Probability check-2

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Look,you look good,rich well educated and you're damn classy,who won't wish to get hitched to you? You'll never understand what I'm going through.
See as you said that you can't fall out of love from me,isn't it false? You're such a rotten lier,you're surely gonna move on the very next day,you'll get a kind hearted girl who'll like give you all the love you expected or that what I couldn't give it to you.You don't know what I'm going through.I'm getting married to the one whom I know but I also don't know.He's completely a stranger to me now,he's changed now!

After saying this to him,

Kunal who sat on his half foot on the floor got up and went to the balcony of the cabin.

His eyes were swollen and a it sensed a deep betrayal from her and a bad emotional feeling.

Kritika walked towards him and kissed him hard,without any guilt she did it because she wanted to ward off that friendzoned barrier from their life,she wanted him badly but she couldn't get him now.

This scene changed whole chemistry of the trio.


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