•Chapter 2•

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Long Island, New Jersey.
"Alright everyone, settle down. Please, settle down." Chiron said. We had all gathered in the mess hall so that he could tell us all about the craziness that was going on. The crowd silenced and we all looked up to Chiron. "I'm sure by now you all have heard of what is going on. But I shall tell you anyway." He takes a deep breath. "The Mist has been disabled."

Gasps and murmurs of surprise took hold of the crowd. "Oh my gods! I knew something weird was going on!" Katie Gardner exclaimed. "So demigods, you must now know that this is an emergency. And if you do not know this you must know now. The walls preventing the outer world from coming in are gone. Thank the gods that no monsters or mortal has stumbled in yet. But just to be safe, the whole camp will be moving to Camp Jupiter until further notice. So, I ask that you calmly go to to your cabins and pack your belongings. Please be back at the mess hall by 5:00pm for our departure."


"Percy! Hey, Percy!" I turn around to face Leo. "What's going on? Is the Mist seriously down?" He asks anxiously. I sigh. "Yeah man. It's down. Annabeth and were out when it happened." Leo frowned. "Wait, how is all of camp going to get to camp? It's not like we can just hail a taxi." I chuckle despite the circumstances. "Nah. We're taking a few charter buses Hermes gave us a while back. They should get us there in less than thirty minutes." Leo grinned. "I gotta get me one of those. Okay, well, bye. I gotta go pack for the potential end of the world. Again." He ran off to his cabin. I sighed. It was good to see at least one person in good spirits.


An hour later all of camp stood in the mess hall. Annabeth stood next to me looking anxious and worried. "Percy, when we get there I need you to help me look for Frank, Hazel, Piper and Jason. We'll need to update them on what's happened. If they don't already know. Which they might. But, if they don't, you have to help me find them. Unless their out. But they shouldn't be out               because it's dangerous. And that-" I sigh. "Annabeth. Calm down, okay? I'm right here." I put my arms around her shoulders. She leans into me and sighs. "I know. I'm just worried. What if it's something with the gods again?" I smile. "Nah. Things would be much more screwed up if that were the case." She smiles too. Suddenly, thunder rolls in the distance. I wince and look to the sky. "Sorry. I didn't mean it." Annabeth chuckles and sticks her tongue out at me. I do it right back.

Mr. D walks up to the front of the front of the mess hall. "Alright. So. You kids obviously don't deserve these buses but since we need them I will call my favorite cabin to go on first." He surveyed the crowd pretending to pick a cabin but we already knew which one he would pick. He smiled. "I pick.... Dionysus cabin." Castor and Pollux run up to him. "Thanks dad!" They say in unison. They then turn to the crowd and smirk then hurry onto the bus. Mr. D glanced at the rest of us. "To the rest of you space-takers, do what you want." Annabeth sighed. She turned to me. "Make yourself useful, gimme a boost." I smiled. "Yes ma'am."
On the other side of the world, somewhere in England.
"Thank you all for coming. As you may or may not know, we are in a bit of danger. The castle can now be seen." The crowd gasped. We had all gathered in the dining hall so that Dumbeldore could clear up what was going on. "There is no need to be too worried, although a muggle could walk in at any moment." He said. The Syltherin table gasped. "A Muggel? In here? I use the Crucio curse on myself before that happens." I heard Pansy Parkinson say. They all laughed. I glared in Draco's direction. "So students, to avoid any further damage to any thing, we will be heading to the States." Everyone gasped. Even I hadn't seen this coming. A grin lit up Hermione's face. "Maybe we could see the Statue of Liberty! Or go to California. I've always wanted to go to California." She said with a dreamy sigh. "To be specific, we are going to California." Dumbeldore said. Hermione did a victory dance. "So I ask that you all are back in the dining hall by 5:00pm sharp, should we leave in time."


An hour later we all stood in the dining hall, anxiously waiting for the bus that would take us to the airport and then...to America.
Hi. I would've wrote more but I'm to tired and lazy and hungry and pooped and sick and hurt and did I mention I'm hungry? Cause I'm starving. Ok I'm done. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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