Chapter Nine

177 11 2

Warnings: Drugs and violence


Two days, two days is how long Hoseok and Namjoon have been missing for ever since they had set out for the joined mission.

Taehyung is on the verge on breaking down from his anxious thoughts of what could have happened to the elder. Jin on the hand, as an elder and for someone with more experience, is calm and collected in appearance even though his presumptions of the missing two are eating his sanity.

Taehyung is trying his best to stay calm and fight the situation with cleverness but he can't. The thought of losing Hoseok is something he can not fathom. He hasn't slept in past two days and his body is bailing on him as he can no longer without his knees giving up.

"You need to sleep Taehyung. I understand how you must be feeling right now but we are trying to locate them. You have to stay strong, for his sake at least." Jinyoung suggests to Taehyung as he grabs his shoulder and gives it a light squeeze of assurance. "I can't. I just can't. I keep on thinking about these things and I am afraid if I sleep something will happen to him in the meantime and I'll lose him for forever." Taehyung replies with tired eyes and a cracked voice from exhaustion.

"Take the sofa over there and try to sleep. Nothing will happen while we're looking over, okay? If something happens, we'll wake you immediately. We are looking for Hoseok with everything we got, so have faith in us. We'll get through this." Jinyoung tries to assure with a soft smile.

Taehyung resists the urge to sleep at first but his body pulls him towards the sofa like if it were a magnet. He closes his eyes lying down on the sofa and drifts off to deep sleep within seconds. He had over worked himself in the past forty eights in failed attempts of locating the missing boys' location.

"Did you find anything?" Jinyoung asks Jaebum who is trying to locate the missing two from the GPS they have on their phones. "Nothing, the trail vanishes at a hotel. I have already informed Jackson to get onto it. He is on his way to the hotel to investigate about them." Jaebum informs. "I don't understand. How can they just disappear? They have been working together for years now and they are our best. Something feels very suspicious about all of this." Jinyoung questions furrowing his eyebrows. "Same here but I can't put my finger on it." Jaebum adds.

Suddenly the door to their room opens and comes in Jin with files of papers in his one hand and a coffee mug in another. "I have informed the boss about it. He has asked us to hold all our current work in hand and continue looking for them. Our work will be passed onto another unit." He informs. Jaebum and Jinyoung both nod and return to their desks trying to find clues of the missing two. A few hours pass and they are nowhere near as they should be. Whoever is behind the whole tantrum, is definitely someone very cunning, much more than Hoseok and Namjoon at that.

"It's getting more and more suspicious. I have a conclusion but I don't want to admit it." Jin says finishing his tenth cup of coffee of that day. "I think you're thinking what we're thinking." Jaebum replies. "Yeah, it's definitely someone from the inside who has sold them out. Do you know everyone who knows about their mission?" Jin asks.

"Excluding all of us in the room, Jimin, Jungkook, Baekhyun, Vernon, I.M and the boss knew before we informed about their disappearance. Jackson found out when I asked him to locate them. It's definitely not the boss along with Jimin and Jungkook. Baekhyun and Vernon aren't that kind of people either. That leaves I.M, even though I don't think he is that type, yet he is the most suspicious." Jinyoung answers chewing inside his lower lip.

"I will go and have a conversation with I.M to observe his behavior. Hopefully we're wrong." Jin informs before leaving the room. Taehyung wakes up a few minutes later, whilst sleeping the latter had completely forgotten about his current situation.

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