Chapter One

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Feed the horses, make dinner, wash the sheets, and then I'll be finished. Harry Styles runs his list of chores over in his head, double checking to make sure he isn't forgetting to do anything. He stands up from where he has been kneeling on the floor for the past three hours, his knees protesting, before walking as briskly as he possibly can to the back door, the one that leads directly to the barn the horses are kept in. 

Harry grabs the bucket of carrots from its usual spot near the door and walks up to Dusty first (don't tell the other horses, but Dusty is his favorite.) He feeds the horse a couple of carrots, while stroking his mane carefully. When Dusty's finished eating, Harry strokes his ear once before continuing on to the next horse.

It takes him about half an hour to finish feeding all the horses. He puts everything back in its place and heads back to the palace, jogging over to the kitchen. Mary, an older servant, is at the stove.

"Oh, Mary, it's my turn today." Harry says, running a hand through his curls to push them off his forehead, slightly breathless from the jog.

"Now, Harry, we have this talk every single time it's your turn. I've got this, dear. You know I love cooking." Mary tells him, a smile stretching across her face as she reaches up to push a strand of her grey hair behind her ear. Mary has been in the palace the longest out of all the servants. She's a bit of a legend for all the other servants. Helps everyone be a little less scared, lets them know they can actually survive this if they play their cards right and don't piss off any vampires, especially the Royals.

"You sure?" Harry asks, teeth latching onto his lower lip. He knows she says she loves it, but he can't help but feel guilty every time she does it when it's his turn.

"Shoo." Mary says in reply, shoving his shoulder to get him out of the kitchen.

"Thank you!" Harry shouts, planting a kiss on her cheek and taking off towards the laundry room.

At midnight Harry climbs under the covers of the makeshift bed all servants have. It's lumpy in places and the blankets they get are literally scraps of fabric thrown together, barely providing any shelter from the cold, Usually when winter comes, servants will huddle together, two to three per bed, for warmth. 

He's exhausted, having been working nonstop since 5 this morning. He guesses he should be getting used to this though. The past two months his chores list has seemed to double in size.

Harry's asleep before his head touches the pillow.

The next evening as Harry is walking towards the barn to feed the horses again, he bumps into someone.

"I'm so-" Harry cuts himself off when he looks up, finding himself staring into the beautiful cerulean eyes of the Prince. Instantly Harry drops to his knees, head immediately looking down to stare at the ground, the tips of the Prince's red vans in his view. He doesn't even wince at the pain that comes from his already-sore knees smacking against the tiled floor. "I'm so sorry, Prince. It was completely my fault. Please don't punish me, Sir."

"Hey, hey." Prince Louis speaks softly, his voice light and airy. "It's alright. Relax, love, I'm not mad." 

Love. Harry doesn't mean to blush, but really who can blame him? He's also sure his heart just skipped a beat and that is very embarrassing considering the Prince has excellent hearing and would have heard it. He's just so attractive. Way more so than I was expecting. Harry wants to look up, get another glimpse, but his fear of the Prince thinking he's being disrespectful towards him overrules his hormones. 

"Sweetheart, you can stand up." Prince Louis tells him, speaking just as softly. Harry stands up immediately, but he keeps his eyes glued to the floor, ignoring the urge to look in the Prince's eyes again.

"You can look at me." Prince Louis says. When he realizes Harry isn't going to on his own, the Prince's ice cold fingers gently cup Harry's chin and tilts his face up. Why is he touching me? Harry thinks. And so gently? Harry isn't complaining or anything, but from everything he's ever heard about the Royal Vampire Family, they don't touch anyone they aren't feeding from.

The Prince's hand stays on Harry's chin though, as he whispers, "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life."

Harry's blush comes back in full force, biting his lip to hold back a smile, unable to hide his face due to the Prince's grip. If Harry isn't mistaken, the Prince's eyes drop to his lips for a split second, before he drags them back to Harry's eyes. "Uh, Sir?" Harry speaks, his voice shaky.

"Call me Louis." The Prince demands gently.

"Oh, are you sure?" Harry asks, shifting on his feet.

A small smirk comes on Prince Louis' lips as he lets his hand that's cupping Harry's chin fall back to his side. "Sure about you calling me Louis or sure about you having the most beautiful eyes?"

Apparently as long as the Prince is around, a blush is going to be stuck on Harry's cheeks. "Me calling you Louis."

"Positive, lovely." Prince Louis smiles softly.

"Oh, alright." Harry says, He freezes in fear at the look he's being given, until he realizes what the Prince wants. "L-Louis."

Prince Louis smiles so brightly, crinkles form in the corners of his eyes, leaving Harry's heart doing somersaults. "Now what was it you were trying to say, darling?"

"I um, I need to finish my chores." Harry tells him, biting his lip again.

Prince Louis frowns, reaching out to lightly trace his cold fingertips on the bags under Harry's right eye. "You look exhausted, love."

Harry shrugs. "I'm alright."

Prince Louis' frown deepens, but he doesn't press on the matter. He steps aside, gesturing for Harry to continue his previous path. Prince Louis stops him by gently grabbing his arm, the coldness seeping through the thin long sleeve servants are given, when Harry goes to walk past him. "Don't overwork yourself, okay? Just come find me whenever you need a break, yeah? I'll take care of you. And make sure you get a good rest tonight."

"Okay, Louis."

"Promise me." Prince Louis demands, voice still gentle.

"I promise, Louis."

"Good." He grins and, after a moment of hesitating, leans in and kisses Harry's cheek. And then he's gone, leaving Harry standing there with his hand pressed against the spot Louis just kissed, mouth open and eyes wide in shock. Only one thought crosses his mind:

What the fuck just happened? 

New storyyy! Should I continue it?
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