Male Reader X Bianca

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As you were arriving at Reversal Mountain your first mission was to look around. Perhaps the townsfolk had something interesting to say, or maybe there'd be some rare Pokemon in the abandoned house. You decided that it all could wait, and that after you healed your Pokemon, that you should check out the mountain. As you entered the mountain, you were wondering why it was so hot in here. In the next room you encountered Bianca, standing there looking at some stuff when she saw you and ran over to you almost tripping along the way. "Hey (YourName) what's up!?" She asked. Before you could even respond she answered for you. "Oh your trying to get to the other side of the mountain, well since you're going there I'll tag along, the Pokemon past here are too strong for me to handle so I'll need your support, don't worry ill make sure to heal our Pokemon after each battle." You decided to just let her tag along perhaps she knows about some rare Pokemon in the mountain. "So I'm here investigating the rare Pokemon known as Heatran, what about you?" Before you could respond two Pokemon appeared a Camerupt and her child Numel. "Aww don't those two look cute together, go Mushy!" She threw out her Mushrana  and you sent out Watchog. "Mushy use hypnosis on Camerupt!" "Watchog use hypnosis on Numel" You both ordered your respective Pokemon. Once they both were asleep you ran with Bianca so she'd heal up your team.
"Wow we went through a lot of battles today huh?" Bianca asked as you two approached the exit. "Well I've got to go, you know, gym battles to win and all." "I get it, I have to stay behind and do more research so call me when you get the chance ok?!" Bianca said. "Alright you replied." You then noticed what she said though. (Wait did she just ask me to call h-) before you could even finish that thought Bianca caught you by surprise by leaning in and kissing you. "Wait wha-" was all you got out before her Mushrana used hypnosis.
"I can't believe that went so well, I've always wanted to try kissing him ever since I gave him his starter!" Bianca said. "So Mushy are you done eating the memory?" Mushy nodded and retreated back to her pokeball. "Hey you ok!?" Bianca said waking you up. "Ughh what happened?" You said. "Oh a Excadrill popped out and knocked you out, Me and Mushy fought it off and we got you to the exit." "Oh thanks, well I've got to go and beat the next gym." You said going and rubbing your head. "Ok good luck!" Bianca cheered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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