Chapter I

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August 7th

Dear Viktor,

It's been weeks since we've written. I know it is just as much my fault. How are you? I hope you're doing well. How is your family? Has your schoolwork kept you from seeing them recently?

I understand if you are busy; things have been hectic here in London with the closing of our summer production of 'Romeo & Juliet'. This fall the London Theatre Company has decided to take a break, but in the spring we have decided to do a muggle opera titled 'The Phantom of the Opera'. It is a story told by a young woman in love with two men, a pronounced member of society, and a man who hides himself from others, skulking through the bowels of the opera house to hide his disfigured appearance. I have seen the muggle production many times, and hope our rendition will be as splendid.

Wishing you are well,


She signed the letter with her usual flourish, and lay the parchment on her desk to dry. Her barn owl, Deek, shuffled back and forth on his perch, as if anxious to dive out into the humid August air. Hoping the ink was dry, and too impatient to wait any longer, Charlotte folded the letter until it could fit in an envelope small enough for Deek to carry, sealed it with a silver colored wax, and charmed it against any weather that could smudge her words. Deek shuffled again, ruffling his own feathers, and Charlotte gave him a quick scratch under the beak before handing him the letter and telling him who it was for.

She stood at her bedroom window for several moments, watching the bid disappear east into the darkness. A flair of disappointment clogged the back of her throat before she swallowed it down; she never should have allowed her correspondence with Viktor to fall off. After five years, and hundreds of letters, Charlotte still felt that sometimes Viktor was the only one that could understand what she was trying to say. Viktor knew Charlotte with an intimacy that was not afforded to others, and, in turn, Charlotte liked to think she knew Viktor.

"Charlotte? Dear, supper is ready," called a soft voice from downstairs.

Charlotte turned away from her window, and made to leave her room, stopping again at her desk to stopper her ink well, and quickly clean the nib on her quill.


August 8th


I apologize for my absence. Things in Sofia had been terribly busy as well, though not for as exciting a reason as your summer performances. Durmstrang recalled all students a week earlier than we expected, and as such, I have not seen my parents in several weeks, but I have been assured that all is well at home. Our headmaster seems to have gone, for lack of a better term, insane, but with no higher authority to intervene, those of us here must follow along.

In light of school and other obligations, I am not doing well. I am sleepless well into the night, and I do not sleep for many hours at a time. If I had the sense, I could have spent those hours writing to you, but I have been distracted.

As for your auditions, you will do very well, I have no doubt. You do plan to audition, yes? I have never had the pleasure of hearing your voice, but if you sing as lovely as you write, you must be very talented. The opera you have mentioned sounds like something you will greatly enjoy. If you find the nerves too much, step back, close your eyes, and list why you would miss doing what you love most. It has always helped me.

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