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Ryan loves open mic nights. He loves the crowd of listeners, the performers, the excited atmosphere that naturally comes with live music. Even when he doesn't have shifts on open mic night, he comes anyway. He can't pass up free live music and the chance to mingle with similarly appreciative people.

Tonight, he especially loves open mic night, because Francis is performing, and he knows Francis. Just knowing the name of the performer is enough to make Ryan's excitement skyrocket. Not to mention, this is Francis's audition for Grey's band, making it all the more interesting.

"This is so exciting," he says to Grey, who rolls his eyes in response.

"There's no need for you to voice your excitement when it's obviously written all over your face."

Juni, the band's keyboardist, wacks Grey in the arm. "Why do you always have to be so mean to Ryan? Leave him and his excitement alone."

Grey rolls his eyes again. "Whatever."

Juni offers Ryan a half-smile, which he happily returns with a full one of his own. Since he's off work for the night, he sits with Grey, Juni, and the other two members of the band at a round table near the foot of the makeshift stage set up for the evening. Ryan made sure to reserve the table right after his shift ended so they could get the best seats in the house. Grey had told him that there was no point, that nobody would be sitting during the performances anyway, but Ryan couldn't help himself. He just really loves open mic night.

The incoming flow of people slows down as the time for the first performance nears. It's five minutes until the top of the hour, and Ryan can't help but crane his neck in search for Francis, who will be up first. He's seen him on occasion in the class they share, but he hasn't spoken to him in half a week, since their encounter right here in the coffee house. It feels like it's been much longer, and Ryan's almost worried that Francis has changed, that he might not be able to recognize Francis, or vice versa.

"Where is he?" Ryan asks no one in particular, his legs bouncing with impatience.

"Probably setting up," Fox, the lead guitarist of the band, responds. Even when they aren't directly addressed, they still know when to speak up. Ryan really likes Fox, because while Grey dismisses his questions, Fox always answers them, and their answers are always right—the most reasonable.

Ryan plays with the sugar packets on the table as he waits. Usually, he'd be talking up a storm, but he's with Grey's friends, and though he likes them, they're still Grey's. He's not in with the band, and it kind of intimidates him, which furthers his intimidation, because he's never intimidated.

"Is that him?" Mai-ly asks, drawing Ryan's attention away from the small rectangular packets as she points toward the side of the stage. Of all of Grey's band friends, Mai-ly is the hardest to talk to, in Ryan's opinion. For starters, she's almost as tall as he is, and she plays the drums. She expresses herself as loudly as she plays, too.

Ryan looks to where she points, and sure enough, there's Francis, fumbling to pull the strap of an acoustic guitar over his head. Tonight he wears a baseball tee with red sleeves and dark wash jeans. His blonde hair is a cloud of curls falling lightly over his tan forehead, and Ryan can see the corners of his dark eyebrows peeking out from beneath. One of the waiters in charge of setting up the stage equipment talks to him as he adjusts the guitar, and he nods in response to whatever she says, running the palms of his hands down his jeans. Ryan can't help but smile.

A couple more minutes pass before Francis finally walks on stage, taking a seat on a chair set behind a microphone. Calamitous Coffee quickly quiets down. Ryan leans forward in his chair. Francis awkwardly clears his throat.

"Um, hi," he says, but so quietly that his voice barely projects through the speakers of the café. "I'm—I guess I'm going to start playing now."

A few people in the crowd laugh lightly while others clap. Ryan does a combination of both. The café quiets down again, and all Ryan can see and hear and focus on is Francis as he lifts his hands to the guitar. The introduction starts out slow, a little messy, hesitant, but soon Francis gains a little more confidence in his strumming, and then he begins to sing.

Ryan listens to his wobbly voice, watches as he concentrates on the strumming of the pick in his hand, as he looks everywhere but at the crowd in front of him. He sings a song Ryan recognizes, but doesn't remember the name of. Probably some singer-songwriter song that was popular a couple years ago. He's not bad, but he's not boasting his talent, either. Ryan loves it.

He does everything he can to not make comments until Francis finishes the song. Once he's done, he walks briskly off the stage as everyone claps and cheers. He doesn't even pause to acknowledge the praise. The song only lasted for a couple of minutes, but Ryan wishes he'd go on forever. He always wants open mic night to go on forever.

"He was so good!" Ryan exclaims to the table. Everyone exchanges looks as if they're silently conferring, and Fox is the first to speak up.

"Yeah," they nod, "I agree with Ryan. He definitely sounded nervous, but we can work on that. I think he has potential."

Grey shakes his head. "It wasn't that great. I'd give it like a seven out of ten."

Mai-ly scoffs. "Oh, please. Your opinion is so biased that at this point it's invalid. Francis could maybe use new taste in music, but I'll fix that. I think we should let him in."

"It's not like we have any other options," Juni also inserts with a shrug.

"You guys are making a decision way too quickly." Grey clenches his jaw.

"This is great!" Ryan says. "Wow, this is really great—who's going to tell him? Can I tell him? This is so exciting!"

"Please calm down," Grey mutters, looking away from the table, trying to mask his annoyance.

"I think," Juni starts, a smirk on her lips, "we should have Grey go and tell him. I'm sure Francis will be ecstatic. You can tell him about our practice schedule and everything."

Grey immediately expresses his disagreement, but Mai-ly's voice overrides him. "Yes, that's a great idea. Go tell him Grey—before the next performance starts. The sooner the better."

Grey rolls his eyes. Ryan can tell he's silently fuming by the slight furrow of his brows. "I hate you all," he says before getting up, his chair scraping loudly against the wooden floor from his sudden movement.

Juni cheers him on loudly, causing Grey to clench his fists. Mai-ly laughs as she watches him stiffly walk away.

Ryan can't stop smiling. He loves open mic night.


someone needs to tell grey to chill honestly

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