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Hi, im drew, your fucking co-host, your best friend, your child. Feed me bitch.

and god fucking uhhhh what's it ray or wahtever yeah that's me ha ha ha

I am absolutely not going to edit this. Anyway. I really need to pee badly so lets get this done.

How has everybody been enjoying fryan? Has it been bad? Sorry to hear that, and i sincerely don't give a shit if that's the case. ← mood Is that juvenile of me? Probably. Im still a minor. oh same how obut that bithc

Also, have you been enjoying it? That's good! That's great! Enjoy! Because we won't be updating it anymore!


Im so fucking tired ray. College stuff. Anyways. Same dude same god my japanese class is so hard all my energy is going into learning a new language. Yeah my calc is so fucked up. Guy in my class was just like leaning over and telling me he didnt get anything. I was like, me too. And he said, why the fuck are we in college. Oh shit me if people ever talked to me. Sometimes i wish i was a hot white girl so i could like, be more approachable.

Right oh shit! Back on track! Uhhh right. Reasons why we're not gonna be doing fryan anymore.

It has become a burden to the both of us!

Even before college started, me and ray uhhh ray what were we doing. Fucking procrastinating that's what

Oh shit true. Anyways we were doing that and what started out as a joke (fun, for funsies, for funnies)

(like therapy)

Like therapy

Is you here

yeah i had to pee anyways where was i. reasons for no more fryan. yes. so what started out as a joke, a brief distraction from what was essentially the weird uhhh flaming shitpiles of our lives

wow that's so true

is that all you say shut up bfkdkfdnfsg

so it started out as a joke and we were both excited at first

god i miss the old us

such children we were...anyways as much fun as threatening each other to update the next chapter of fryan has been we have to face reality

damn bitch you're really going all out

(i have to) THE REALITY that we have responsibilities and we have HAD responsibilities ever since fryan and we can no longer afford the luxury of lining up our schedules and typing out a plot. so yay!


that's not to say fryan isn't endgame. maybe it is. maybe it isnt. think of it this way: there are endless possibilities! maybe francis and grey start dating and 



god true i wish i was in some fucking cottage out in the middle of nowhere raising sheep

and i'm outside churning butter

gggdhdhjddgkd why butter

why sheep, bitch? god anyways. parting words. this whole book was supposed to be an attempt to like, not write weird fetishy gay m/m with HAWT SEX XDD which are so often written by people who outright fetishize the sexuality of gay men, and im kinda bummed out that some of you came in here expecting that? kinda. it's been a journey, honestly, truly, and i'm glad i had to share it with you (the readers) and you (ray)

@you too my dude

Thanks and no fucking homo

i'm dying this dude just walked in

his name is cornelius van cock

i'm gonna fucking combust

wow fucking kin you're joking

i kid you not but anYWAY back on track uhhhh y'all like. thanks for reading fryan honestly if it weren't for drew pal here y'all probably wouldn't have read it so i gotta give creds to drew for giving me a chance to have readers and whatnot it was quite the experience i appreciate time for me to go get chick fil a tf you lucky bitch i wish but alas i'm in middle of nowhere central ny where the closest and least expensive food source is the dining hall

Anyways ray left so im going to say some thingssss

I sincerely did love writing this but it has become a bit of a burden what with college and all and so rather than like, updating NEVER im making it official that we're probably never gonna update again and if you've got any ideas of what or where this could go, go wild! Go crazy! Francis becomes a hitman! Ryan becomes a chef! Francis and ryan start a cult and do weird shit! Just don't be like, racist/homophobic about it. Of course this is all under the assumption that anyone would be willing to give in the mental effort to do any of this so, ha!if you've got any questions or anything (why would you tho) dont be shy! keep asking


it's francis! it's so good! i got more fanarts of like hadley and david which are INSANE good also like, gaze upon this beauty!!!!! does it even count as fanart because its that good!

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it's francis! it's so good! i got more fanarts of like hadley and david which are INSANE good also like, gaze upon this beauty!!!!! does it even count as fanart because its that good!

i leave you with that beautiful work of art....goodbye! got any questions? ask away! also wow. thanks! see ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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