Chapter Seven

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Warnings: Mild Gore.


It has been four days since Hoseok has left home, yes, he could actually call his apartment his home since Taehyung has arrived. He texts and calls the younger from time to time but it's not enough for Hoseok. Not since he has started to accept the fact that he harbors some sort of feeling towards the younger.

He needs to see the younger and feel his presence. Their ritual of sleeping on the same bed continued after that night. Of course they have had a couple of sexual moments but that's not all Hoseok longs for now.

Two days after that night, a dead body was sent to Taehyung's house and family. Apparently the younger's mother was in a fatal accident for which she suffers from some sort of amnesia. She forgets her daily memory once she goes to sleep.

Each day when she wakes up from her sleep, she forgets what she has done the previous day. Sometimes she even forgets the fact that she is married and has a son. Taehyung used to help his mother recall her memories but ever since he has been missing, his father doesn't give two shits about helping her recall her memories.

His father upon hearing the death news of his son just cursed. He informed Hoseok and his "Legal Police" team to keep the body or bury it wherever they wanted. Hoseok took notice of the father and decided it was not the best idea to tell Taehyung's mother about the money she is going to receive from his son.

Speaking about it in front of the broke ass drunkard would increase her problems. Hoseok left the dead certificate to his parents and took the body with him. He exchanged numbers with Taehyung's mother to inform her about the details later.

"Please let me go." The man who is tied up on a chair in the warehouse begs. Hoseok has to say, Taehyung was his best hostage. Taehyung never pleaded for mercy and never whined about sparing his life, instead he took the challenge he was forced to face. "I will, soon. Don't worry about it." he replies to the man loading his gun. "No please! I will do anything! Let me live!" the man begs once again.

"Look, I am doing the best I can to end your misery soon. The longer you live, the more misery you'll feel. What's the point in living with no thumbs? What exactly are you going to do?" Hoseok asks looking at the man's hands which now had four fingers on each.

The man was resisting to give information to Hoseok so he decided to achieve it the tough way. He started to cut each centimeter of the man's thumb each time he resisted to give the information Hoseok desired to know.

"I have a family!" the man shouts. Hoseok paces towards the man and gives a tough blow on the man's jaw with his fist. "I don't like anyone shouting at me." Hoseok warns with raged eyes. "I will do anything. Please, give me a chance to prove it." The man pleads whispering, unable to speak accurately due to the pain from the blow.

Hoseok sighs, "I am sorry man. My job is to clean the mess. I appreciate that you have provided me with the information you had but I can't let you live. It's not in my hands. Sorry." Hoseok replies putting the gun on the man's forehead.

"Ple—." The man is cut mid sentence when Hoseok pulls the triggers and plungers a hole in the man's skull. Blood spurts out of the hole and some of it gets on Hoseok's shirt and face. He sighs as he once again has to dispose a shirt he likes. He calls Vernon, another person from his unit, to take care of the dead body and his clothes once he leaves the warehouse.

He, for once is looking forward to going back to his apartment, his home. It's not the usual dusty, dark, isolated and cold apartment waiting for him. It's Taehyung waiting for him with his boxy smile and sparkling personality, which was still a mystery to him. He still, from time to time, wonders why the younger was accepting everything so easily.

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