Paris Again.

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Tonys POV 1:15

Ziva went and sat on the bed and I went as sat next to her. "Tony this is so...amazing" Ziva laid back onto the bed. "What do you want to do?" I asked. "We could go walk around the park". "Ok that sounds good. I will get a blanket that we can sit on and if you want I can go get us some lunch". "Tony you do not speak French". "C'est ce que vous pensez" (translation: that's what you think). "You learned French for the trip". "Not for the trip,for you". "Je t'aime" (translation: I love you). "I love you too Ziva". Ziva giggled. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and we headed down stairs. We went down to the park and I sat the spread the blanket out. There were kids playing and tourist touring the tower. "You just wait here sweet cheeks and I'll go get us some lunch from the cafe down the street". "Ok". "Your gun and badge is in the bag. You can never be to safe" I said then giving her a kiss. She smiled and I walked to the cafe. I got to the cafe and walked in. There was a cute brunet girl at the counter,she looked to be about 19.

"Salut comment puis-je vous aider".

Hi how may I help you.

"Oui, je voudrais deux tasses de café et deux jambon et fromage croissant".

I would like two cups of coffee and two ham and cheese croissant

I got mine and Zivas food then walked back to the park. I saw Ziva sitting on our blanket. I sat our food down right behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "Hey sweet cheeks". "God you scared me" Ziva said. I grabbed our food an sat it in front of her. "Thank you". We are and walked around a little. I took Ziva back up to the room. "You look beautiful" I said backing her up against the bed. "Tony" she said nervously. "I am three months pregnant Tony, I do not think you will be pleased with the state my body is in" she said as the back of her legs hit the bed. "Ziva when your 85 I will still love you the same way I do now,I don't care what you look like" I said gently laying her down onto the bed. "Really?". "Yes..." I kissed her and slipped my hands around her waist.

Hour and a half later.

Ziva fell asleep after our...activities and I held her in my arms. Even though shes 3 months pregnant,she is still the most beautiful woman ever. Ziva squirmed a little and rolled over onto her side. I rubbed her back while she slept. I fell asleep a little while after. When I woke up Ziva was laying next to me smiling. "Hey beautiful" I said turning over to look at her. "Hey" Ziva giggled. I pulled Ziva closer and kissed her.

Zivas POV

Oh Tony...he is so sweet. I pulled away from the kiss. "Tony I love you so much". "I will love you till the end of time and after". He is the best man I could ask for. If he's willing to make love to me even though I am 3 months pregnant, he is...amazing: and last night was amazing. "Hehe, last night was fun" I giggled as Tony twirled my hair through his fingers. "Yes it was. I loved every second of it" Tony said kissing my neck then my ear. I giggled again. "I love it when you giggle" he said kissing my shoulders. "Tony you are the sweetest man in the world" I said as I rest my head on his chest. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world". I felt the baby kick. "The baby is kicking hard" I said feeling my over sized stomach. "I love you so much" Tony said. "I love you too". Tony kissed me softly on the lips. When he tried I pull away I pulled him back for another kiss. I pulled away. "We should get ready" Tony said. "I do not want to" I whined. "You just want to lay in the bed naked all day". "Actually yes" I said snuggling into his chest. "Ziva come on I have a lot of stuff planed for us" Tony poked my side. "Ugh ok". I sat up and Tony did too. He kissed my shoulders and back. "I love you" I said as he kissed me. "I will love you around the universe and back". We got up from bed and got dressed.

One week later

Tony was sitting next to me in the plane home asleep. I held his head to my chest. We had such a good time in Paris together. I played with Tonys hair. "Sweet cheeks" Tony said lifting his head off my shoulder. "Sorry honey did I wake you". "Yes but I'm glad you did". "Why?". "This is why" Tony turned my face to him and kissed me softly.

6 months later

I was sitting on the couch kissing Tony. He had his arms wrapped around me and one hand on my stomach. Tony ran hi fingers through my hair. I pulled away "Tony I love you so much". "I love you and my little ninja" Tony said looking at my tummy. Then a sharp pain shot through me and my water broke. "T-Tony...the baby's coming". "Right now". "Yes now get the stuff together". Tony grabbed the bag we packed, car keys, the baby seat. Tony called everyone an told them to meet him at the hospital. He helped me up from the couch and took me to the car. Tony slammed on the gas and drove to the hospital.

Tonys POV

Im about to be a dad. Ziva screamed in pain from another contraction. She gripped my hand and squeezed it. I thought he was going to rip it off. "Just breath sweet cheeks. Everything's going to be alright" I said as we sped off to the hospital. "Tony i-it hurts. Tony make it stop" she cried. We arrived at the hospital and the got Ziva into a room. Gibbs,McGee,Abby,Ducky,Palmer and the Director came walking in. "How's Ziver?" Gibbs asked. Then a ear bursting scream came from Zivas room. "She's been better but I better get back in there" I said. I went back in the room and Ziva was laying back in the bed.

"T-Tony" she cried. "I know sweet cheeks, it will be over soon and we will have a baby" I said holding her hand. Then another contraction hit and she screamed in pain. I hate seeing her hurt like this. She squeezed my hand. Sweat drenched her face.

Two hours later

"Come on Ziva one more push" I said holding we hand. "Tony I

d-don't think I can". "We just need one more push Mrs DiNozzo". Ziva screamed and then I heard tiny cries. "You did it Ziva". "Is it a boy or a girl?" Ziva asked. "Here is your baby...."


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