Gajeel X Juvia (Gajuvia) (BrOTP?) Obviously

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A/N: This ship either as brOTP and OTP is one of my favorites! They're both so cute and amazing! They deserve so much more screen and manga "time". Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

    "Dammit Sprinkler!" gritted Gajeel. 'You just had to go and get your feelings hurt again didn't you?' he thought. He looked down at his phone and looked at his recent texts with his blue-haired best-friend.

    7:43 P.M.

        Gajeel-kun. Gray-sama hates Juvia! She didn't know it was a sad day! She didn't know it was the anniversary of his old master's death! If she did she wouldn't have been so inconsiderate! -Rain Woman

    7:44 P.M.

        Tch. He still shouldn't have been so rude to you. -Me

    7:46 P.M.

        But Juvia should have known better! She was wrong in trying to give him a scarf for their 413 days anniversary that ended up being his dead master's death date! He just left her and his scarf on the ground... walking away. -Rain Woman

    7:47 P.M.


    7:48 P.M.

        GAJEEL-KUN NO! IT ISN'T HIS FAULT! It's Juvia's. -Rain Woman

    7:50 P.M.

        Grr. You're too... you. Be selfish sometimes. Anyway, where are you? -Me

    7:52 P.M.

        At Juvia's home. Erza-san helped get her home after giving her some advice and condolence. Why? -Rain Woman

    7:55 P.M.

        Gajeel-kun? -Rain Woman

    7:56 P.M.

        Gajeel! Are you okay!? Did something happen!? What happened!? -Rain Woman

    7:57 P.M.

        Jeez, woman. It takes a while to put on my shoes. I'm on my way. Be there in five. See ya. -Me

    7:58 P.M.

        Thanks, Gajeel-kun. -Rain Woman

    Gajeel put his phone back in his pocket and realized he was already there. Guess he got lost in the messages while walking (running) there. He checked the time. '8:27 P.M.'.

    He's lucky he didn't have to deal with anyone while there since she moved out of Fairy Hills a couple months prior to be closer to her "Gray-sama". And for Gray and him to be able to stay in her house for a visit or more if they wanted and/or needed to. Man, Gajeel really hated that guy. Always treating her like trash and not like the diamond she is.

    He knocked on the now familiar lilac-colored door that leads inside his best-friends home. It opened.

    "Gajeel-kun!" everyone's favorite blue-haired beauty yelled. He soon realized he was tackled to the ground.

    "What the- Sprinkler! Get off! What are you doing!?" he yelled while trying to pry her off. He should honestly be used to this, but he never was and never will be. He knew his efforts were pointless, though. He honestly didn't mind her touch; as long as she didn't CUT OFF HIS BLOOD CIRCULATION! But then, he realized she was crying. Now Gajeel Redfox can handle a lot of things. But a girl crying, or more specifically, his best-friend/(younger)sister-figure Juvia crying, he can't. He hates when she cries. One, because she causes rain that makes him rust when she does, and two because he, you know, sorta... cares about her. Not that he would tell her or anyone else. He just has a special place in his heart reserved for her that no one else can replace. Not even his future lover. They only had each other for so long; even almost dying in each other's arms, two different times, actually. So, of course, that would be the outcome. And he doesn't wanna toot his own horn, but he's pretty sure he has a special place in her heart that not even the so-called "stripper", can have.

    "Juvia is so happy that you came! She is still really sad, but she is also really happy to know someone cares enough about her to come to console her," she replied while faintly smiling and drying her tears on her sleeve after letting him go.

    Gajeel realized she was dressed in her more casual/house clothing. He's sure that he's the only one to see her in different clothing besides her usual nun-like attire. "Idiot. You know I hate it when you cry. It makes me rust (it hurts me when you cry)." he grunted out. He knew she knew his real reason though because she tackled him once more onto the ground letting out small "thank you's" into his hard chest. He decided to just let her be. This was how it always was and will be. He would console her the only way he knew how. Through actions.

    He dried her tears and wrapped his arms around her lightly, but enough for her to feel his "care". She'd tire herself out soon enough; he hopes. He knew that after the hugging and actions ended, he would have to talk. Even if "talking" was just her rambling and him zoning in and out all the while letting out small 'hums' to let her know he was still with her. He'll also have a little "chat" with Fullbuster tomorrow. But he'd save that for then. For now, he'll just let them be. Now, Gajeel would usually kill someone if they did something even near this, but Juvia was always a different case. Obviously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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