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 Extended Description

My mother always said I had a gift with people, and I guess that she's correct. How else would my business, Love Connections Matchmaking Service, have a 97% satisfaction rate?

The service, often fondly called Love by my employees, was the brainchild of my childhood romantic heart and my teenage addiction to romantic comedy films.

It's helped that my parents named me Juliette, after Shakespeare’s famous leading lady.

After graduating with a degree in business (at the top of my class, I might add), I borrowed a small fortune from my mother, and thus, Love Connections Matchmaking Service was born.

Love was an instant success in my romantically challenged Brooklyn neighborhood. I might only be 24, but I know more about what makes love than most ever hope to learn. Soon, I had people from all over the city signed up to meet The One. And 97% of them have been extremely successful. I still get hoards of Christmas cards every year from old clients, with their adorable little families and a personalized note thanking me profusely for my services.

Most people, (that being reporters or curious soon-to-be-clients) want to know my secret. “Is it a special computer program?” they almost always ask.

I always shake my head at them, smiling sweetly. “No, but we do have top of the line technology here at Love Connections, all ready to help you find The One,” I’ll say, flashing my super white teeth.

No, the actual secret is that I’m an expert at reading body language, and predicting what people want. The real truth is that opposites never attract. Match a librarian who has a fondness for cats with a Wall Street businessman, and you’ll have a recipe for failure. But, if you put that librarian with an English professor and the businessman with a fashion magazine editor, you’ll have two wedding dates in the future, double the pay, and glowing reports on your social media platforms.

I’ve matched everyone from celebrities to garbage collectors, and I’ll take anyone, as long as they pay in advance and sign our no-refund policy. I can’t have anyone chicken out, pull out of my program, and claim they wasted their money. No, if they do so, it just proves that they were not trying hard enough to find love. Sorry, but love is non-refundable.

People have called me confident, but I have every right to be. I’ve worked countless hours on Love, and it represents my success.

So that’s why you can understand why I didn’t appreciate it when someone came in, and tried to wreck everything that Love and I stood for.

Copyright © 2013 by madmoisellebelle. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by madmoisellebelle. All rights reserved. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

So I'm writing a Liam AU short story???? Idk I was driving home today and it sort of came to me, so it's going to happen. I've already written the first chapter but I'm going to wait until Wednesday to post it, so I have enough time to edit and so on. 

Also please note: This is an AU. Louis is in it too, but he's a minor character...for now. Okay, I lied. he'll be taking a larger role in upcoming chapters.

Yeah ok I'm totally stoked about this :))))))) 

SInce you guys are so amazing, I would realllllly appreciate it if you could go check out my ongoing book of prose/poetry called 1 AM, and my upcoming 2 (3 soon!) stories :)



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