriously," Yugi said. I sighed looking at my brother.
"I just pray that Seto will catch on before it's too late," I murmured. Seto draws and studies his hand before looking at Pegasus who was looking through his own deck humming. Seto was just about to put the card down.
"Stop right there," Pegasus said making Seto freeze. "I'd like to play a little guessing game you're about to throw onto the field," Pegasus said. I knew it! I looked at Seto, please let me talk to him. My crystal glowed.
'He's using his Millennium Eye now!' I warned Seto who looked over at me confused. I pointed to my crystal. 'The crystal let's communicate through other's minds. Just be careful, Pegasus is about to use his trick. Act natural though,' I told him. Seto gave a small nod.
"A game?! We're in the middle of a duel here!" Seto said. Damn, he's good at acting.
"What? I'm allowed to play a game. My trap card says so," Pegasus aid.
"Trap?!" Seto was actually surprised.
"I played a card face down, don't you remember? It's called Prophecy and it gives me the right to guess whether the card you're about to play has an attack power higher or lower than 2000. And if I manage to guess correctly, Kaiba-Boy, then the card in question becomes mine," Pegasus told him. Seto was shaking angrily.
"What?! You can't just..."
"And I think I'll prophecies that it is indeed over 2000," Pegasus continued making Seto gasp. "But wait, wait, something else is coming. Yes, I see blue, I see white. Could it be? Yes, of course. I see the Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Pegasus said. Seto was completely horrified and I knew Pegasus was right. "Was I right? Tell I was right. I was right, right? I so hope I was right," Pegasus said.
"Enough! Here, take it!" Seto glared sending he card to Pegasus.
'Was that the card...?'
'Not the one you gave me, no. That is the one card I'll make sure stays safe, I promise,' Seto thought back.
"Now the most valuable card in your deck is mine," Pegasus said holding the card.
"Pegasus must be up to his old tricks," Yugi said.
"You got that right," Joey agreed as I nodded.
'I just warned Seto,' I told Yugi who nodded at me.
"And now I have two things you care about, Kaiba. You're dragon and your brother. Hmm...I wonder what else I can take," Pegasus looked at me. Seto saw he was looking at me and glared. Joey and Yugi pushed me behind them to protect me.
"You leave my sister out of this!" Seto growled. Pegasus just chuckles.
"It's your turn, Kaiba-Boy," Pegasus ignored.
"Without my Blue Eyes White Dragon, I have no choice but to switch my monster to defense mode," Seto said placing his Kaiser in Defense.
"Goodie, now it's my turn again," Pegasus draws before placing a card face down and another face down in defense mode. "And I'm afraid that's the best move I could come up with," Pegasus said. Seto uses a combo attack of Saggi the Dark Clown and the Crush Card virus.
"Wait, I remember this move," Bakura said.
"Yeah, it's the same thing Kaiba used on Yugi in their duel," Tea stated.
"Yeah, but this time Pegasus is going to catch the bug," Joey said.
"Don't count on it!" I said.
"Pegasus knows that it's coming!" Yugi agreed.
'He knows about the combo, Seto!'
"Since you just played your Crush Card, I think now would be an opportune time to activate this," Pegasus played his card, Negative Energy. "It doubles your clowns attack points and since the Crush card can only be hosted by monster with less than 1000 attack points, my magic makes Saggi the Dark Clown too strong for the job. So sorry," Pegasus said. Purple sparks of electricity was surrounding Saggi now and made him stronger. "What's wrong, Kaiba? You look so sad. Keep your chin up. I'm sure it was just a lucky move on my part, but you know what they say, Kaiba: it's better to be lucky that good. Ah, and talk about lucky. My Dark Rabbit and thanks to my Dark Energy spell, he's twice as strong." A purple cartoon rabbit appeared then, his Dark Rabbit (2200 ATK, 1500 DEF) since his power was doubled. "But I'm sure he's still no match for your stalwart clown." The Rabbit then destroys Seto's Clown.
(Pegasus-1400, Seto-1000)
We all gasped in shocked.
"And I always thought a rabbit punch was a wimpy move," Joey commented.
"I haven't seen Kaiba so shaken before," Tea said. I looked at Seto, his eyes were wide in horror and I saw beads of sweat on his face. I was more worried now.
"This is really bad. The duel just started and Seto's already 1--- life points down. Pegasus is making my brother look like a novice!" I freaked worriedly.
"As much as I hate to say it, you're right, Sera. And I get the feeling that Pegasus is just getting started!" Yugi told me. God, careful....

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