6. Lazy day

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During the night I have a dream about Marian. It's not one of those sad dreams. She is still alive and we are a happy family together. We spend a day at the beach with Roland and have a lot of fun. When I wake up in the morning I have tears in my eyes because I know it will always stay just that, a dream, and nothing more. I quickly blink them away when I hear Roland's little footsteps outside my room. He comes in and jumps in the bed. "Can we make breakfast papa? I'm really hungry." he says smiling showing me his cute dimples. He knows I can't resist him. Roland is such a clever boy for his age. "Of course my boy. What do you want?" I ask him while I pick him up and carry him to the kitchen. "I want pancakes again. Please!" he begs me. I already take out the ingredients "Sure my boy. You can help me with the batter.". "Yes!" he yells excitedly. I place the bowl on the counter and help Roland on a chair so he can help me measure and mix the ingredients. We make quite the mess while making our pancakes, but I don't care as long as my son is having fun. Soon we are both covered in flour and Roland is laughing making me laugh too. I'll have to clean up later. In the end it seems like Roland has more batter on his sweater than there is in the bowl. Just like yesterday I bake the pancakes and put different fruits on top of them creating a smiling face for my son. We eat in the kitchen again and afterwards I bathe Roland and take a shower myself to free ourselves from the flour.

Roland wants to go and play football so that's what we do. Central Park is only a few blocks away and to avoid the crowded subway, we walk there. The weather is nice and really warm for April. At first we play football on one of the lawn and later we take a break for Roland to play on the playground. He immediately runs towards the swings, they are his favorite. Sometimes Marian pushed him. That's what I do now. He swings higher and higher. I let him swing on his own to take pictures. His bright smile makes me incredibly happy.
We usually go to the playground every day, because I want to give my son the chance to play with children in his age and find friends. He doesn't have many friends, because he hasn't been in kindergarten the last years so he could spend more time with his mother and with the medical bills to pay there wasn't enough money. I want him to go back as soon as I find a good place and I have enough money. We play together, but soon he is tired from all the running. He is giggling cheerfully when I carry him on my shoulders back home. There I make us some noodles with pesto. We decide to have a lazy day and watch Disney movies. We curl up on the couch together Roland cuddling into my side as we watch the first movie he chose, 101 Dalmatians. Roland loves the puppies and tells me for like the 100th time that he wants one. When Marian was sick I always said no to him, because it was too expensive, but now I actually consider giving him one when I have a job. Soon we are interrupted by the doorbell. I have no idea who it could be.  I didn't expect anyone. Roland jumps up and runs to the door. Me following close behind. He opens it and I'm surprised to see Mr Mills since I didn't expect to see him so soon again. "Hello Mr Mills. What brings you here?" I greet him Roland now standing behind me. "Hello Mr Locksley. I have some news for you. Can I come in?" he asks smiling. It must be some good new for me then "Yes sure. We can talk in my office.". "Daddy who is he?" Roland asks me curiously. I kneel down in front of him to explain it to him "I might work for him soon. Now go and play in your room. We can finish our movie later." Roland runs of and I lead Mr Mills to my office, which I rarely used in the last years. The room is filled with bookshelves and pictures. "So what are the news?" I ask him once we sit. "My wife and I decided that you're the best for our daughter. You have the job if you're still interested. I'd like to go over the contract with you and discuss some details." Mr Mills explains. Wow these are amazing new. I'm truly honored they actually chose me "Of course I'm still interested. Thank you.". "My wife and me set up a contract. Just read it and ask if something is unclear." he says pulling out some papers from his bag. I carefully read the contract and ask him about some details before I finally sign it. Now I officially have a new job! "I'll introduce you to Regina tomorrow. She is still in the hospital. I'll meet you there at twelve thirty." he takes a short break before he continues "She doesn't like the idea of someone looking after her and might not react well to you. Don't let it get to you. She's been through a lot. It's hard for her to accept the changes in her life. Just talk to her and try to get to know each other. Don't worry too much. I'm sure you two will get along well once you spend more time together.". He gives me some time to think about what he just said. I'm extremely nervous about meeting her, but on the other side I can't wait to get to know her. "Since you are like family now you can call me Henry." the older man offers. "I'm Robin" I shake his hand "By the way could I sometimes bring Roland when I don't have a babysitter?". "Yes sure, Regina will love him. She is very fond of children. Just wait until she is ready before you bring him. It might be too much for her right now." he explains as we walk to the door. Before Henry leaves he hands me a sheet with some important information like phone numbers in case of an emergency and a key to Regina's apartment. He won't take me there, because he believes it's best if she shows me around herself. Her apartment is only a few blocks away from ours and I could be there in a few minutes, but when Henry asked me if I could stay there for first two weeks I immediately said I'd do it knowing that my parents would be happy to have Roland staying with them. I understand Henry's reasons for not wanting his daughter to be alone, especially at night. He told me she is extremely stubborn and refuses help even though she knows that she needs it. He fears she might do something stupid and hurt herself when she is alone and won't call me. It's gonna be a long and hard way for both of us, but I'm determined to go it with Regina. He didn't tell me more about her, because he wants me to get to know her myself.

After Henry has left I call my parents and John to tell them the great news. My parents are proud of me for getting a job and not giving up. Like I expected they are happy to take Roland for the two weeks and longer if I need them to. They even offer to take him for the night so I can go and celebrate with my brother, but I decline. All I want to do is spending the evening with my son. Roland is a bit sad when I tell him that I have a job now, because I won't be around all the time now, but he likes the idea to spend more time with his grandparents. He is already looking forward to tomorrow afternoon with them.

We finish the movie together and watch another one afterwards. It's time for dinner and Roland requests pizza. I prepare the pizza and Roland helps me put the toppings onto it. He really enjoys cooking and baking with me and I always let him help, because I love to see my son smile and having fun. Then he always shows those adorable dimples Marian and I love so much. She once told me they were one of things she loved most about me. We put the pizza in the oven and play a game until it is ready. After dinner I get him ready for bed. Like almost everyday he told me that he wasn't tired and wanted to stay up longer, but I didn't give in, not this time. Instead I offered to read him a story from his fairytale book. Roland accepted my offer and choose Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for me to read. I sit down on the side of his bed and pull the covers over him. Once he is laying comfortably with his stuffed fox in his arms I begin reading. It doesn't take long until his eyes are closed and he is sleeping soundly. I place a light kiss on his forehead and stand up leaving the door open on my way out. He is afraid of being alone and when the door is closed he can sleep better. Since Marian's death he fears he'll loose me too. I do the best I can to assure him that I'm always there for him. I get ready for bed myself and continue reading that book I've started a few days ago.

In the middle of the night I wake up when I hear Roland coming into my room. I used to be a heavy sleeper, but that changed when Marian was ill. I'd wake up from feeling small movements and hear low sounds just like Roland's footsteps on the hardwood floor. "What's wrong my boy? Did you have a nightmare?" I ask him gently. He nods "Can I sleep with you daddy?". "Of course" I pull back the covers for him to climb in bed next to me "Do you want to talk about it?". He just shakes his head and curls up next to me. I pull the covers over the two of us and gently stroke his hair until he falls back asleep. When I'm sure he is fine I allow myself to fall asleep too.

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