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Lucy's POV~

It was over, for now.

I sat in the corner of the room, hugging my kness. My cuts burned, it hurt so bad. The slightest movements caused unbearable pain.

"You have to tell him." A weak voice called out. I slowly turned my head, lissana stood, with her hands grasping the bars tightly.

I slowly stood up, my body aching. My blood smeared the wall as I used it for support to stand up. I shook my head, it was his number one rule. To not tell anybody about what happens in here when Natsu isn't around. A girl almost told Natsu. She goes unspoken around here.

It was pretty clear what they did to her, torture and much much worse things. I didn't want to be in that place. I have someone to live for, I'm waiting for him.

"You have to! He will only believe you. Your his special little girl, maybe you don't want to do it because you afraid of dying, because you have someone to live for. But if you think about it we all die. One day your going to be so weak, as soon as that man steps foot inside your cell and begins to torture you. You will die. There would be no point in keeping your mouth shut because you died and you wouldn't be alive to see that person you've been waiting for." Lisanna spoke clearly.

It made me wonder how my voice sounds like. I haven't heard it in the longest times.

Lissana did have a point. In fact she was right. I closed my eyes tightly. And took a deep breath in. I slowly walked in front of my cell. I looked lissana dead in the eye.

I nooded.

"He's coming today." She whispered. Her eyes filled with hope.

I curled into a little ball on my bed. I shut my eyes hoping to get some sleep. I feel into the darkness. It was nice to finally sleep.

"Hey Luce." A voice jolted me awake. I quickly stood up, completely forgetting my wounds. I flinched.

"Hey what happened?" Natsu worriedly crouching down facing me. He sat the new chalk pack on the floor. I looked down at my side, the blood seeped through the cloth. I was in a white dirty dress.

Natsu's eyes widened. He reached to lift up the dress but I firmly gripped his hands. I shook my head. Just moments ago I was positive I was going to tell him, but now I'm backing out at the last minute.

"Lucy let me see." He growled.

"You said you would tell him." Lisanna spoke. Both me and Natsu's attention turned to her.

"Tell me what?" Natsu turned to look at me.

I looked at lissana with pleading eyes.

"Fine if you don't tell him I will." She snapped. Natsu's head jerked to look at Lissana.

"This whole time she was being tortured by the hands of one of your workers." Lissana smirked.

"I thought you said you would take care of her? I proved you wrong didn't I?" She laughed.

"Is this true? How long has this been going on?" Natsu croaked, as he brought his hand up to caress my face. I recoiled from his touch. I stayed silent.

"The moment you brought her here. Don't believe me? Check her." Lissana taunted.

Natsu obviously affected by her words attempted to lift my dress. I harshly moved his hand away. I stood up pushing him away. He quickly yanked my arm down bringing to the floor. A cry escaped my mouth as my wounds began to throb. He flipped me over so I was facing him. Then he pinned me down forcefully holding my hands down with one hand.

He yanked my dress up exposing the freshly made wounds and scars scattered around my body. Blood trickled out of my wounds. Natsu held a horrified expression.

"Who did this to you?" He asked slowly as he examined my body.

I can't talk.

"Answer me god damit!!" He demanded. I flinched at the level of his voice.

Tears spilled out of my eyes.
"I...want to go......home." I spoke softly afraid of what might happen since I talked. I thrashed around frantically.

He slowly let my hands go. I took this as a opportunity and stood up. "Has he touched you?" Natsu asked as he slowly approached me.

I shook my head. "He....hurts me.....only" I cringed at the lack of grammar my sentences held.

"Who's he?" Natsu slowly grabbed my face with his two hands.

I swallowed. Fear in my eyes, I looked into his eyes. "Sting." I whispered. It was as time slowed down.

"A-are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. I looked at lissana.

"You don't believe her? Everyone in this god dam prison witnesses her traumatic torture!" Lisanna screams.

"He broke her you dumbass, I can't believe your hesitating! She isn't herself anymore! Sting turned off all the fire she had left in her!" She clenched her teeth. "All because of you." She spat.

I stared wide eyed at her. I was indeed surprised, but what caught me off guard the most was how she spoke about me, she spoke as if she cared.

Natsu brought me into a warm hug. It wasn't warm like Zeref's. In fact it wasn't comfortable like Zeref's. He slowly picked me up bridal style.

I felt anger wash over me. My eyes hardened. I wouldn't be here if it was for her.

"I'm getting you out of here." Natsu determined. He opened the cell, and began to walk out I grabbed a hold of one lissanas cell bars. "Not....leaving." I whispered. It wasn't because I cared for her but only because if I were to go to a much worse place. I would take her down with me.

"Anything you want princess." Natsu sweetly kissed my forehead. I felt disgusted, but held back.

"Get Twelve out of her cell, Eleven and Twelve are going with me!" Natsu demanded. Ace quickly followed his orders. He unlocked her cell, she came tumbling out. Quickly following behind Natsu. He walked down the hell hall, as many girls stared at me with jealousy, jealous I made it out of the hell whole.

I smirked, I'm a step ahead of the game. All I need is to gain some energy, and escape.

I closed my eyes as my tired body went limp.



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