Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Akshay had been waiting for her for over 15 minutes now. It may seem stupid to others that he was getting so angry over a mere 15 minutes but this is how he was, he hated late comers. This made him wonder if his attraction towards Emily would decrease if she had a habit of coming late. The thought almost made him laugh out loud. But as soon as he saw her running to him all coherent thoughts left his brain, firstly because she was stunning and secondly because she had been crying. Yes she had tried her best to hide it with makeup but he could still make out. He suddenly felt protectiveness run through him which was quickly followed by anger, what had made her cry? Rather, who had made her cry? He wanted so many answers but he didn’t want to push her.

“I’m sorry. I got caught up with something. I never get late usually, I’m really sorry.”

“It’s alright. Tell me something, have you been crying?”

“N-no I haven’t. What made you think so?” She was trying her best to sound okay but he could clearly see she was not.

“I don’t mind if you don’t want to talk about it but please don’t lie. Can we leave now?”

“No. I mean I was wondering if we can postpone this. I mean.. I hope you understand what I mean.”

“No Emelia I do not understand what you mean. Actually I don’t understand you. You walk into the restaurant and give me a look which says you want to do me right there but at the same time I can see so much hurt in your eyes. You kiss me back with so much passion but don’t want to go out for dinner with me. And then you lie to me even though I can clearly see you have been crying your eyes out. You know what? It’s okay. I understand if you don’t need anyone in your life right now, but stop giving me mixed signals. Just do your work well and I’ll leave you alone. Sleep Well.”

He was about to walk away and never look back but then he looked at her. She looked like her had slapped her and he felt guilty. He knew she was in pain but he had still hurt her. He was the most stupid man around. Damn. He should’ve learned how to make women happy rather than saying everything to her face. However before he could apologize she pulled his arm and started pacing towards her room. Before he could even understand what was going on he was sitting on her bed and had her phone in his hand. He wanted to ask her what was going on but she gave him a look which meant he should shut up.

“I was dating a guy named Bryan. He was the best thing that had happened to me; we were friends all through college and started dating soon after. I thought we were happy, I thought we were perfect and I never tried to look out of this little bubble I was living in. And then one day he left, he left me. And he left with my best friend. I was broken. And then this opportunity came up, I didn’t even think twice as I wanted to get away from London anyway. He sent me a mail today. Read it”

There. She had said it, she hadn’t spoken to anyone about this and couldn’t understand why she had told Akshay of all people. She had met the man yesterday! But the fact that she had already kissed him gave her a little confidence. Moreover speaking about it made her feel better. And now that she put the situation into perspective she was coming to realise that maybe she wasn’t madly in love with Bryan. Maybe she was just too comfortable to do anything about her sorry excuse for a relationship. And the letter sent by Bryan had confirmed this. They were not happy together. But she couldn’t lie to herself, the realisation had been hard and the letter had hurt her. But now she could get some sort of closure. Maybe.

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