Thursday July 18th

362 12 0

Hello Diary,
So starting off with I am never really ok, the scars I have on my leg, arms and wrists can prove that. But no one seems to notice, and once when my mother did she said I was doing it for attention. No one knows how many nights i've been haunted by Marcus and Rory, filling my dreams with scariness, yes I should stand up to them but guys bashing you up for you being you is why I don't bother, if people don't like me for who i am then I'm ok with that, I don't mind being alone with no one to talk to each night on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook etc.

I'm starting to wonder why we human beings hate and love one another, some people hate you for you being you, judgemental pricks. Or they love you for you being you, so I don't really understand the modern world these days one minute it's love the next it's hatred, for example couples who have been together for years, love each other right but someone breaks it off cause it's boring. Then all after the relationship you hate each other, not saying it's a bad thing and all but sometimes in those years children are made, I just feel sorry for all the children who's parents are split up. Because it's hard, sometimes when your need your mum your with dad and vis versa. Even though that was a different topic all together about parents and yes I know sometimes you stop loving each other and fall for others or you just cheat behind their back and eventually get caught.

So Marcus and Rory told me to kill myself today, which was a first from them, and no I don't listen to them but if it comes to it and gets really bad then yes I will listen, because for a matter of fact my own mother doesn't care about me anymore since dad left, and even then she still didn't care. So I would be willing to give up my life just to tried of the pain of bullies, but they all say "it only gets better"' but what if it's not? What if it's worsening each and everyday? What if these students caused a suicide? Then what, what would you say then Marcus and Rory? You think this may be a joke but in the end I have feelings too, and your hurting me deep down, making me hate myself. Where do you think this will take you in life? No where mate no where.

Goodnight diary xx

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