st. therese

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St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) was a French Catholic who became a Carmelite nun at an early age. She died in obscurity at the age of 26, however, after her death her autobiography – Story of a Soul was published and became a best-seller around the world. Her books explained her spiritual path of love and selflessness, and she became one of only three females to be considered a doctor of the Catholic Church.

Short bio of St Therese of Lisieux

St Therese was drawn to pray for sinners. Although her father tried to keep newspapers out of the house, she became aware of the notorious – unrepentant killer Henri Pranzini, who was due to be executed in 1887. Therese prayed for his last minute conversion and was able to read in the newspaper of his last-minute grab for a crucifix as he approached the scaffold. He kissed the wounds of Jesus three times before being guillotined.

St Therese audience with the Pope

Initially the Church authorities refused to allow a girl, who was so young to enter holy orders. They advised her to come back when she was 21 and "grown up". However Therese's mind was made up, she couldn't bear to wait; she felt God was calling her to enter the cloistered life. Therese was so determined she travelled to the Vatican to personally petition the Pope. Breaking protocol she spoke to the Pope asking for permission to enter a convent. Slightly taken aback Pope Leo XIII replied "Well, my child, do what the superiors decide." Soon after, her heart's desire was fulfilled, and she was able to join her two sisters in the Carmelite convent of Lisieux.

"Our fulcrum is God: our leve

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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