The fall of a great hero

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They drove in silence, Alonso kept thinking about his dad. He made the turn for his house, all three gasped... There were a hundred of those things on his block now.
How? (He thought) He needed to get home to tend to his dads wound. He thought about it for a while, nothing came to mind...
His dad started talking to Alonso: "I know what the bites do to a person, there's no way around it, I just want to tell you... I'm proud of you!"
He then turned and told Angela something in her ear, she appeared sad but noded.
Alonso had started saying something when he felt a hit on his head and passed out...
His dad with the help of Angela moved him to the back seat, Angela took the drivers seat.
He's going to be mad as hell when he wakes up! ( she said)
He'll understand said Alonso's dad.
Im ready to go, you understand the plan right? ( he said with a deep voice)
Yup! I got this! You lead them away smashing some heads, I drive like a maniac to the house and get him in right? Oh quick question, which one is the house? (Angela said with a smile).
Alonso's dad smiled, you appear tough for such a young person, take care of him, I'm sure he'll do the same for you... He paused, he turned and charged the crowd...
"Thanks gramps! Kill as many as you can, make it cool! It'd be a shame to be taken after the first hit" (she said sarcastically)
Alonso's dad was like a machine, without stopping he kept smashing bodies left and right. He was leading the crowd away! The plan was working!
Alonso started to wake up, grabbing his head he asked: what happened?
Angela told him. Alonso looked outside, he could barely see him now, he was still fighting mightily. He tried to follow him, Angela stopped him, this is what he wanted (she said). He wanted to ensure your safety, don't let his sacrifice be in vain. Besides if you go out now, you'll undo his heroic exit and that's messed up!
Alonso puzzled by Angela's thinking stopped. He turned to look at his dad, the crowd was out of the way, thinking there's still hope and while Angela drove, his dad went down, they swarmed around him. He didn't scream As the crowd bit and tore him relentlessly... It was over, tears ran down Alonsos face. They made it home. Once inside Alonso collapsed. Helaman rushed over: what the hell happened? (He asked preoccupied).
Angela told him... Helaman listened attentively, he sat down. A sad moment, a mourning moment.
Angela went around the house to check out the place, giving the guys time to collect themselves...
Angela started going room by room to get an idea of the layout, also her sense of curiosity wanted to know what kind of a guy Alonso was. She opened drawers, looked inside closets. All she could conclude was that he was organized, a good dresser and loved movies... She heard a tap on the window, she came close, the crowd had come back, one was by the window hitting on the glass...
Why are they attracted to the house? Could they smell them? (So many questions unanswered).
She went to the kitchen, she didn't realized how hungry she was until she saw the left overs. She served herself a plate and devoured it in record time. It made her sick, but she didn't care, she was full.
She came back to the living room, Alonso and Helaman were talking as she walked in. They stop and looked at her, Alonso said, we need to fortify this place, if there are enough of them outside, they'll be able to break in by sheer numbers.
The plan was to get all the wood from the garage, grab the doors from the bedrooms and the tables that weren't needed and block Windows and reinforce the doors.
But first they needed to clear the mini horde outside, using only melee weapons, as the sound of guns would bring more of them close.
They got ready, Helaman got the idea to wear leather and duck tape around key areas to prevent themselves from getting bit.
Alonso has a few leather jackets, both Helaman and Angela looked funny wearing them, the arms were too long. Both of them played around with the clothes until they look as normal as possible  on them.
Once ready, they went over the plan once more. They would fight back to back protecting each other, without breaking formation. Alonso was adamant about that.
Alonso took a deep breath, looked at his team, smiled and nodded. They noded back.
The fight started, blood and fragments of bone were flying everywhere. The fight raged on, thirty minutes in and they had already killed a third of them.
All of a sudden Angela tripped over one of the bodies and fell hard on the ground, Alonso thinking quick and asking Helaman to watch his back attacked the closest ones around his new friend, quick hits, blood splattering everywhere, Angela was looking at him, but only for a moment, she was too independant to let someone else save her. She stood up and start slashing too. The formation was recovered and the fight continued. Two long hours it lasted. Exhausted and covered in blood they sat down to rest a bit. They started laughing at how they looked. It was refreshing.
Alonso pointed at Angela and said, uh you have some brain chunks in your hair, she felt for it, and then Added: oh that? I already had that, it's a pretty color don't you think?
They laughed once more, and didn't notice the corpse getting closer. It reached for Helaman, they got quiet. The corpse stopped and began smelling him. Then move on.
Alonso stood up and finished it. They had learned something new (if they smell like the undead, they are able to pass unnoticed).
Rested and more relaxed, they moved the corpses creating a barrier at both ends of the street preventing more of them to crowd the area. It was a smart move.
by the time the job was finished, the sun was almost down and the night was creeping in. Alonso was first, almost to the house and that's when he saw him, it was his dad!!!

The end of the world... An undead taleWhere stories live. Discover now