i. Love Connections

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Most people will probably present a solid argument why Mondays are the most difficult morning of the week to get up, get ready, and go out the door.

I disagree.

I’ve always loved Mondays because they’re the first day of the week and a fresh start. The fact that 99% of New York is grumpy on such a glorious start is baffling to me.

That’s probably why most people think of me as an optimist. It’s not that I have an overwhelmingly positive attitude every day, but I have unwavering faith in my client’s success in their love lives. It is my job, after all.

These thoughts were all running through my head as I made the short commute from my tiny apartment to my business. Hot cup of tea in my red-mittened hand, freezing, smog-filled city air slapping my face, I felt great. Today was a Monday, a fresh start, a new beginning. I’ve always like new beginnings.

The front door to Love swung shut, blocking out the frigid January Brooklyn air. I paused for a moment in the entrance, removing my orange gloves and savoring the heat.

“Good morning, Juliette!” That was Claire, my receptionist. She was fresh out of college, and still bright eyed and innocent. She took care of scheduling my appointments and handling our social media. Basically, Claire was my right hand lady.

“Your first appointment is at 9:30, and it’s with Ms.….” She paused as her eyes scanned for the name. “Yeah, Ms. Abagail Holbring. After that, you have 2 more consultations, one with Isaac Granger at 10:45 and Liam Payne at 11:15. Um, I can print these out for you and give them to you in a few minutes. I also have your coffee, sitting on your desk, and your daily balloon sitting right next to it.”

I smiled. “Thank you Claire. That will be very helpful.” She tucked one stray piece of hair behind her ear, before turning to her computer.

My office was tidy and doubled as my consultation space. It was decorated purposely with warm, inviting colors that invited my clients to share everything about themselves. Just as described, there was a steaming cup of coffee sitting on my desk, right next to a small red balloon.

My fascination with balloons had started long before Love Connections existed. Balloons was the last memory I ever had with my father, an airplane pilot who had a fatal crash when I was seven. The week before he died, he took me to a parade, where he had bought me bunch of balloons. Tiny fingers gripping the strings, he had hoisted me up on his broad shoulders, whispering, and “Release one every time you see something you like. It’s your way of saying, ‘thank you.’” I remember looking up in the sky, watching with wonder as the multi colored pockets of air floated into the sky.

After he died, my only way of remembering him, and saying “thank you” was to have a balloon. So naturally, when I discovered that there was a Brooklyn company that sent you a balloon daily, I did not hesitate to subscribe.


I looked up from my computer to hear Claire’s voice, accompanied by a second set of footsteps.

“Yes, ma’am, Love Connections has a 97% success rate. Your appointment is with the owner, Ms. Juliette Idling. I promise you’re in good hands.”

There was a knock on the door. I quickly straightened the papers on my desk, as well as the balloon. Putting on my award-winning smile, I called out, “Come in!”

A small, timid looking woman entered. She looked at me shyly, straightening her jacket.

I gave her a welcoming smile and gestured to the chair opposite mine. “Come, sit! You can put your jacket on the hook right there…perfect.”

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