Male Reader X Andr the Endergirl

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[My gosh these houses take almost forever to set up.] You thought to yourself. Your house was taking longer then it should've to build, and you think that it's because someone keeps taking parts of your house away. "That's it," you said to yourself, "tonight I'm going to stay up and confront whoever is taking away blocks from my house, because I'm killing trees faster then they cam provide saplings."
Later that night you hid yourself by some trees, and waited for something to happen. Minutes, hours might've passed before you started thinking it was all in your head until you saw a girl dressed in all black look around from behind a tree. You were wondering if she was the cause, but you decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, and think that she was just wandering around the woods. That was until she teleported to your house and tried to decide what block to take from your house. "Hey you, stop right there!" You yelled. She immediately stopped what she was doing and looked scared in your direction. "So sorry sir I'll be on my way." She tried to teleport away. Thinking on your feet, to stop her you took out a fishing rod casted the line on her and managed to hook onto her shirt. When she teleported instead of going to one place she was teleporting everywhere, and the fishing line was most likely the thing the thing messing with her. [Wait for it.] You thought waiting for the right moment to pull on the fishing rod. You eventually found the right time and pulled on the fishing rod, and pull you did you pulled on the line a bit to hard causing her to fall down. You then ran over to her pulling out your sword. "Wait, wait, wait don't kill me!" She said waving her arms in front of her. "Are you the one who's been messing with me?" You asked. "Yes, but I have a reason, you see you just looked so cute looking for the missing blocks that I couldn't help it." She said. "What's your name?" You asked. "I'm Andr, Andr the Endergirl." "I'm (YourName), and is it possible for you to bring back the blocks you stole?" "Yeah, just give me a minute." She said before disappearing.
An hour passed before Andr had finished bringing back all the blocks she stole. You then got everything and started going back inside, but Andr stopped you. "Hey (YourName)." She said. You turned around only to have her kiss you on the cheek. Andr now blushing said, " remember me whenever something goes missing." Then teleported away.

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