Chapter 19

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"Y/n." someone whispers.

"Y/n. Wake up," you hear the same voice whisper. You open your eyes slowly and see Mark giving you a tired look. You sit up and see that you're on Mark's bed. You turn to him and stare at him, confused as to why you're on his bed.

"Why am I on your bed?"

"You came in after the session with your friends and you were sad. You told me to hold you, so I did. You fell asleep and stayed asleep, so I held you for a bit, but then moved over to your bed so I wouldn't bother you in your sleep." he says. You smile and nod.

"Thank you," you say. He shrugs and smiles a small nervous smile.

"It's group therapy in an hour, so yeah," Mark says. You pull him in for a hug. He hugs back and falls next to you when you pull him down back onto his bed. He lets out a little giggle, causing you to laugh.

"That has got to be the cutest giggle I've heard." you joke. He lightly smacks your shoulder.

"Not nice," you say. He shakes his head and lies back down.

You look around the room and see Felix and Jack aren't in there. You look back at Mark, confused once again.

"Where the boys at?" you ask.

"Felix is at therapy and Jack is getting his stuff all checked out and he's beginning the leaving process," Mark says. You nod and lie back down next to Mark, facing him.

You wrap your arms around him and he does the same for you. He strokes your hair and your back, sensing your shift in mood. You don't want Jack to leave. It's only been a month and a half, but he became one of your best friends. He became someone you can confide in, in such a short time too. Same goes for Felix and even Mark, as well as Andy.

"What's wrong?" Mark asks. You shrug.

"Just gonna miss Jack, is all," you say, shrugging at the end.

"Same here, especially since I've been a huge dick to him, I don't want him leaving, still under the impression that I don't like him," Mark says.

"I can ask Andy to sneak us out tonight, you get some time with Jack and you guys hang out for a while," you suggest.

"That sounds like a good idea," Mark says. You look up at him and smile, a sheepish one too. He smiles back and you get lost in the moment. Slowly, he begins to lean in, and you don't have plans to stop it. You lean in and meet him halfway. Your lips collide with his in a sweet and slow kiss.

His hands go to your waist and yours to his shoulders. He rolls onto his back, with you on top of him. The kiss lasts longer than expected, but you enjoy every second of it. His hands keep moving down, so you pull away and sit up, straddling him. Your breath heavy, as well as his. He blushes and so do you. Suddenly the door opens, Mark panics and pushes you off onto the floor.

"Hey g- did I interrupt something?" Jack asks as he walks in, seeing you peek out from behind Mark.

"No, just panicked," you say, giggling a little.


"Alright, we're gonna play a game called two truths one lie. I'm sure you guys know how to play it, right?" Dr. Janae asks. You all nod.

"Alright, so, we're gonna go on for 10 rounds, so everyone should have 20 truths and 10 lies, you'll all take turns going clockwise. We'll start from Mark and go down til we reach Jack and back to Mark. Alright?" Dr. Janae adds. Once again, you all nod.

"Alright, Mark go ahead."

"Alright, um. I like dogs, I hate video games, I was born in Hawaii," Mark says. You thought about it. Mark never really mentioned his personal life, so you really had nothing to piggyback off of. You decided to go with the video games as a lie.

"So what was it, Mark?"

"I don't hate video games. Video games are life." Mark says.

"Alright, y/n?"

"Okay. I used to like the Twilight series, I like some of Justin Bieber's music, I like Chinese food," you say. The guys look at you a bit confused but think about it. After about 5 minutes, Dr. Janae asked them what they thought.

"I think you liking the Twilight series is the lie," Felix says.

"I think the Justin Bieber thing is a lie," Jack says.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Felix," Mark says.

"Actually, I don't like Chinese food," you say.

"What?!" Felix yells, causing you all to laugh.

"How?" Mark adds.

"I don't know. I will eat Chinese food, but it's not something I'd eat by choice. I used to like twilight. Used to." you say.

The rest of the session continues with the game.


"Come on, guys. We're almost out." Andy says as you all walk through the building. You walk out and walk to your free roaming area. Jack and Mark walk off as you meet with Felix and Andy.

"So what's with them hanging out again all of a sudden?" Felix asks.

"Mark just felt bad since Jack is leaving, so he wants to make up for lost time," you answer.

For the rest of the night, Andy, Felix and yourself all got to know each other more. You all ran around under the huge moon and admired the night time. The way the crickets chirped and the way the night breeze felt, reminded you of everything you loved in life. The night was always your best time, made you feel at peace, even on nights where nothing felt peaceful.

Nights like these were the kind you lived for. The peace, serenity, and innocence of the night were the things keeping you sane, alongside your friends.


Hey, how are you? Have a good day? Anything interesting? Did you eat today? Sleep well? Are you okay? Tell me about your day. Ily all, and you're all my friends, this is a safe space, and I promise to keep it that way for you guys ❤

Rant here.

Fangirl here.

Explain the theory of relativity here?

Talk about anything here.

Sorry for the late update. My day has been decent, just a lot of cleaning. I've been feeling relatively okay, just very lonely. I hate crushes. Friend drama has gone down, and now I have no actual friend drama, for now. I am excited for Christmas though. Not really excited for Halloween, after the past 5 years(??) every Halloween has been terrible, so yeah. I'm making new friends, so that's cool.

I hope you enjoyed this and please leave feedback.

P.s. im gonna rant here if that's fine. So, someone has commented this:

on this story. It's never okay to go to someone's story, and get angry at them because THEIR story doesn't cater to YOUR taste. This goes beyond the personal aspect of my story, this goes towards the fact that this peron was rude enough to complain on my story about my story not catering to their taste. That's like me going on a FouseyTube fic and complaining to the author that it's a fouseytube fic and that I don't like fouseytube so that justifies my argument. It doesn't. Just, don't do this to authors, to some it's discouraging and to others it's straight up disrespectful. Sorry about that. Please DON'T attack the commenter in my defense, I'm over it now, thank you!

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