Tuesday, July 16th

605 15 7

Hello diary,
So I'm just gonna get started straight away. Smiling is a fake way of expressing your happy, I always fake smile to my teachers as they don't know what I go through. All the nightmares I have of my dad leaving my mum for a hooker and going to Vegas to get married, Then the bullying. Just because I'm different I shouldn't get bullied, I always wonder, why me? What did I do to deserve this life? No one knows, no one will ever know either. I mean we all have our own religions on how we were brought to this world but does it really matter? All these wars about religions and races it's fucking stupid. It's like bullying to be honest. Your judging there race, of who they are, there customs and traditions. Even though in this modern world of ours some of it seems unfair well guess what life is unfair, people die everyday and a new baby is born once in a while. People just need to learn to leave people alone, because sometimes I just wish I could quit, but I don't because if I did I would have left my mother heartbroken and sad. She expects a bright future for me.

But that's only if I get through high school, I would quit if I could but sometimes quitting does nothing for you, so you beat your offender and laugh in victory as they all say. If only life was like fairytale and movies, someone picks you up off your feet and boom happiness no worries in the world. But sadly it's no longer the older days of love these days you have fuck boys and fuck girls, cheaters and liars, and parents wonder, why haven't you had a boyfriend before. They all are a waste of time. And your bound to get hurt in the end, see you have boys who always reply but guess what there imaginary, most boys take like 20 minutes to answer a hello and some guys take days to answer, see I like a guy named Ziggy. He doesn't even know I exist, all he sees it the bullies stealing my notes and things everyday and he just stands there. I remember the time they bashed me, he just stood there and didn't get help. Just proves how stupid the human race is nowadays

Well diary it's 11:45pm I better get to sleep and face another day of reality, who by the way hurts. Anyway goodnight xx

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