Chapter III

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Wednesday, September 7th


How have your classes been? Hogwarts begins its term on the first of September, yes? I imagine that our curriculum differ greatly, and am curious to how. Durmstang's professors concentrate on the Dark Arts, which is something I've never been fond of, but there has never been another option.

Deek continues to improve, though he is, a you put it, grumpy. He responds well to sausage, but seems to miss you fiercely. Our healer has done what he can, but whatever attacked Deek did a fair amount of damage. He favors one wing, and has yet to fly, but I have hope that he will improve. He and Orion get on splendidly when they are together.


Charlotte reread the letter for the second time, tapping the tip of her quill against a blank sheet of parchment. The library around her was quiet; only the occasional sound of a turned page and the scritch-scritch-scritch of a quill on paper interrupted her thoughts.


Hogwarts students return to campus on September 1st, but classes do not begin until the following day. Weekends are usually spent class-free, as well as holidays. As an opposite of Durmstrang, Hogwarts offers no Dark Arts at all, but rather subjects such as Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, and History of Magic. We do have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but it's rumored that the position is cursed as a professor hasn't lasted more than a year in decades. Some don't even last the whole year.

As it's no longer a required class after passing O.W.Ls, I had elected not to continue taking it, but my Head of House, Professor Flitwick, insisted. I don't know to what end he hopes to achieve, but it's never been a class that's held my interest. This year's teacher is a Ministry auror, Alistair "Mad-Eye" Moody. I had my first class with him on Monday morning, and it was - I don't know if I have a good word for the man. He's terrifyingly paranoid, and makes no effort to conceal his disdain that we students aren't.

Deek can be difficult to deal with when he can't do what he wants to when he wants to. He's been that way since he hatched. He's a very independent bird, and I'm sure being unable to move about freely isn't helping. Thank you for taking such good care of him. He means the world to me.



She folded her letter, charmed it, and packed her things. Sitting in the library, failing to study, was doing her no good, so she headed back to her dorm. She dropped her school bag on her bed, and kicked off her loafers, replacing them with a pair of mud boots that had seen better days, but would keep her from ruining her nice shoes in the owlry.

Orion, the poor thing, had been having trouble fitting in with the other birds, seeing as he was a goshawk, not an owl, so when Charlotte arrived in the tower where the birds slept, he leapt from his isolated spot, and descended onto her shoulder. She brushed her fingertips though the feathers on his breast, and in turn he spent a few moments preening through her dark hair.

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