Chapter 1

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"Mai come on. We're going to be little to school!" My best friend, Kris, calls to me. I check my make up one more time and walk downstairs.

"I'm ready. I can't believe 5 Seconds Of Summer are coming to out school!" I grin.

"In know! You kind of look like One of the guitarists." Kris smiles back.

"Who? Luke or Michael?" I giggle.

"Michael." She shrugs.

"I am adopted." I fake gasp.

"You could be 'The Secret Sister'" She laughs.

"Come on you goof." I shake my head.


We arrive at school and I see the 5Sauce boys waiting in the main office.


"That girl looks just like you." Ashton nods to two girls outside the door.

"She does." I smile.

"Exuse me ma'am. What is that girls name?" Calum walks over to the desk.

"Maia Codwell. Such a sweet girl. She comes by every morning to say hi." The lady smiles.

"Hi Mrs. Smith!" The two girls walk in. the on Who looks like Michael, Maia, waves.

"Hello Maia." The lady, Mrs. Smith, smiles again.

"Do you need help with anything?" Maia asks.

"If you would, can you show these boys to the auditorium?" She asks her.

"Sure thing." Maia smiles.

"Have a nice day!" Mrs. Smith waves when we open the door to leave.

"Kris, are you going with me?" Maia asks the tall brown headed girl trailing behind us.

"Yeah." She answers.

"I'm Maia and this is my best friend Kris." Maia introduces themselves.

"I'm Michael this is Luke, Calum, and Ashton." I introduce the boys.

"What's your story, kid?" Ashton looks at Maia.

"Well, I'm adopted and I love my parents. I haven't seen my biological parents since I was three." She stops in front of a door that says 'auditorium' in green letters.

"If you need help, just ask for me. Maia Codwell. Or just go to Mrs. Smith." Maia blushes when she relizes she sounded like a teacher.

"I'd rather ask you." Ashton winks. I feel the need to get all defensive but I don't know why.

"Well, we better get going. See you later." Maia and Kris walk away.


I sit in the front row with Kris and our other friend Jake.

"Aye. We're 5 Seconds Of Summer." The boys chorus at once.

"This is heartbreak girl." Michael smiles.

"You call me up, it's like a broken record." Luke starts.


They sand heartbreak girl, gotta get out, teenage dirtbag, year 3000, The A Team, Unpredictable, Beside You, and they just finished Wherever You Are. Everyone claps for them and I see Michael smile at me and Kris.

"We met these two nice girls today and we wanted to give them shout out. Hi Maia and Kris!" Calum waves. We wave back and I giggle.

"Mai. Is it me or does the one with pink hair look like you?" Jake asks.

"Kris said that this morning." I roll my eyes. They seriously can't think Michael is my brother. Yeah I'm adopted doesn't mean I'm his sister. Maybe we have the same eyes, nose, and lips but doesn't mean we're siblings. But now that I think a boy it, we both have the same bubbly personality and curse a lot.. I need to talk to my mom when I get home.


"Mom?" I walk in my house.

"Yes?" She asks from the kitchen.

"Who are my real parents?" I sit at the bar.

"Karen and Daryl Clifford." She says without looking at me.

"Can I meet them?" I ask.

"I'll call Karen." She tells me still not looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell me my brother is in my favorite band?!" I stand up.

"You were better off not knowing." She still didn't look at me.

"Please look at me." I walks around the bar to stand near her.

"Go get cleaned up for dinner." She ignores me.

"Not until you look at me." I cross my arms. She turns around and slaps me. I run up to my room with tears in my eyes.

"Maia!" She runs after me. I slam my door shut and lock it. I get out my phone and call Kris.

"Hello?" She answers after three rings.

"I am Michael's sister." I blink back my tears.

"That's great!" She exclaims.

"Yeah." I mumble.

"Why do you not sound happy?" She asks.

"She hit me." I state.

"Oh. I'm sorry." She says.

"I get to meet my real mom and dad soon." I smile.

"You should ask to live with them instead!" Kris squeals.


"Mom. Do I have a sister?" I walk into the living room.

"Why would you ask?" She asks me.

"Just answer me." I say.

"Yes. You do." She tells me.

"Why did you give her up?" I ask her.

"I couldn't handle two kids." She sounds upset. The phone rings and she picks it up.

"Hello? Oh, hi Chrisy. Haven't heard from you in a while. What did you need? Really?! Of course she can! Next week? She can stay for a week if she wants since it's not that close. No problem. Bye." She hangs up.

"Who's Christy?" I ask.

"Your sister's adoptive mom. Your sister is coming to stay here for a week." She says.

"Her name is Maia. I know who she is." I tell her.

"I know her name." She smiles.

"I'm going to go to bed." I smile back.

·°°·°°°·°°·°°°·°°·°°°·°°·°°°·Authors Note·°°·°°°·°°·°°°·°°·°°°·°°·°°°·

Hey. So they are related.. Hmm do you think Maia will ask to move in with the Clifford's and get her real last name back? Comments what you think. :)


The secret sister. (A 5 Seconds Of Summer fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now