Our Tree

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Chapter 2 (Alison)

           ”I just made plans with a guy I haven't seen in years and he’s also extremely sexy. Uuuuhhhhh..... What am I talking about u have a boyfriend" I reminded myself as l look into the mirror.

“Yeah I have a boyfriend I shouldn't even go but I did invite him and he seems really nice. Ok I’m going! “I said as I walked out of my room and headed to the park across the street. As I walk through the park it looked the same like it look the same way it like time stays still in this park. The last time I was in this park was the day before he moved (flash back) "Ready or not here I come "he yelled

“Oh no I need to find a hiding spot" I whispered to myself. I was run until I came to a huge tree and I thought it would be a perfect hiding stop.

So I hid and as he came I jumped out a yelled “Boo!" he screamed and I laughed and laughed. Then he started laughing and we played their under that huge tree and stayed there a day since. I came across a tree I just knew it was it, the huge tree. The one I use to lie down under when I was little, I mean we use to Nick and I, it was our tree.

 (Nick’s POV) - I walking though this neighborhood its look vaguely familiar but then I see that big tree and all the memories come rushing come back to me. I see her lying under the tree and everything seems like nothing ever changes that I never moved that we could just lay under this tree forever.

She sat up and said “Hey.” Shyly. She was always shy, but I don’t know why. She’s beautiful and kind and pretty.

"Hey." I said back.  

"So this is kind of weird, we haven't seen each other in what, 8 years. Damn it has been that long".

" Remember all the good times we had in this very spot” she said and smiled to the sky. At that moment I swear something hit me. I’m drawn to her; like she was made for me I think; I think that I LOVE her..

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