Debito x reader (bidding princess)

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A/N: Sorry for not updatin much. too much work or maybe im just gettin lazy :3. on with story


Y/N's P.O.V

"minna-san, thank u for attending the 6th annual jewerly bidding expo. We got instore for you the shiniest and most indestructible jewerly crusted things. On with the bidding. First up is the..."

I heard from the commentator said. 'i dont care about that bling. All im interested this year is the 40 karat diamond crusted chain necklase' i thought to myself. Instead waiting for the chain that i wanted to be called, i headed in the casino first just incase some bidder bids more than me. Before i could enter, there goes Debito, blocking my path.

"Where are you going, pera prinsesa?" (A/N: Since felicita is called bambina, i thought Y/N should have a nickname too. translation 'money princess') Debito asked me. i tried to not notice him and walked away but he keeps getting in the way

"to the casino cant you see? now please excuse me" i acted cool and walked away. He shouted

"Good luck on this years bidding, prinsesa". I turned around and gave him an annoyed look. After playing countless black jacks, slot machines and maybe getting a couple of drinks, i returned in the bidding hall with little drowsiness.

"okay, next for the bidding is the...40 karat diamond crusted chain necklase"  the commentator said. 'just in time' i said to myself

"bidding will start at...200 000 ¥". "i bid 200 000 yen" a man in a black suit said

"okay 200 000 ¥"

"350 000 ¥*hiccup*"  i said a little bit dizzy. 'no one will top that

"anyone higher than that?"  the commentator said

"400 000 ¥" somebody said


"400 000 ¥" i shouted. quickly  i grabbed Y/N's attention. 'i see that is what she wanted' i smirked then she gave me a death glare and shouted

"500 000 ¥" Y/N shouted. 'im not gonna lose'

"550 000 ¥" i shouted to the commentator which made Y/N more flustered with anger

"okay 550 000 ¥. going once, going twi..." the commentator was cutted off

"650 000 ¥ *hiccup* along with my purse worth of 100 000 ¥ *hiccup*. Aint no one shall get that except me, bidding princess!*hiccup*" Y/N gave it her all but...

"amazing 750 000 ¥ going once, going twice...going"

"800 000 ¥" i cutted the commentator.

"wow! 800 000¥, shall someone go higher, going once"

'prinsesa cant anymore'

"going twice"

'I win'

going thrice, sold to our head of coin department, Debito!" the commentator said and a big round of applause was heard. i came up and got my prize but i saw Y/N got out of the bidding hall. I followed her. She was there sitting outside staring at the whole island of regalo.

Y/N's P.O.V

'i was beaten by him. i am the bidding princess, how did i lost to him' i thought to myself as i look up to the stars. then somebody sitted beside me. it was debito.

"so prinsesa, i beated you. It seems we know who is the better bidder" he said to me.

"tsch, i lost some of my money in the casino *hiccup*, i should have won if i havent gone into the casino"  i said while not facing him.

"look prinsesa..." he paused. then he put his arm around my shoulder and said

"yeah i know, but i have a present for you" then he showed me the necklase and wore it on me.

"i didnt mean to steal that to you. i just wanted to give it to you as a present" debito said.

"and what do you want in return, 900 000 ¥ from me?"  i said facing him but flushed red face

"baka, i like you prinsesa. I will always bid the highest for you" debito said and hugged me and kissed my forehead. i hugged him back

"okay, *hiccup* but dont bid the highest when it comes against me okay, i worked hard to gain the title bidding princess*hiccup*" i said

"okay, prinsesa"  debito said

"and stop calling me prinsesa, *hiccup* you can call me by my name baka" i said and flicked his forehead

"hai hai Y/N" debito said

"thats more like it"



A/N: hope Y/N was satisfied. what should i write next? hmmmmmmmm...... i dunno the idea will come to me in time but for now byebye

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