The Monster Inside

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The people of the town call me "dangerous," but they don't even know me. I would say I'm the exact opposite. They judge me because of my past, and they don't even know me. I am not normal don't they get I know that? I cant help what happened, and I never meant for anyone to get hurt. No one in this town understands me .... because they don't know me.


Damn it! I'm late again! I don't even want to go to work. I don't need the money, my parents owned the town, so I guess that basically means the town is mine now. I act like I don't care, but I really do. I drive a Lamborghini .... hah. Most people look at me like I'm crazy when I get out of the car because I am only 19. I'm tall dark and handsome. Well at least that's what I think about myself. I don't really know what others think about me, and I don't really ask them either. Most people stay away from me because they know I'm dangerous. I agree with them, I'm so dangerous, but still, they don't know me.


I pull into work and put in my code, then I laugh because of what my code is. I haven't changed it in 3 years. Oh well. Before I pull behind the gate I make sure no one is around. Clarksville Tennessee is a small town, and the population is probably only about 500. Everyone knows everyone, that's why everyone knows what I did. I never meant to hurt anyone, they don't understand that I can not physically control my emotions. I love what I do, but I still complain about going. I'm an undercover spy. I have seen and done things that most people will never find out about. My job is to stay completely hidden, and that's kind of hard when everyone knows me. I get out of my car and start walking towards the building. "Oh shit, I think I scratched your car." I turn around to see it was only Harry. "Nice try man," I laugh at him. Harry and I have been best friends since we were born. "How are you feeling today?" Harry asked hesitantly. "Same as usual, pushing away any emotions." I said back. That's why I love Harry, he understands me. He knows why I did what I did. He knows me better than anyone. Well ... Except Blair.


During our break Harry and I go to the lobby and watch all the people walking by on the outside. It's funny because we can see them, but they can't see us. Girls will check themselves out, and put lip gloss on. Harry likes to copy them, he likes to make people laugh. Harry stops what he is doing and turns towards the door, his jaw drops in amazement to what he is seeing. A tall blonde walks in with thick black sunglasses that cover half her face. She walks up to the front desk and waits to be noticed. Of course a lot of the men already noticed her. "Excuse me, can someone tell me where Leonardo is?" She says in a french accent. "Claire, hello! So nice to have you." my boss says walking out of his office. Leonardo takes her jacket and purse and hung it on the wrack. They start talking business and how she will fit into our next plan. "Dude she is smokin" Harry says amazed. "She is all yours" I say laughing at him. "You think I have a chance?" Harry asks me. "Sure if you get there before all the other 20 guys in here." I say. I don't even think she is that pretty, not at all my type. Blondes ... Yeah just aren't my type. Lost in thought of how ugly I think she is I notice she is standing right in front of me. "I'm Claire, nice to finally meet you Zayn." How does she know my name? I have never even heard of her. "Nice to meet you too." I say quietly. Leonardo starts to tell us our next mission, where it is, what we are doing, and who is doing what. After about five hours of talking we have our plan. Time to finally go home.


On my way home from work I listen to piano instrumentals. That's my favorite type of music, it has no emotions. Just like me. When I get home I run upstairs to my room and throw my stuff on the floor. I notice how dirty my house is, but then I realize I don't even care. I take my shirt and slacks off and head to the shower. I'm about to get in and I hear a loud bang downstairs. I throw on some basketball shorts and ran down stairs.


There she was, standing there. She was so beautiful. Just like I had remembered, but this time she is all grown up. "Blair ....What? ... What are you doing here?" I asked in complete shock. Blair and I used to be together, she knows me better than anyone, even Harry. The last time I saw her we were 16. I killed her parents, and Harry's parents, and my own. I feel the guilt every single day. After that night she left and never came back. She wrote me a couple times telling me how sorry she was for just storming off. Was she serious? I know what I did was absolutely horrible but I didn't think that she would leave me behind after everything we had been through. She knows my secret. I was obsessed with her, she was my world. I snapped myself back into reality ... "Zayn ... Are you okay? You have been staring at me for a few minutes. I know I haven't came back in awhile, and I'm sorry. I really am." She grabs me and wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me so tightly. I can feel her body warmth, and I can feel a small smile start to form on her face, her grip gets tighter. "NO!" I scowled. "You can not just come back and do this to me Blair. After all this time, you can't just come back and expect me to take you in." I could feel my blood start to boil. I pushed her away from me, I could feel my face and ears turn red. I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop myself from what I was about to do. "Leave... NOW Blair, and don't EVER come back." My temperature was getting higher. I could see her eyes start to water, and she wouldn't look up at me. "Zayn ... I .. I L-" I cut her off before she could finish the rest. "Don't finish your sentence Blaire. I don't want to hear it. You left me. Remember?" I could feel the temperature in my body rising every second. I was yelling at her and I couldn't stop my self. "Zayn I need you to come with me, she will hurt you. Your not a monster compared to her. She will hurt you, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I'm not like you." She said with a shaky voice. "You have got to be kidding right? You don't think I can protect myself? You saw what I did to our parents. You know exactly what I'm capable of." I stated."Zayn please you have to listen to me you have to c-" I cut her off again, and in the angriest voice I started yelling. "I can't let you see me like this Blair, I'm too dangerous and you know that. I'm a monster, that's why people hate me, that's why they stay as FAR away from me as possible. Why can't you do the same?" I stopped because I noticed the tears rolling down her pink cheeks. She looked up at me and gave me the faintest smile, "I'm so sorry Zayn." She whispered and walked out my front door. Just like she did before, but this time I hope she never comes back. At this point my blood is boiling and I feel like I'm going to explode. I walk upstairs and see the steam coming from my bathroom. I undress myself and stand under the hot water. I feel myself start to cool down. I didn't want to hurt her, not again. It's better that she left. She knows I'm a monster.


After my shower I throw some boxers and my sweats on and walked downstairs. The feeling I got when I got downstairs made me cautious. I knew something was around. I could feel it. I hear a clash in my kitchen, when I turn the corner a blonde women was standing in there. "Should have listened to your little friend Zayn." She said laughing. "What did you do with Blair? Let me have her." My night just keeps getting worse. "But you don't want her to come back remember? I heard your little tantrum. You poor poor baby. So in love, yet you can't show it because of your emotions." She said still laughing. "What do you want from me?" I hissed. "Your friend warned you, and you were too selfish to listen." "What are you, and what do you want from me?" I declared for an answer. " Oops, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. The name is Claire, but I'm sure you remember that from earlier.

So this didn't go into much detail about what exactly happened in Zayne's past, but the next chapter will explain everything including what he did and who he is. Don't forget to vote please (:

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