Part 4: The Repeat

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The next thing I know I was being shaken awake by the same nurse that delivered me the news about my brother's death. The lights blared in my eyes again as I got up confused and upset. I could hardly hear over the sound of the building crashing, wait, the building crashing?" What is happening!" I yelled in a panic. "The building is crashing down obviously! We don't know what caused it but we have to leave now!" Hearing this, I thought ' That's what happened to my brother, an unnatural cause that was based on rocks, like earthquakes or avalanches, something weird is going on.' I wasn't ready to run so the nurse grabbed me a wheelchair and wheeled me out as fast as she could. I could hear the wheels start to screech or at least what was left of the wheel. In our fast speed another wheel snapped off and slid right under the nurse's feet, she tripped and fell but with the last push she gave me I speed towards the door which shattered in my impact cutting my hands and face.

At least I made it out...

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