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this is my first story, and it might have a rough start but I promise the story is good and it'll be worth it to read in the end :)

"Abby, you're gonna be late!" I hear as I rub my eyes unaware of what day it is let alone what time it is.

I look over at my clock. it reads "7:45"

"shit" I yell as I jump out of bed trying to figure out a way that I can be ready in under 5 minutes.

"Melissa, did you borrow my boots?" I yell from inside my room.

"yeah sorry, I'll get them" she replied.

Melissa is my roommate. she's my best friend. but she's bad about "borrowing" my stuff and not returning it.

"don't forget your briefcase" she says as she picks it up and tosses it to me.

"damn first day at the firm and I'm already one step behind" I said as I put my hair up.

"okay. be honest, does this say professional but not stick in the mud?"

"of course, Abby. you look hot"

"thanks okay I'll be back later, love you bitch" I yell as I run out of the apartment.

you see I'm a lawyer
we'll sort of..
this is my first day at the practice my father used to own. he died about 3 months ago, so I think they felt bad and gave me a position.


I arrived to the building with 2 minutes to spare.
as I walked in I could feel the tension already. I noticed a receptionist with an intimidating look on her face as she glanced up and spotted me.

but you know..I smiled at her anyways.

"hello, I'm Abigail Cobain. it's my first day"

"so you're Mr. Cobain's daughter. Different than I expected" she said sounding unimpressed.

but that didn't scare me.

as she showed me around I could already tell that I was disliked judging by the whispers and looks on peoples' faces.

I think they were hoping I failed since I had just gotten in such a good position while the rest of them had worked their asses off to get to this point.

I worked my ass off too.

this was going to be difficult..but not impossible.


"Melissa, I'm home" I said as I walked in door.

"Abby, I just got an invite to a party at club 21" she yelled from another room.

"well don't get too wasted" I said chuckling.

"No. if I'm going you're going too" she said, now blocking my view of the television.

"I had work today. I have work tomorrow. I'm not going to some party with a bunch of nobody's who think they're somebody's" I said as I took my earrings off.

"fine. don't go. sit at home. alone. just like you always do. wasting your life aw-"

"okay fine. but one moment where I feel uncomfortable and I'm out of there" I said cutting her off

she just smiled


we arrived at the club around 8 pm. I made a note of that.

Melissa ran off with her friends leaving me alone at the bar while some nobody's were singing and some nobody's were dancing. just as I thought.

I knew I didn't need to drink that much considering Melissa has already downed 4 shots and chugged a beer.

my eyes wandered through the crowd but suddenly stopped when I noticed a pair of eyes fixed on me.

he was tall. unusually tall. dark, slick hair. sexy as fuck. but why was he just staring at me?

he was in a crowd of people, yet he wouldn't take his eyes off me. then he pointed to me and motioned his hands to "come" to him basically.

hell no was I about to be hit on by some sleepy guy in a club. I mean yes, he was fine as hell..but I'm not looking for anything right now.

I just kept looking throughout the crowd and then turned around to the bar again.

when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.

it was him.

"can I help you" I said with sass because I'm that bitch.

"chill girl I'm just trynna tell a pretty lady just how pretty she is" he said with a smirk

"stop that thing that you're doing"

"what thing?" he asked still smirking.

"that thing. that smirk"

"alright alright. my name's G" he said sitting down beside me.

"your name is G?" I asked skeptically.

"to you, yes. it's G" he said.

"I'm Abby"

"your name is Abby?" he asked mockingly.

he was fucking hot, but he made me want to slap him.

suddenly  a Dan + Shay song started playing 

I love this song

"I do too" he said.

"did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed.

"yeah" he replied.

"listen do you want to dance" he asked.

this surprised me.

"Damn and I thought you were only talking to me for a hook up" I laughed.

"oh we'll get to that later" he said grabbing me hand to help me off the bar stool.

I rolled my eyes.

I like being independent and not having to worry about a relationship or how I look. it's pretty fucking great. but here. tonight. it's just fun.

we danced and his body was hot against mine. I could feel tension growing between us.

"listen do you want to-"

"I have work at 8 tomorrow. so no" I cut him off.

"well we don't have to do it for 8 hours" he laughed.

"shit is it 11 already? I have to go" I said

"not until you promise to make it up to me" he said.

I think the fact that I was a little tipsy along with him being super sexy that I could jump his bones right here right now, made me say that I would.

and just like that. I was gone.

my night with G (a G eazy fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now