36. I Bet You Won't Be Mine

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i need a beta SO badly, i don't think you even know. does anyone want to beta for me? i'd fucking love you until the end of time.

(a beta is someone who edits your chapters before you upload them)

also a slight TRIGGER WARNING because there are some mentions of some stuff. nothing too bad :)


"Wake up, baby," Louis whispers, gently running his hands through Harry's hair.

After the little... fun they had at the therapist's office, they'd gone out to a beautiful candle-lit dinner, which Louis somehow paid for, and ended the night with a cuddle and a movie. (and maybe a few make out sessions here or there)

"No," Harry responds, curling into Louis' side.

"Come on, I'm taking you on a date," Louis says, knowing it'd make the boy snap up:

And it did, to say the least.

Harry snapped up quickly, the blood rushing to his head, causing him to lose his balance and fall off the bed.

"Harry! Are you okay?" Louis asks, crawling off the bed to look at him.

The boy sits up. "M' fine," he says, standing up.

Knowing that he's okay, Louis brings a hand up to his mouth and giggles into his palm, trying to muffle his laughter.

"Shut up," Harry says, gently flicking Louis' nose. "You're... taking me on a date?" He asks.

"That I am, curly." Louis sits back down on the bed. "That alright?" He asks.

Harry nods. "Yeah, god, of course it is. What've you got planned?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

Louis gasps. "As if I would tell you."

The younger boy rolls his eyes, leaning in for a good morning kiss. His eyebrows knit together in confusion when Louis' hands find his chest, pushing him back.

Harry makes a noise of confusion and protest that he can't really describe, but he sighs in defeat. 

"Nope, no kiss. Date night. They're your rules, anyways," Louis says.

Harry sighs, knowing that Louis' right. He leans in, turning his head to the side, and Louis gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Harry stands up straight, picking up a shirt from the ground that was probably clean. He walks into the kitchen, grabbing a box of oatmeal and putting the mix into a bowl, adding some water and putting it into the microwave. He slices up a banana, cutting an apple into pieces as well.

He hears Louis doing something in his room that he can't quite make out. He figures it's nothing and goes back to chopping up fruit, humming quietly.

Harry almost drops the knife onto the ground, the metal hitting the counter when he hears a loud "Fuck!" followed by a sob.

His heart stops, his feet pattering on the floor as he runs into Louis' room - the source of the noise. He walks into to see Louis laying on the ground, knuckles bloody and a shattered mirror next to him.

He's surrounded by shards of glass, and by the way Louis' crying, Harry thinks he got cut by a piece.

"Oh my god, Lou, what happened?" Harry asks, slowly stepping around the glass to help Louis up, who just gets onto the bed and curls into himself.

"I d-didn't mean t-to, I swear, H-Harry," Louis sobs, hiding his face in his shaking hands.

"I know you didn't, boo. Can you tell me what happened?" Harry asks, climbing into the bed as well and removing Louis' hands from his face to hold them in his own.

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