Life Update

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Hey to all those who still actually read this book, I am back from the dead, aka my actual life. I am going to try to update this book more plus it's almost the end of the first quarter so things should slow down for at least a week. Before I get into what's going on right now let me catch you up on my life from when I stopped posting to the present.

So I last left off a week to week and a half before school started. I believe I said that things were getting busy and stressful already and that I was going to take a tiny break until things settled down. Why were things so stressful you might ask? Well let me tell you, at the end of last school year I was elected class president. At my school each class has to earn money to pay for graduation expenses, class gift, and senior class gift. It is best to start raising money your freshman year and keep raising a good amount of money your sophomore and junior year so that when senior year roles around things aren't very stressful and you can actually do cool stuff. Well for the last couple years my class has done nothing even with my nagging and pushing, like we didn't even have 1,000 dollars yet. So now we have to raise most of it this year. This of course has been very stressful because it means a lot of work and fundraisers. Oh and did I mention that most of my class is very lazy and doesn't know what the word work means? I don't know about your guys's financial situations or how you guys are so please don't take any of what I say offensively, I am solely talking about the group of kids that make up my class here. So the majority of my class are rich doctor's kids (Also to some of you, and I know this goes the same for my class you don't think that the amount of money a doctor makes is enough to me considered rich, but if you look at their large houses compared to the mobile home I live in, it seems like rich to me.) and by majority I mean 95% of my class are doctor's kids. Like these guys get $100 allowances. They don't understand really what it means to work for what you want. A good example of this is school activities like banquet or retreats, their parents just hand them the money but if I want to do any of this I have to pay for it my self, that means out of my pocket. Often times for me this is months of savings (my monthly allowance is $16, I recently got an allowance raise too.) So we have all these fundraisers and guess who has helped out the whole time at every one, me. And some people don't even bother showing up. Like we sell food at the home volleyball games. My younger sister plays on the JV team but I haven't ever gotten to see her play because iv'e been in the kitchen the whole time for every game. WARNING, WARNING, WARNING (red light starts blinking, screen starts flashing WARNING RANT, WARNING RANT) The girl in my class (there are only two of us girls) plays on the varsity team and she won't help out during JV games because "they are all really one team and so she needs to be out there supporting them" even if there are only two people able to help because everybody else in our class is at an away soccer game and obviously can't be there to help. I got really frustrated with her one time and told her that I haven't seen my sister play at all and I thought she could at least help out once. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DID??? SHE GAVE ME SOME LAME EXCUSE THAT'S WHAT!!!!! h-h-h-hmmm, excuse me I don't know what happened there. Also my class won't take any responsibility what so ever and of course I am super stressed because I have to do every thing. This may sound crazy but it is 100% true. I have had one massive headache since the last time I posted a chapter to this book, like I wake up with a headache and I got to sleep with one every singe day. So I try handing off a small little responsibility to this girl, like all she has to do is get three people to help out with our fundraiser that happens every Friday, she doesn't even have to bee there just line up three people to help but she says she can't and her mom told my mom that this girl, were just going to call her Polly can't help with basically anything because "she is too stressed out" and at this point I am like "Girl, you don't even know the meaning of the word stress!" Ok, I am going to stop complaining about class stuff but boy, you better believe me when I say there are so many other stories to rant about!

Besides that there is school work (which I really should be doing right now) which is quite a bit, thankfully I don't have to take as many classes this year. And I am doing soccer, which today's game is most likely the last game of the season which I am missing :( (I shall explain why in a bit.) So iv'e been heck a busy.

So now why I am updating in the middle of the school day and missing possibly the last soccer game of the season. I am sick, there has been a bug going around at school plus iv'e been feeling like iv'e been trying to get sick for two months now. I lost the battle :(. I was sick yesterday as well but was hoping to be able to be better so I could go to the game today but that didn't work out.

Now I want to talk about the future what what is in store for me and this account.

In the immediate future (this weekend) I am going to JR/SR Retreat. JR/SR is a spiritual retreat for any Jr or Sr that wants to go. Don't worry it isn't some creepy spiritual thing, it is put on by the Seventh Day Adventist denomination. So I am really exited for that especially getting to see some people I had met at the leadership conference held at that same place. (if you want to know what leadership is ask and I will talk about my experience and explain what it is in a future update.) So I am definitely going to be better by Friday!

This is something only my family and I have talked about so far but I want to talk to you guys about it. Last year I was really unhappy at the school I am going to and was planning on going somewhere else this year. But when I got elected president (and I really don't understand why because I am pretty sure my whole class hates me) I decided to stay there. But things haven't really gotten better this year and I am starting to turn sour again. (I was a very sour grumpy gus by the end of last year.) So my parents and I have been talking and there is a chance that at the end of the semester I can switch to a different school. (I keep trying for the end of the quarter but i'm not getting that.) The school I would be going to is this partial home school which means I go in for classes only two days a week. This would mean that I would have more time for Wattpad. I have also been considering starting a YouTube channel if I start homeschooling at the end of the semester. I'm not sure what videos I would want to do yet, Iv'e been considering either gaming or more of a vlogging type channel. Either way I would have to buy equipment for it. But ya.

Also I have a TON of new book ideas but I am not going to start any of them until I finish one of the book I am already writing, which will be a while because I don't have time right now.

So tell me what you want to see in a future update. I want to have more interaction with you guys so the next update will be about what you decide. And to make this more interesting I won't update until you guys tell me what you want to see.

1. Talk about something I mentioned in this update. This can be any thing from the leadership conference I went to, or more about the Seventh Day Adventist denomination, other rants/stories about my class, or even my book ideas.

2. Talk about my life. this would either be a what happened that day or a long update depending on how soon you guys tell me what you want to see. Either way I will try to make it a decent update, more then just a sentence long.

3. Drawing challenge. Give me something to attempt to draw and them post it on this book.

4. *Insert your wonderful idea here* basically if there is something else you would like to see then let me know, the last three were just things I came up with in a couple minutes.

5. Just thought of this after I finished #4 and didn't feel like changing any thing. Q&A. If you want to see a Q&A comment down below and comment some questions for me to answer in the next update.

Until next time...


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