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He props himself up from his bed as he fumbled for his alarm clock on his bedside table. The scent of early morning greeted him as he rubs his sleepy eyes. He let out a yawn - a testimony to his lack of sleep. He stood up and slipped into a pair of indoor slippers. The room was filled with early morning sunshine as he opens the curtains.

He was the kind of guy that almost had everything in the right track in this time of his life. He owns a two-storey pad fit for a bachelor in par with all the other well-known person's houses. He had a car and owns the latest model of gadgets that the electronic technology can offer. He had a good career at a well-known record label in the country and had been under the lime light for quite some time now.

His phone ringed a few minutes later as he opened the fridge for something to have as breakfast. He put his phone between his shoulder and his ears as he opened a carton of milk.

"It's a bit early for a call, Jun. What's up?" he asked as he poured a generous amount of milk into his glass.

"I had been calling you since last night and you didn't even return my calls." It was his band mate and best friend, Jun.

"Give me time to wake up man. I had just left the warm comforts of my bed and here you are demanding me to call you back," he said jokingly to Jun who returns a string of chuckles over the phone.

"Whatever. Get your lazy self over here in ten minutes." Jun said and then the call ended.

He put his phone on the dining table, finishes three cookies and the whole carton of milk before he went to the showers. Usually, when he's not bound to go to the band's practice or to some conference, he fancies time in his bath tub but Jun expects him in ten minutes so he's forced to use the showers. He hated mornings like this. A few moments later he emerges from the bath, his bare chest dripping wet. He checked on his phone to see if Jun called again before he slipped into his pants and a white shirt.

He walked in a chic way as some fashion critiques would say. He twirled his car keys playfully in his hands before he hopped in his car. He had five minutes to get into their practice and he was confident to drag his car at impossible speeds.

He heard faint voices, crackles of laughter and scuffling shoes as he neared the practice room. The boys inside stopped as he opens the door and barges himself in.

"Tic-toc! You're late," said a blonde guy who approached him as he closed the door. It was their band leader, S. Coups.

Wonwoo looked at his wristwatch. "Only by a split second," he said as he walked past S. Coups.

"3 seconds, to be exact. That's a new record," said a guy who slams his fist into Wonwoo's chest. It was Vernon.

"I know right." Wonwoo said as he gives him a high-five.

Their conversation was stopped as Woozi entered the practice room. As usual, he had a temper and was mostly irritated by small talks like these. The other members knew better than to mess with him and in an instance they were in their respective positions for the choreo.

Their dance was almost perfect since they had been practicing for a while. They were excited and hyped up with the thought of having their comeback soon. Almost all the songs had been recorded and most of the choreos are practiced and from everyone's point of view, they're ready for the promotions. But deep inside him, Wonwoo felt a jolt of pain in his abdomen with every move he makes. He winces in pain secretly as he tries his best to hide it from his members.

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