Part 2: The Mishap

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"Why would you even say that to your little brother?!"

"Why in the world do you even have those?!"

"You guys are only kids!"

"these were the only sounds I heard from my parent's mouth for the last few hours, over and over and over they yelled and yelled at my older brother who sat there in his room motionless, and I just stayed in the living room to scared to move fearing I too would get punished. I just stayed and watched T.V and the yelling didn't come. I slowly passed out on the floor."

"Now my story is interesting but not quite yet"

15 years later...

"The new holographic watch was just released to the public today, Say goodbye to having filthy screens!"

This filled me with excitement as a lay on the couch watching the news with my older brother

"We have been waiting for this for two years!" I said with a glimmer in my eye.

I  know bro, guess we don't need our touch screen watches anymore they're so 2016! 

My brother has always said this phrase, so being his brother this made me laugh, in return he gave me a friendly punch. But anyway we had to hurry or else we would both be late and they would be all sold out, we quickly jumped on our hoverboards( these hoverboards were actual hoverboards not the ones with the wheels) and raced quickly to the electronic store, luckily we got right on time and that's when it happened...

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