Chapter 2

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Austin's POV


To: Austin
From: Dez

The roller coaster isn't working!!! What are you going to do??


Phew, I thought something bad actually happened. I text him back saying that it was ok, there are other rides and I don't think Ally even likes roller coasters.

As you have probably guessed, I'm taking her to this new carnival in town then going to the beach. I hope she likes it.

I quickly got dressed, I'm wearing my navy blue skinny jeans and a light blue t shirt with my leather jacket. I put on my cologne that Ally likes and went down to Sonic Boom to pick up Ally

*At Sonic Boom*

I walked through the front door and Ally was standing there reading a book.

"Hey Ally" I said to her as I gave her a hug then a kiss on the cheek

"Hey Austin, you look handsome tonight"

"Thanks, you look beautiful Ally" I replied and she did look beautiful, she was wearing a pink and white dress with a belt around her stomach and greed high heels. Her brown silky hair was down and it has a beautiful wave to it. She looked absolutely gorgeous :)

"Thanks Austin" she said as she gave me a hug. Mmmm she smells really good

"Are we ready to go?" I ask her


I held my hand out and she gladly took it and we walked out of Sonic Boom

The carnival wasn't that far away, so we decided to walk.

*At the Carnival*

" a carnival" Ally asked

"Yeah, it's fun and we can do those cliche moments, like me winning you a toy and going on the Ferris wheel. " I replied with enthusiasm

"Yeah, I guess, not to sure about the Ferris wheel, I mean what happens if it stops and breaks down and we would never get down or if our carriage falls of and..." I cut her off by kissing her on the lips .

"It will be ok Ally, I will be with you if anything happens" I say to her while holding her close

"Ok Austin, I trust you" she said as she smiled at me.

"Ok babe, what do you want to do first?"


2 hours later

We have done so much, we have gone on so many rides. I even won her a teddy bear which took me 3 goes at, now it's time for he Ferris wheel. I can tell Ally is a bit scared but I want her to have heaps of fun on it and to do that I need to ensure her that nothing bad is going to happen.

"Ally, it's going to be ok, you will be fine, I'm here for you"

"I know Austin, I'm just a bit nervous, never been on one. But if I can over come my stage fright, I can easily get on this Ferris wheel." She said confidently

"That's my girl, I love you babe" I said to her as I pecked her on the lips

"I love you too, now let's go"

I held onto her hand and led her into the carriage of the Ferris wheel.

She was a bit nervous through the first round but after that she realised nothing bad is happening and eased down.

After a few more spins it stopped at the top.

"Austin, I thought you said nothing will happen, we have stopped at the top, we are going to die..."

"Ally, like I said before nothing bad is going to happen, it has stopped because people are getting out, see!!"

She looked down and said "oh I knew that...."

I laughed at her and she ended up laughing with me because of how she over reacted.

Once it was our time to get off, we got off and left the carnival.

"I had a great time Austin" she said as she hugged me and kissed me. Her kisses were so good, so sweet and her lips are so soft against mine.

"I'm happy you had a great time, I have one more surprise for you, come with me."

I grabbed her hand and we both ran to the beach.

"We are at the beach, a beach where we go to many times." She questioned

"Yes, except with a surprise"

"Ok babe"

We sat on the sand and talked for a while until we heard a bang.

We looked up and saw the fireworks lighting up the sky

"Did you plan this" she asked

"Yeah I did"

"Aww that's so sweet" she said then she kissed me with so much passion


Trish's POV

While Austin and Ally are on their date, Dez and I are hanging out at Sonic Boom.

We have been hanging out a lot lately, in private. And Austin and Ally don't know about it because I'm scared on how they would react.

Dez and I are dating!!


Hey everyone...

I haven't had a lot of feed back on this story and it's making me think that I should just stop the story..

I have just started my last year of school and I have heaps of homework already but I'm gonna try and update as soon as possible..

It would be great to have some feedback on my story so far :)



And please Follow me :) xx


Love Conquers All - Austin and Ally Fanfic (Sequel to The One)Where stories live. Discover now