Love Drought

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Song: Beyonce-Love Drought. Finally she uploaded it! In my opinion, this describes a good part of what is going on between Ike and Avril. It's a beautiful song. I just wished she would have uploaded the full song. You guys should definitely listen to it!

Quick Recap: Ike and Avril make progress in their relationship on the field, eventually leading to a night of them sharing a bed in the comfort of each other's arms.


The morning after Ike and I had fell asleep together, I had gotten up earlier than Ike and managed to untangle myself from him to the chagrin of a sleepy Ike. My body had longed for him the moment that I gotten out of bed, but still I had resisted the pull feeling it softly crying for me to come back and rest gently with my kindred spirit. Yet, I had ignored the call and instead forced myself out of the room.

The moment I had been away from his touch I had ached for him and my body had longingly sung for his touch, but had kept my distance.

It had been only three days later since that morning. Ike had come searching for me, yet something must have told him that the progress we had gained the night before had vanquished.

Nowadays, I felt like I had reached an emotional limbo with my feelings towards everything and everyone around me. Forgiveness was the destination I was trying to reach, but the more I walked on the slippery path the farther the destination seemed to be. Most times I was hopeless and other times I was numb because even if I did manage to forgive all of them, how could it ever go back to the way it was before everything changed. I was in an internal standstill with everything, looking at my future path with what ifs and looking at my past path with nostalgia and almost longing.

Ike said that when something is broken, you can fix it? But honestly, I never saw a broken mirror look as good as it did before it was shattered. The fragile cracks and fragmented curves were evident and told a story of something that couldn't quite fix no matter how hard you tried. Of course, you could try to ignore the imperfections, but they would always remain ready to break open if given the chance.

Now with tears wetting the corners of my eyes, finally feeling something besides the numbness and quiet hostility, I stared up at the ceiling lying face up on the bed I had grown accustom to over the past weeks. It had been one of the few places where I could feel I could be alone without having people watching me, waiting for me to break apart.

The only difference was that this time I wasn't alone. Silently suffering, hands interlaced and placed on my stomach, Kaiya and Mist both laid on the bed with me.

We had all mindlessly been talking for what felt like hours. With the relationships between us teetering onto the point of no return, our intimate conversation seemed like the right direction to follow.

"You know; it seems like it doesn't matter where I am? Or what I do. I can always feel it." Mist spoke quietly into the open silence, the village was oddly quiet today and so the normal background noise of fighting, music, or bickering was nearly non-existent. "No matter what I do, I can always feel the day coming."

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, eyes burning, as Kaiya asked a question that I felt like I already knew the answer to. "What is the day?"

Mist was silent for a while until, she sighed softly with a heartbreaking defeat tinge to her tone. "The day my kindred spirit died."

That was all she had to say and from my right I could feel Kaiya's body tense. "Oh shit, Mist, I'm so-"

"No." Mist cut off Kaiya's rare apologetic words. "Don't be. There's nothing for you to be sorry about. It's in the past, yet I can always feel when the day is coming. I haven't looked at a calendar in months it seems, but I just know it's coming." Mist's voice sounded choked and before I could even register what I was doing my hand found hers. "The pain nearly becomes unbearable and it's so ironic to me that I'm a healer, yet I don't even have the power to heal myself."

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