Fairy Tail x Musical!Reader Part: 1

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A/N: That's kind of the general image of you. Just change the hair color or style and or color of the dress if you'd like! Also, I don't own this incredible song. Anyways, lets go!
    'Fairy Tails' talent show! Best of the best everyone must compete!' 'Huh. We're having a talent show, might as well also be the background music because I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here who can play instruments decently.'
    "Oi (Y/N)-chaannnn!" 'Oh no (Y/N) run!' "Gotcha!" 'Damnit!' "What do you want Natsu." "Weeeellll, I was just fighting with Gray when I crashed into the job board and saw the poster for the talent show and master asked me to tell you if you can play the background music for the talent show." he said. "Sure why not?" you replied." "Oh thank you thank you (Y/N)-chaaannn!" "Ok ok. Your welcome. I'll see you and the guild later I'm gonna get them ready." "Them?" he asked. "Gotta get my instruments ready of course. See ya." "Um ok. Bye!" That was the last thing you heard when you exited the guild hall.
~Time skip by the precious Gil Bird~
    "Welcome to the Fairy Tail talent show! I'm Mirajane Strauss and I'll be your host for today!" everyone started cheering. "The music will all be coming from our beautiful music mage , (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!" she chirped.
That was your cue to walk out on stage. When you walked on the stage everyone started cheering.
    "Hey everyone hope you enjoy!" you said excitedly. You sat down on the piano stool and waited for the first act to be called out.
    "First we have Levy Mcgarden and she is going to be singing, "Alphabet Boy," by Melanie Martinez with help from (Y/N) of course!" Mira exclaimed. Levy cued you to go, so you started.
Everyone was very astonished by your musical talent and the cool beat to the song. Levy's voice made it even better.
    "I'm not a little kid now, watch me get big now. Spell my name on the fridge now, with all your alphabet toys."
    When the beat came to the song everybody loved the way your fingers just played all the instruments like nothing, like it was a second nature to you.
When the song finished everyone was cheering for Levy and you.
    "And that was the lovely Levy and talented (Y/N)! Give them a round of applause!" Cue lots of applauses.
    Levy walked off the stage and sat with the rest of the crowd.
    You were pretending you didn't really care about all the praise, but little did you know you were smiling like an idiot getting ready for the next act.
A/N: Annndddd that's it! Btw, it's my first fanfic so I'm really sorry if you think it's really short. But, everyone starts somewhere don't they! Thx for reading!

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