Sonic The Hedgehog: A Tale Of Speed 3

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Sonic And Tails Were Flying In The Tornado After The Escapade They Just Pulled.

Note: I Am Going To Try A First Person View This Time Around. Back To Our Featured Presentation.

Sonic POV: "Tails, Look in the sky!" It was the Death Egg falling on to Angel Island! As it crashed, I wondered what happened to Eggman. He was the one who started my adventure, he also made my life a total wreck. On the good side,however,I saved all of my friends. Right when I came back to reality, gravity had a grip on The Floating Island! It had fallen into the sea.

Two Minutes Earlier....

??? POV: I have finally found the Master Emerald! Time to repair my fabulous Death Egg!


Sonic's POV: "Tails, land on the island." As we landed on the beach, I sensed danger nearby. At First, I thought it was my stomach wanting Chili Dogs. But at that moment, a echidna came out from under me and stole the Chaos Emeralds! He then ran off and I tried to chase him, but I was cascaded up into the air by a rope.

Tails' POV: That's Sonic for Ya. Always rushing into traps.

Sonic The Hedgehog: A Tale Of Speed 3 (Preview!)Where stories live. Discover now