Chapter 1: Chris & Jasper

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          They bump into me, I look at them with bravery in my eyes I punch one and walk off, towards class, then I walk past it, towards the library, my favorite place, I've always loved reading, but that's the only thing I like about school other tha-

"momma's calling momma's calling" my phone screamed, pulling me from my dream, I picked up my phone sliding the answer button and putting the phone to my ear

"he-*yawn*-llo?" I said into the phone. Not quite realizing who it was, despite the loud ringtone.

"Jasper, Sweetie? Did you seriously JUST wake up?" My mother asked, with slight anger in her voice.

"yeah *yawn* why?" I asked confused.

"it's 7:30 in the morning!" She said, school started at 8:00 so I didn't see what she was on about.

"so," I asked her, fully awake now, "school doesn't start till 8:00, I normally get up later than this,"

"WHAT?!" she yelled at me

"yeah, either way, I gotta go, bye mom love you!" I hung up before she could say anything and texted my friend Marshall to get up when she didn't respond in the next 5 minutes, I called, it went to voicemail

"hey its Marshy Emma Dean, I'm either busy or can't find my phone, I'll get back to you as soon as I can, leave a message!" she was probably in the shower I left a message to call me back as soon as the chance was given and hung up, I took a quick shower and got dressed in denim jean shorts and a shirt with white sleeves and a dark gray center with the words, Californa Softball League printed on it in a baby blue, I brushed my brown hair to one side like usual, then my phone rang, when I picked it up it was Marshy, I swiped the answer button and talked to her,

 "Hey, Jasp!" Marshy's sweet and Cheery voice sang through the phone, I laughed a little and replied

"Hi Marshy, do you know what were doing in P.E. today?" I asked her, that was always my first to talk to her about even if I deny it, I love P.E.

"no, but I do know there's a new student, a boy student" I could just feel  her smirking on the other side of the line.

"ugh, really Marsh? I gotta go, I have to finish getting ready, I'll see you at breakfast k?"

"okay then, see ya in like ten minutes?"

"k bye," I hung up first, like always. Then I went back to the mirror and looked myself over, studying carefully, I look at my light gray eyes, my brown hair that went down to right below my chest, my favorite shirt where the shirt stopped a little over my elbow, and my favorite denim shorts that went a one-fourth way down to my knee, the tips of my hair went from Red before the tips and faded into Blue. I smiled at myself I was actually quite cute I never noticed it before.

I went and packed my bag with 10 notebooks a pack of pencils gym clothes and my wallet which contained my student ID and 30 dollars in spending money, then I swung my bag around my head and let it rest on the shoulder opposite of where the actual pouch that held my stuff was, as I went down the hall I saw some girls I knew, I nodded at them but didn't stop to talk, I kept walking and when I reached the lunchroom I sat in my normal spot with Marshy and my friends Chris or Christine, Em or Emily, and Freddy or Frederique, Chris and me were the more anti-social ones of the group while Freddy and marsh were the flirty ones, Em was perfectly balanced, right in the middle

"sooo, Jasp, you interested in anyone?" Freddy asked me, I had been drifting just like normal.

"What the hell Freddy," I said to her surprised, Marshy giggled "what are you laughing at?" I snapped at her, normal

"you're blushing," she said in a teasing tone

"what else is new?" I asked her, sarcasm coating my voice as I rolled my eyes.

"that is true," Em said, "Jasper is always blushing really." 

"yea, me and Jasper blush at the slightest of things," Chris said, cheeks flushed red

"Ugh anyway Chris and I should get to the library, we have to do some studying for our science partner thing, we already completed it but Mrs.Brecket said we have to do twice the work and put in more effort or whatever, sooo chao'!"

I took Chris by the arm and pulled her about three yards when she yanked her arm away and just walked beside me,  we talked as we walked to the library

"but for real Jasp, do you like anyone here?" she asked, somehow everything was less weird and embarrassing when talking to her, even though it may seem like marshy is my best friend, it's actually Chris,

"um not really, you?"

"well yeah kinda I-I guess .." she said blushing so much it made me smile.

"who?" I asked her with genuine interest in my voice

"um, I don't really wanna say .."

"it's okay, I respect you and your privacy," I told her, I didn't want her to feel pressured, she'd tell me when she was ready,'

"heh, thanks .." Chris smiled at me as she smiled I smiled back and we turned right, into the library heading for the section on aquatic life our project was on how pollution affects the ocean and its animals, Chris and I were looking through some of the books and I found one about baby aquatic animals, i showed Chris and she grabbed one about coral reefs, we found a table and sat down, we both reviewed the books and talked to each other about it, we decided to check them both out, we went up to where Ms.Richelle was standing by her desk, putting the books from the return onto the cart that wheeled around to put the books away.

"um, Ms. Richelle?" I asked sweetly

"oh, Jasper! Chris! its good to see you!" Ms.Richelle said turning around, Ms.Richelle had Pretty brown curly hair that went a little past her shoulders and she had beautiful amber eyes, she had chestnut colored skin and was really pretty and kind.

"um, could we check out these books, please?" 

"oh, of course, Student ID's please?" I pulled my wallet out and gave her the card I've had for nearly a year now,  Chris tapped me

"yea Chris?" I asked confused

"um, I accidently forgot my ID at my dorm .." I smiled at her sweetly and took the book from her hands, I then handed it to Ms.Richelle.

"could you check both of these onto my account?" I asked her, she smiled at me and scanned both or the bar codes, I took them and put them in my bag hanging to the side, I put my card back in my wallet and my wallet into my bag, then me and Chris headed out of the library toward our first class, Math, Chris and mine's least favorite subject, though Chris and I had almost all our classes together, Math was most dreaded, like usual, though, we got there first, which meant we got to choose our seats, we sat in the back left corner, away from the door and next to eachother, we got everything we need for math out and waited fro the teacher to come in.

MarshHeights High (original story by IvoryBitch216)Where stories live. Discover now