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Darks pov:
"Jack I wouldn't do that if I were you..." He growled turning looking at the basement door "I should have gagged him" dark mumbled and faced jack who was now on the phone with the police shaking and crying. He laughed this was fun, he shut the computer down and stood up walking to the basement. The screams seemed to be quieter maybe he gave up with screaming. Dark walked down picking his now bloody knife off the table. "Mark please t-this isn't you!!" Felix screaming crying as blood continued to run down his chest. "What did I say about talking?" He growled and walked up slamming his fist across his face. "P-please..." Felix whimpered staring at the floor, Dark just laughed. "Cry and scream all you want no one is coming for you"

Jack's pov:
After mark shut it down, after a long conversation with the police jack packed a small bag of clothes before getting on the first flight to L.A.
"Why? Mark..." he curled up in his seat crying quietly into his hands. He loved Felix now although he would never admit it he's had a crush on him for awhile. The plane ride dragged on for what seemed like forever when they finally landed. Jack grabbed his backpack shoving passed people as he ran off through the airport. What was he supposed to expect when he got there? For fuck sakes what was he gonna do?! He cursed as ran out the doors of the airport L.a's hot sun greeting him. "Please god let him be okay..."

Felix's pov:
He screamed again as Mark stabbed his knife through his hand. "Stop!! Please mark!!" He just chuckled pulling the knife out licking the blood off. "Sweetheart mark ain't here anymore, the names dark"
Felix blankly stared at him tears still rolling down his face "he can't be..." he sobbed. "Oh but he is" Dark smiled widely enjoying his cries eventually he left leaving Felix alone. He was lost for words, was anyone even looking for him? Surely his fans have noticed he's gone "Jack..." He sobbed again, He's never gonna be able to finally tell him his feelings, he loved the Irish man more than anything.

Jack's pov:
After running for so long jack stopped at marks front door panting the only weapon he had was a knife, he can't kill mark that's his best friend! But he can't just leave Felix there. He turned the knob and heard a click it was unlocked... "hello?" Jack's voice was quiet still panting as he pushed the door open. The house was almost pitch black and it looked like he hasn't been home for ages. Jack stepped in the floor below him creaking. "Felix?" The basement door was open and jack walked towards it glancing around before calling his name again "Felix?!" He called louder. He heard nothing no cries for help, no floor creaking just Silence dead silence.

(To be continued...)

Irish hero (A Jelix story ft dark)Where stories live. Discover now