Suna's Little Cherry Blossom (Kankuro X Sakura, Gaara X Sakura)

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She had healed my poison in under a day. She is the best medical nin in the Leaf. Probably in the Sand if she moved here. I mean she's magnificent.

But I don't see her often. Barely at all, really. I wish I could see her more though. I will be going to the Leaf Village soon though. I'm going with Gaara and Temari for a meeting with Tsunade. Hopefully I get to see her.

"Gaara, Temari, Kankuro? What are you all doing in the Leaf? Together too," Sakura asks as we enter the Hokage building.

"We're here for a meeting with Tsunade," Temari says.

"Oh. Okay! Well would you like me to walk you guys to her office. She's a bit angry right now," she says.

Gaara nods and says, "Then yes. That would be nice." Once we get to the door of Tsunades office, we hear her yelling and screaming.

"Hold on one sec," Sakura says as she enters the room. "TSUNADE-SAMA!! GAARA IS HERE!!!" The room went silent. "Oh. Well let me clean up first. Why don't you bring them somewhere for the mean time." We then see the door open and Sakura is in front of us.

"You don't need to explain. We heard everything," Temari said. "Oh okay then. You all must be hungry right?" We nod. We're starving. We didn't eat much on our way here. She then leads us out of the building to a ramen shop. We then notice a familiar blonde haired boy in one of the seats.

"OI! Naruto! Look whose here!" she says to him. He turns around with food in his mouth. He swallows it quickly and says cheerfully, "Hey! It's Gaara and his team! What're you all doin' here?" he asks. "They're here for a meeting with Tsunade-Sama. She told me to bring them somewhere while she cleans up her office. I thought you might want to see him again so I brought him here," she replied.


That's really thoughtful of her. "Oh okay! Well why don't you guys come sit down and eat with me?!" He asks. I go sit down with him. Then Kankuro and Temari follows. We eat and talk with Naruto and we get caught up with each other.

"...Well after the attack from the Akatsuki, we really ow--" Temari tries to say but Sakura interrupts. "Don't tell him you owe him. He's gonna make you pay for all his ramen. And if you think he's already eaten enough, that's really not all he can do..." she whispers.

"Oh come on Sakura-Chan! I'm not always like that! Plus these guys don't owe me anything. I was just doing what friends always do. They protect each other. They save each other when in need of help. And they won't let them down, no matter what. So I was just doing what friends always do!" Naruto said.

I was quite surprised at what he said. (Gaara sat there and thought about what Naruto just said. He then remembers the past. About how they became friends. How they met. And all of that. Gaara then closes his eyes happily, knowing he has such great friends).

"Well yes that's true Naruto. But knowing you, you'd do anything to get someone to pay for your ramen!" Sakura then replied. I smirked a bit at that remark. "Oh come on Sakura-Chan! Why do ya havta be so mean! You can be such a bitch sometimes!" Naruto replied.

"Naruto," she smiled, "please step out of the shop for a sec." He did so. She then steps out as well. She then punches him in the face making him go flying through the air. I'm a bit scared of her now. Temari and Kankuro are both holding onto each other because they're so scared. She then turns to us with a smile, as though she didn't just send a male flying through the air. "We should head back to Tsunade-Samas' office now! By the time we get there she'll be done cleaning!" she said.

We then head back to the Hokage building. Once we get to the door, we are told to wait outside again. Almost instantly, Sakura comes back out saying we could come in. We enter. "Sakura. This is a private meeting. So if you would," Tsunade says. "Hai! It was a pleasure meeting you again! I hope I'll see you again before you leave! Goodbye!" she says as she bows.

"Now. Gaara what is it that you need from the Leaf right now. Your village is doing well enough, am I correct?" Tsunade says. Temari replies for me, "Well you see. Ever since the attack from the Akatsuki, we've been worried it might happen again. And we might not be able to contact anyone in time. And coming from what happened to Kankuro with the poisoning, we are worried. We don't have any great medics. We are asking of you to lend us one of your great medics to teach the others in our village."

"Ah. I see now. Well if you need one like that, I might as well send you my most prized student, Sakura. She is my best student. But fair warning, she's not only got the same medic training as I, but she also has the same strength. So I wouldn't get her pissed off if I were you," she says.

"Yes. We actually saw her use some of that strength on Naruto. And I got to admit. She's one hell of a girl," I say. "Naruto? Ah. She must've brought you to the ramen shop. I see now. But you don't have to worry about Naruto. He always gets beaten up by her. It's not her fault he doesn't know how to talk to people correctly. Especially women," she says.

"We've noticed that. Anyways we'd be happy to bring her along. Once she is done helping us, we will send her back. But we will notify you first," Temari says. "Shizune, please go find Sakura and bring her back, if you would. She couldn't have gone too far away," Tsunade says. Shizune then leaves the room and after a few minutes she comes back with Sakura.

"You wanted to talk with me Tsunade-Sama?" Sakura asks. "Yes. Gaara has asked for a medic to teach his medics. I think you would be the best for this job. We don't know how long you'll be gone, but you'll be staying in Suna for a while. I doubt it'll be less than a few months. I am counting on you to do this, Sakura," Tsunade says.

She looks at us then to Tsunade and says, "hai, my lady! I will do my best!"

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning at 5:30. So I would pack up soon. We'll meet up at the gates," Temari says. "Right. If I may, I will be leaving to pack up," she says. Tsunade nods and she teleports out of the room. "Please take good care of Sakura," Tsunade says. "We will! Thank you very much!" Temari says.

(The three head off to where they would be staying for the one night. Soon enough morning comes and the three meet up with Sakura at the gates).

"It seems you guys didn't get here in time!" Sakura smirks. "Ya well Suna is a different time zone. We got up later than we thought," Temari smirks back. "Ya I know. I was just kidding," she says.

"So what's it really like in Suna?" she asks. I reply, "hot and sandy." She then giggles a bit. She replies, "Okay then. Well we should head off now, right?" I nod and we start to walk to Suna.


Suna's Little Cherry Blossom (Kankuro X Sakura, Gaara X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now