Chapter 1

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I wake up to the usual sound of rain and footsteps. I sit up and try and take in my new surroundings. In defence of my new room it's marginally bigger and better decorated than my old one with oak flooring, A thick black rug to match my quilt, tapestries on my walls and a king size bed which is ironic since I spend more time in it trying to sleep than I do actually sleeping. I finally muster up the energy to stand up and rub the tiredness out of my eyes. Before we moved to echoes fall I slept like a baby but now I'm lucky to get 5 hours sleep. I get to work searching through all the moving boxes for something to wear and find a pair of running tights and an old shirt. I get dressed and walk over to my door, taking a second before opening it, knowing if I do I'll have to go downstairs and let my mum give me her overly optimistic smile that screams this is all going to be okay, but I don't need optimism, I need to get out of this house. I take a deep breathe and open my bedroom door, but before I can even step through the doorway I'm near enough tackled by my little brother Jude followed by his twin Jamie. "Guys would stop running around the house!" I shout as Jude stops at the top of the stairs" haha your funny" before turning and running down the stairs full speed. I think about how my dad would've handled the situation, if he was still here that is. I sigh and make my way downstairs.
I walk through the hallway and into the kitchen and take a seat at the table but before I can even tuck my chair in I'm greeted by my mum, holding a plate of food." Morning sweety how did you sleep?" I know if I tell her that I'm not sleeping that happy smile she gives me will turn into a look of worry so I lie "like a rock" I say as I take my plate, giving her a thankful smile. "This looks really good mum, Thankyou" I say as I examine my breakfast. Sausage, bacon, eggs and toast. I make a start on my food as I listen to the deep, smooth voice on the radio as he goes over the weather forecast
'Heavy showers are expected to continue for the next week at least as the town is hit by a surprise storm' it's not stopped raining since last week when we moved in and it hasn't showed any signs of letting up, but it's fine, I like the rain and I especially love storms. I finish up my food and make my way to the front door but before I can even get my trainers on I hear "where are you going? It's pouring down outside you'll catch your death out there" my mum shouts too me from the kitchen" "I'm just going for a run I'll be back in an hour" I shout, trying to keep the tone of disinterest out of my voice, and put on my hoodie and open the door "well be careful out there you might get lost" she shouts back to me. "Mum this town is like a mile across I'll be fine" she shouts something back but I'm already out the door and running.

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