Beach day

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~Anna and Kristoff~
"Eeekkk! Look at all of the chocolates!" Anna squealed as she ran into the resort's breakfast room. Everyone planned to meet down there for breakfast around nine. Almost everyone was there, expect Rapunzel and Eugene.

"Remind me why I have to get up early on my vacation." Jack yawned as he rubbed his eyes. He lazily laid back, wishing to be back in bed. He was on vacation, he should be allowed to sleep as lo as he wants.

"Because that's what we planned and we need to get used to their time zone." Elsa replied as she wiped some butter on her pancakes. She got up at seven this morning and considered that sleeping in. She was always a morning person.

"Where's Rap and pretty boy?" Merida questioned with her mouth full of food. She also wished that they could've slept in longer. After all, it was a Sunday morning. Sunday's are lazy days.

"Who knows?" Hiccup chuckled. Those two were always late. If you wanted them to show up on time, you were better off giving them the time ten minutes ahead.

"Probably sleeping." Kristoff smiled as he sat down at their table outside. The view of the ocean from where they were sitting was perfect. You could perfectly watch the waves crash against the shore.

"Who thinks we should go to the beach today? Raise your hand." Anna commanded. Half of them raised their hands. Anna had been wanting to go to the beach since she heard they were going to Hawaii. The beach was always fun.

"Don't you think we should wait for Rapunzel and Eugene before we vote?" Elsa questioned. She thought it was rude to vote without them. Most of them shook their heads, not liking her idea this time. They wanted to know what they were doing today right now.

"No. They're not here, they don't get to vote." Jack replied. He thought that if you wanted to vote, you should come at the right time. It wasn't his fault they couldn't figure out that.

"I'm going to go get more pancakes," Merida declared as she slid her chair out, scrapping it on the stone tiles. As she walked to the buffet, she saw Rapunzel and Eugene walking into the resort. "Where have you two been? Elsa's not pleased."

"We went to church." Rapunzel explained as Eugene eyes widened. Rapunzel was very religious, always follows the rules. Since she married Eugene, she forced him to tag along with her, even if he wasn't the same religion as her.

"Ooo!" He smiled as he ran towards the pancake machine. He was starving since Rapunzel didn't let him eat before church. She had this rule where you couldn't eat and hour before. He hated it, but he decided to follow her rules than break them.

"Eugene, it's just a pancake machine, there's nothing-oooo-they have hard boiled eggs?" She awed as she ran next to her husband's side and helped herself. Merida rolled her eyes and walked back outside. They were crazy.

"I found them. They went to church." Merida stated as she placed her plate down in the table. She took her seat beside Hiccup and admired the view. She loved the ocean. She had only seen the Atlantic Coast, so this was her first time looking at the Pacific.

"Hi guys!" Rapunzel greeted as she walked through the door. She didn't know Eugene was behind her she let go out the door and it hit him in the face. "Oops!"

"My nose." He frowned as he rubbed. His nose was a sensitive subject. It was the one thing that he hated about himself. He was cured with the world's largest nose.

"What a *cough* loser. *cough*" Jack smirked. Eugene rolled his eyes and sat beside him and Rapunzel. He wasn't ready to deal with Jack's jokes yet. It was still early morning.

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