Chapter 1~ The Boys

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Harry's POV:

UgH.... I drift to sleep being annoyed by Niall reading that damn book. It sounds horrible (IT'S AMAZAYN)

"Harry. YO HARRY GET UP NOW." I hear my mom yell. That's not like my mom to say. I open one eye. I'm not in my room with the boys anymore. I'm in some random person's room... Okay...


I wake up abruptly. "if you get Dauntless, you stay with us." she looks serious. What is Dauntless? I look for a book. Where is the one I need? I look around. There is a random history book. I start to read.


One of the 5 factions. The worst of the 5. Bravery is what they believe in. No cowardice or you are considered unfaithful to your Faction. Aptitude tests, as you know, are taken at the age of 16 for every faction. Dauntless tests include getting a shot and being put into a realistic stimulation of their fears. They are tested on what they do. What object they pick up.

I close the book. What. The. Hell.

My mother leads me out to the school. What's going on? I'm 19 not 16?! We must be in Niall's stupid book... I come to realize that NOW? I rub my temples to prepare myself for the "test"


Once my test is over I'm literally SHAKING. No joke. I shutter. Damn butterflies. Ew...

"looks like your result is... Candor." the woman -Whoose name is Erin- smiles at me. ( P.S Erin is basically Eric ;) )

"okay..." I say a little confused. I will have to look it up. Once I get home I find mom has left. So I pick up the book and read the section for Candor.


The most honest of the 5. Are always truthful. Believe that if you tell a lie you are a traitor. Test includes a simulation of what could happen in real life

I feel bad for which one of us got Candor...

I shudder.


Liam's POV:

"Liam, baby, you have to wake up. It's aptitude tests today." my eyes shoot awake. What? I remember Niall saying something about, Aptitude tests when he was reading but I thought nothing of it. "what?" I say obviously confused. "Sweetie, you have your test? To find out if you go to another Faction or stay with us in Erudite?" she asks like I have 3 heads. I should know this stuff? I shake my head. "ok..." I look around. My clothes are blue. I love blue. The room is blue also. It's not my home. We must be in Niall's Story. I gasp.

No. I can't.

I look for a book. Being they are everywhere, I grab one that says Faction History. I open it to that strange word Erudite after reading Dauntless and Candor. I feel bad for which one of us got Candor.


The smartest of the 5. Have great knowledge of... Everything. Tests include a simulation of an event that might happen. It determines which faction you belong to.

Seems like we have to take this 'test'. I walk briskly into school. Let's see what these things are.


That. Was. Horrible.

"Ok. Your results are... Abnegation." the man smiles at me. His name is Joe. (Jeanine :p)

"thank you." I smile at him and leave. So Abnegation. I leave to do more studying. 


Louis' POV:

I wake up to my mom yelling for me to get up. "you have aptitude tests today." she says quietly. I freeze. I have school... And this test thing. I herd Niall mention it when he was reading.... I SUCK AT TESTS!  I don't want a test! "ok mom." I say quietly getting up to change. There's a yellow shirt and red pants for me. I roll my eyes and pull my old clothes off and put on the new ones.

But first I need to look this whole thing up. That book looks reasonable. I open it up.


The most peaceful of the 5. Believe that violence is unnecessary.  Tests use a simulation and are put into an event that could happen in real life.

Thats all I needed so I close the book.

I'm still a  little confused but I have to go to school and do this test.


Oh my gosh WHO CREATED THAT TEST! I'm scarred for life! I'll never be the same around another dog that's for sure. I wonder how the other boys coped with this.

"Your result is... Candor." John smiles (Johanna ;)  )

Alright I guess.


Zayn's POV:

"Hey Zaynie get up you have your aptitude test today!" My mom yells for me to wake up. "Get up and go get Candor!" She encourages and rips the blanket off forcing me to get up.

"mum I don't want to ta-" Wait.... Whats an aptitude test? And I don't go to school!

"Never mind." I laugh throwing on some clothes and nervously leaving for school, backpack in hand. While I walk I take out my history book and search for the word 'Candor'.


The most honest of the 5. Are always truthful. Believe that if you tell a lie you are a traitor. Test includes a simulation of what could happen in real life

I guess I have a stupid test today...


That test was pretty easy I mean, REALLY! Like come on!

My result was Dauntless... Whatever that means.


Sorry that sucked :) I'll update faster this time ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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