Chapter 2: Day One Continued

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Twilight's pov

My dad, my younger brother Spike, and I got in the car and went to school. As soon as we got to school we jumped out and waved goodbye to our dad. Of course I was paying no attention to where I was going because I was paying so much attention to my dad that I bumped into someone. Before I fell they caught me, I looked up and was glad to see who it was.

"Dash!" I said while a huge grin spread across both of our faces.

"Hey Twi!" We hugged each other tight for a while I wished it would never end. I might be mistaken but I could have sworn she nuzzled me up to me a little bit. I blushed lightly as we pulled away from the embrace. Dash was also blushing slightly which most definitely came as a shock to me. Why would she possibly be blushing? I thought to myself.

"So should we go meet up with the others?" Dash asked, her voice a little shaky and nervous sounding.

"You okay Dash? You sound a little nervous."

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay, if you say so. Just know that what ever it is that's bugging you, you can tell me."

"I know."

"Good. Now let's go see the rest of the girls. I've been dying to see you all!"

We walked into the school and towards our usual meeting spot. On the way there our hands brushed against each other sending a chill (the good kind) down my spine. I blushed lightly. I guess Dash noticed cause she said something about it.

"Hey Twi, you okay? You look a little red."

"I'm fine."

We reached our meeting spot and sure enough the rest of the girls were waiting for us.

"There you two are! We've been waiting forever for you two!" Pinkie said while hugging both of us really tight. Luckily to day is like an all school fun day. There are whole bunches of fair like activities set up on our fields. This is the perfect time to tell her.



Hey sorry for the wait it's just i'm drowning in home work current moment!! love you all ~ Flutterb

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