...friends? {10}

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[prince keith is online]

prince keith: lance mcclain.

[lance mcmeme is online]

lance mcmeme: yes child

prince keith: im older than you.

prince keith: anyway,

prince keith: i would like to request to become... friends?

prince keith: i want you to teach me memes.

lance mcmeme: oMFG

lance mcmeme: 2gay4me

prince keith: no. i merely request friendship.

lance mcmeme: you know what

lance mcmeme: f i n e

[salty pidgeon is online]


lance mcmeme: what is

salty pidgeon: You're finally tolerating each other

lance mcmeme: not a big deal

salty pidgeon: Yes it is

prince keith: i merely request the knowledge of memes.

salty pidgeon: I'll leave you two to talk about 'memes' ;)

lance mcmeme: gdi pidge

[salty pidgeon is offline]

prince keith: alright, i guess we should move to messaging each other.

lance mcmeme: yikes

prince keith: what?

lance mcmeme: nothing

lance mcmeme: we aren't gay tho

prince keith: that is true.

im SORRY I haven't updated in so long I always want to except once I start my motivation goes down by 4000%, so yeah. as I say in LITERALLY EVERY CHAPTER, thank you for the continuous support onthis book !!

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