Chapter 17

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I woke up around 3:00 in the afternoon, still on Tony's shoulder. I looked around and saw nobody else in the room. I wiggled out of mine and Tony's awkward position and saw that he was also asleep. When I moved, his body laid

down on the rest of the couch and his feet were still on the floor. I lifted his legs up and laid them on the couch an then exited out of the room quietly.

When I went into the front room I saw Jaime sitting on the couch with his laptop and headphones on. Mike was sitting on the opposite couch typing ferociously at his phone screen.

"Sabrina bitching again?" I asked sitting next to him peering at his messages. I saw a bunch of capitalized text messages between the both of them.

"Of fucking course" he sighed locking his phone and laying it on his lap.

"Well, do you know what we should do?"

I grinned

"What?" He smiled

I turned my body to completely face him and sat cross cross on the couch before speaking "Okay. We should make a fake Facebook profile, and friend her and start flirting with her and see what she does. Then, if she does something stupid, you can call her out on it and break up with her. Or you can do the easier thing and just dump her ass. It's whatever though."

He smiled and chuckled "you wanna help me make a video to send to her? The break up video?"

"Hell yeah!"

Vic came out of the bathroom wearing pajama pants, no shirt, and his hair wrapped up in a towel.

"Viiiiiic!" I whined. He turned around and asked what's up. "You wanna help Mike break up with this bitch?"

Jaime took off his head phones and chimed in, "I DO!"

"Alright let me start" mike said.

He opened up the camcorder on his phone and started recording just himself "Sabrina, to be honest, I'm just sick of your shit. You're a bitch." He said calmly. I grabbed the camera and said, "I agree" and then Vic and Jaime did the same thing.

On the wifi speakers on the bus, I started playing a song and the chorus went like "Fuck dat bitch" so we played it loudly and were all dancing to it while mike recorded us.

While mike was typing the message to send along with the video, Tony stumbled into the room rubbing his eyes.

"Who's the bitch were fucking?" He asked sleepily.

We all laughed wildly and Jaime spoke up, "Mike is breaking up with Sabrina. We played that song for a video to send to her" Jaime said still chuckling.

Mike started laughing crazily and when I asked him what was so funny, he held up his phone for us to see, I saw a message from Sabrina, that read 'hahaha like a give a fuck' with a picture attached of her kissing someone else, a picture that she took. Mikes laughter died down and I spoke, "Ya know that that's just some random person she's kissing, right? I mean, look at the dudes face.... He has no idea what the hell is going on" I showed the picture back to Mike and he started laughing again. All of the other boys knew what the message was about and started laughing along too, at Sabrina's stupidness, or Mikes laugh. Whichever one, they were laughing and it was really adorable.

It was around five o'clock now and everyone was starting to get hungry. We found this small dinner and ate there. After the waitress took our orders I started the conversation. "Soooo... Warped tomorrow. What should I do and/or expect?"

Jaime chimed in "I would say that you you can go walk around, but I don't think that's a good idea..." He trailed off and Vic spoke up.

"Yeah, especially since its your first show with us, I would stay as close to us as possible. You can watch backstage if you'd like. I don't know when we have signings or whatever. You can sit next to or behind us for that or I can get security to take you back to the bus."

"I think I'd prefer sitting with you guys at the signings" I smiled

"What are some of your favorite bands at warped?" Mike questioned

"Well, I love Of Mice & Men, Bring Me The Horizon, Sleeping With Sirens, ALL TIME LOW. Your typical fan girl bands. Those are all the ones I can think of at warped. I like a lot of older bands too" I replied

"Okay, we'll have to check your favs out one day and introduce you to a few of our personal favorites" mike mentioned and all the boys nodded their head in agreement.

"Another question. Umm.. What am I gonna do about the fans? Like, should I try to stay private on my Facebook and Instagram?"

The boys looked around at each other for an answer. Jaime looked over at me, "What would you like?"

"Well," I began, "fangirls figure out everything. Trust me, I know. I think it would be better if I kept my instagram and Facebook pages personal, and make a fake name or last name for the fan insta. Does that sound okay?"

The waitress walked by and said that our food should be out any second. Vic picked back up on the conversation.

"That sounds perfect!"

"Okie doke. What should my fake name be?"

"Pedro Gonzalez" Jaime said making a weird face to go a long with the name. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Well, have Lillianna Carmikel be your personal name, and your fake name be Lilly Fuentes." Vic mentioned

"Well, my actual last name is Fuentes now, so that works." I grinned.

Our food came out along with the waitress and we all hushed up and stuffed our face.

I grabbed the check and stood up and Vic handed me two twenties to pay. I paid and went back to the table where the guys were getting up. We walked out to the bus and I looked at the time and ran to the the back room and jumped onto the couch. "What's happening?!" Tony shouted walking into the back room with the others following behind him with confused looks on their face. I was scurrying around trying to find the remote.

"America's Next Top Model started 5 minutes ago. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE REMOTE!?" I replied.

"Shit!" Jaime yelled and started looking around for the remote with me. Vic saw the remote from a distance and held it up and Jaime practically tackled him to grab it. Jaime turned on the Tv and turned it to the show. I sat on the left side of the couch, Jaime to my right, Tony to Jaimes right, and Vic to Tonys right. Mike sat on the chair adjacent to the couch, "you guys are a bunch of chicks" mike said, "SHHH!" Jaime and I yelled never looking away from the screen.

When the hour long show was over, it was 6:00. We got our phones out and checked our news feeds and replied to texts. I had a text from one of my best guy friends at school, Mason. I completely forgot today was Monday. Masons text read: 'LITTLE BITCH. *its the name he calls me, it's not offensive whatsoever* why weren't you at school today?'

I replied: 'well, long story short. When I went to warped I met pierce the veil, I talked to them and told them about my parents and granny. They gave me their kik and I started talking to them and they told me that when my grandma dies, Vic (the singer) would adopt me and I would live with them. So my grandma died Friday night. The picked me up Saturday morning, and here I am Monday evening.'

Mason: 'oh, are you ever gonna come back to Kentucky? :('

Me: I mean, they're really busy. And they live in California when they're not on tour. Maybe we can come during vacation or in between tour dates. I don't know :/'

Mason: 'well, FaceTime me whenever you can! '

I walked into the front room and face timed mason. We finally hung up around 7:30 and I went to the back room. Where the guys were all sitting.

"Hey guys, is it cool if I take a shower?"

"Noooo, we want you to be gross and smelly" Jaime said sarcastically.

"Towels are under the sink in the bathroom." Vic said

"Mkay, I brought my shampoo and stuff" I grabbed I new set of clothes to take with me to the bathroom.


I hopped out the shower and wrapped my hair into a towel and dried off my body with the other. I slipped into my pajamas and took my dirty clothes back to my suitcase. I sat down on the couch next to Vic and started watching the show Vic was watching and my phone vibrated. I checked it and sighed.

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